Idaho Springs Mine (Campbell craftsman kit)

Looking good:thumb:

Why do you use Dullcoat first under paint? Doesn't the paint totally cover it?

It dulls the shine so anyplace the paint doesn't cover won't shine and ruin the effect.

Nazgul- nice to see you back and posting modeling pics:thumb: This is a structure I see tucked away in a corner and served by a small siding, code 70 rail and not alot of ballast if it's nearing the end of the line (no pun intended:p)
CNWman...Thanks for stopping by and also for the encouragement!:thumb:
I agree that the scene you discribed would be perfect!

Doc...the reason that I Dullcoat before painting is becuse I have found that my cheapo acrylic paints sometimes don't "grab" on really shiny plastic. The Dullcoat seems to help. I also forgot to mention that I Dullcoated again after painting to protect the paint from all the handling they will receive when I try to fit the "glass" and install them. It seems like a waist of time but my blow dryer really makes it pretty fast:thumb:
Toe???!!! in the water?
Steve, the only thing "not in the water" is my nose!
I think you'll have fun with this kit, I've done a couple of their kits before, a little care, and patience, and you'll have a neat looking structure.........then again, a little "customization" here and there never hurts.:mrgreen:
Pete...I don't know how you have time to post with everything you have going on!!!:winker::gaptooth:

Well the weather was beautiful this weekend and my daughter's birthday party was Saturday, but I still managed to get a little something done.

I got started on the bin wall.......what I found was that the templates included did not correspond well with the precut openings in the wall. It really only messed me up when I drilled the four holes in the crosspiece (they didn't line up with the edges of the bin openings). Luckily I noticed the problem and re-did the piece.




That's where I'm at...........

Take care:wave:
Pete...I don't know how you have time to post with everything you have going on!!
Steve, I was given my "life's philosophy" very early on. You can plan for the future,don't dwell on it. Remember the past, don't get lost in it. But you only have this moment to live,so live it!
I try to keep my moments as full as I can, so none of them get by me, "un-used". :mrgreen:
Pete...Those are words to live by!

All I got done was some hidden bracing and the interior supports for the bin floor....nothing worthy of pics. I hope to have something worth seeing in a day or two.

Take care
I finished the bracing and then decided to try and get the panels to look a little less "blotchy" (kind of blend things in a little better). I used dark gray and black chalk for this part of the weathering job.


Now it was time to put the four walls together. You can see the bin floor in this pic and the shed as well.


Various angles




I just placed the roofs on to see to see how they were going to look (they need extra weathering as well).

That's where I'm at now. Still lots more to do (roof joists, coal chutes, trestle work.....plenty!):eek:

Take care:wave:
Scott...You are way too kind! Thank you so much:thumb::thumb::thumb:
jxn1138...Thank you!!!!!!!!!

I put the bins together and attached them. The templates did not match the width of the pre-cut openings (luckily I had extra material).

Just a few pics:




I don't know what I will get accomplished this weekend, but we shall see.....

Take care:wave:
Thank you Bernhard....that means alot coming from you:thumb::thumb::thumb:!

Still lots to go on this kit yet

My original thought was that the shed was going to be the most beat up part of the structure, so with that in mind, I proceeded to really rust up the roof and also bend it here and there to give it a really dilapidated look. Well, after showing pics to a friend he said he saw no reason why one roof would be in worse shape than the other (I agreed and so I did the same to both roofs).

I had trouble getting good shots with my crummy indoor lighting, so I took it outside:




Progress on the next phase:

I started to work on the Mine track (sorry about the picture quality


Still have trestle work and all the roof trim left to do.......

Take care:wave:
Steve, it’s always a great pleasure to watch as your modeling projects unfold. The mine looks fantastic :thumb:.
Thank you Bernhard....that means alot coming from you:thumb::thumb::thumb:!


sorry, this was a questions to you. With such fine models - next ideas should follow.
However my present project (the gondola cars) grows and after finishing the details I will write again. However you are right, the next modeling job has started - a very nice building, I think.

Kurt...Thank you for those gracious words, my friend:thumb:

Bernhard...It has been a while since I visited your various scratch-building threads. I really can't put into words the beauty and ingenuity of all your work. I am really just in awe of your talent and dedication to your craft.:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

Another project I will be starting is my 21ft shelf layout, it has however shrunk from 2ft deep to 1ft deep.............good things come in narrow packages!:gaptooth::winker:


I started the bents and retaining wall......still need cross bracing and upper supports. I did manage to cap the roof as well. The retaining wall is made from individual planks. Looks like it needs more weathering:



Take care:wave:
Ohh man....I hadn't realized this was your project..!!! It's just terrifically AWESOME..!! You make it look so easy...!!! You've just got to squeeze this baby in somewhere on your layout....It's just too good for a diorama....:thumb::thumb::thumb:
Steve, SLAP FANTASTIC JOB so far!:thumb::thumb::thumb: .

the craftsmanship you are putting into this project is AWESOME:thumb:, and the weathering is nothing short of SLAP STUPENDOUS!:worship: ...:eeki::winki: , fact is, SOME of us with "weathering skills" could take a lesson or two from YOU, my friend:winki: .

Keep up the GREAT WORK & updates:thumb::mrgreen: .
Gus....Thank you:thumb::thumb::thumb:....The sad fact is, there is really NO place for it on the up-coming layout. I am however, having a great time building it:winker::thumb:. Perhaps I will just display it in the Train (family) room.

Deano...:eek: With all of your skill and modeling/DCC/proto RR knowledge, you could easily be some stuck-up, arrogant, know-it-all.....we know a few, don't we :winker:....but you are not! I don't believe that there is a more positive, encouraging, respectful person on this or any other forum. As great as you are with all your engines and weathering are an even better person....I think we could all take a lesson from you there:thumb:.
Thank you, my good friend


I am basically a lazy modeler and I am always looking for ways to cut corners. I had decided not to bother with the fascia boards (on the Mine and shed) and the rafter tails either, because....IT WAS TOO MUCH WORK!:mrgreen:

Well, after really looking at the roof, I came to the painful conclusion that the over-hang was just too much not to have them:rolleyes:. Anyway, like so many times before......I am glad I did it because I think it really gives the roof some "weight" and just makes the whole structure seem more solid and finished. Here are a few pics:




Now I can get back to work on the upper supports for the mine track:winker:

Take care:wave:
Steve, not being lazy pays off sometimes (fortunately, quite often it does :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:), the fascia boards and the rafter tails are great improvements. (That reminds about some donw spouts for Wollenberg?:mrgreen::twisted::twisted:)