Katrina News Thread!!!


Out AZ way
Feb 3, 2003
To our friends in southern Florida, who have already been hit, Loisiana and other places on the gulf coast in the path of Katrina. We wish you the best, and hope you and your loved ones are all safe and you get by without any major losses. This hurricane looks like it's going to be a real doosy, so take care and keep in touch if you can.
I was just coming in to do this, (Thanks Don! - Please forgive my editing... :) )

Katrina was upgraded to a cat5 storm.

Anyone who wishes to send Well Wishes To the SE US and anyone that is in the SE United States - PLEASE Keep us updated!!!

Best Of Luck - From The Gauge Staff!!!!!
N Gauger said:
I was just coming in to do this, (Thanks Don! - Please forgive my editing... :) )...
Hey, nothing to forgive. Your title makes better sense than mine did.:D:D

I guess they've got a better handle on where it's headed. I wish all people in New Orleans the best. They'd better be on the road north instead of on the computer right now.
We're hunkering down. My windows are boarded up and the trains are packed in the sea trunk. Ya'll wonder why I use that diorama alot? ;) While well to the west of us, it's close enough to give us winds in the range of 50-100 mph. It still could make a turn that could have us scurrying to the Milton Community Center. We do have family that has decided to stay where they are and north of New Orleans is no place to stay. Please pray that God would grant them the wisdom to get out while there is still time. Will keep you all posted as we can and as the power and phone lines hold up.
Well, I'm only inland about 75 air miles North of Gulfport, MS.
I'll update you on our progress. We are ready for it.
Thanks for your concerns.....
My wife, stepdaughter and grandchild are stuck in the grid lock on hwy 90 around Morgan City (East of New Orleans). She was down in Dulac visiting her family when they recieved the mandatory evac notice. Dulac is not lower than sea level like N.O.,, but it is only 2-3 feet above. It's basically in the marsh and not far from the Gulf.

My Inlaw's house is built 10 feet off the ground (mandatory for new houses since the last time the town was erased by a hurricane), but that won't make a difference if the surge is 15-20 ft. I fear that there won't be much left around there. If not blown down, it's going to be inundated with water.

Guess that's what you can expect if you live in hurricane alley.

As for N.O. I also have relatives that live there. My aunt leaves anytime a hurricane enters the Gulf, so I'm not worried about her. Hopefully, my other relatives have left.

Those highways better be cleared by the time it hits land. I sure wouldn't want to get caught sitting in a car during something like this. The highways out of N.O. are just about 20ft above Lake Ponchatrain's water level.

Regardless, this one is a beast. Not only is it strong, it's also extremely wide.

It's another Camille, or Andrew. It's not the one to ride out and have a hurricane party. I feel for the people who can't get out. For those who have the means, but think it's going to be a fun ride and decide to stay, are idiots.
jim currie said:
Don feal for the ones in its path but makes me glad the only real weather threat we face is 120 deg, days.
Yeah Jim, you're right. We can drive in our A/C'd cars, go into our A/C'd houses, stores and workplaces to get out of the heat, but these people can do nothing but leave, and then clean up when it goes away.

Something to think about, but what would you take of all your worldly possessions if you could only take what would fit in the vehicle you were leaving in. Realizing that what you leave behind will probably not be there when you get back. :confused: Hard choices.....
my thoughtsand best wishes andprayesarewith all the people that are effected by this storm, hopeall are safe and remain that way.....
Cat 5, is no breeze, andhope that god is on a catt 6 alert....hop[e you`llhave a safe one..steve
We, up here on the west coast of Canada hope that all of you in the path of this storm are able to weather it with the least damage possible.
Hang in there and I hope to hear that you are all doing well after Katrina.
Good Luck and Godspeed.
My thoughts and best wishes for lots of luck are with all the Southerners in the way of that beast.

After extreme spells of heavy rain and storms in the last two weeks here in the Alpine part of Switzerland we had (and partially still have) the biggest floods and landslips ever in this country. Having seen what nature can do, I am deeply concerned about the health of the people threatened by Katrina. Let's all hope that all are able to pull through safely, even when their homes might be damaged by the hurricane.

ezdays said:
Yeah Jim, you're right. We can drive in our A/C'd cars, go into our A/C'd houses, stores and workplaces to get out of the heat, but these people can do nothing but leave, and then clean up when it goes away.

Something to think about, but what would you take of all your worldly possessions if you could only take what would fit in the vehicle you were leaving in. Realizing that what you leave behind will probably not be there when you get back. :confused: Hard choices.....

Thanks for the perspective guys, not alot of us live anywhere near the water but those folks seem to get most of the press. You can bet that, for every flooded car or house you see on CNN, there's a counterpart barn, tractor, combine or haybaler you don't see. As for the possessions, this will be the third time in 11 months that I've packed my work into two Army footlockers I call my sea trunks. Most of you have seen my work and can appreciate the feelings that go thru my mind as I pack them up, wondering if this will be the last time I see them. My first joy are my beloved and my munchkins, but each of those models has its own little piece of me in them as well, something no check from Allstate can replace.

Thank you for your prayers and concerns, we are doing well. Blessings, BC
My prayers to them in it's path. As having been 3 mi. from Charley's landing I know what
they have to come.
I heard at noon that the Dome stadium lost some of its roof (thousands were sheltering in there.
Also, that the water was already at 5ft. high on the streets, the water level can't confirm
the roof I can. It was at MSN.
shaygetz said:
Thanks for the perspective guys, not alot of us live anywhere near the water but those folks seem to get most of the press. You can bet that, for every flooded car or house you see on CNN, there's a counterpart barn, tractor, combine or haybaler you don't see. As for the possessions, this will be the third time in 11 months that I've packed my work into two Army footlockers I call my sea trunks. Most of you have seen my work and can appreciate the feelings that go thru my mind as I pack them up, wondering if this will be the last time I see them. My first joy are my beloved and my munchkins, but each of those models has its own little piece of me in them as well, something no check from Allstate can replace.

Thank you for your prayers and concerns, we are doing well. Blessings, BC
yup :( Those are the things you never hear of - those personal things - that money can't replace :( :(

Our news said - they are forming "Wagon trains" of electric repairmen & Red cross people to go from as far as New York... :) they need about 10,000 lineman... :( :(

Best of Luck & let us know how you fared as soon as possible...

We're all praying for everyone down there......
I too sat it out this time in sunny Ft. Walton Beach, FL. My wife and I usually evacuate but since the storm was pretty far to our west we felt safe. So far so good. 20 pounds of leaves in the pool but nothing too bad.

Sunday I had time to start painting the Walther carfloat apron for the clubs wharf area. If any of you are thinking about this model I think you are going to find it quite a challence to build and paint.

I wish I could have found the car float as well. Scratch building one is going to be a tough thing.

Hey, Chris :wave: A bit more intense 30 miles west of you but we only got 2" of rain and 70mph sustained winds with one gust at 99mph. Like you though, I hunkered down with a project and waited it out. Still pretty windy and I've checked the sewage lift station for the last time tonite---(sniiiiiiff...ahhhh :rolleyes: )---yep, still pumping. :thumb: