Hi from the uk

I went through a phase of just making aircraft, but last year didn't make any. just tried to make other things.


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Hehe, your "Like" count is going to exceed your post count. And this is "just" your introduction thread. I'm wondering how a build thread of yours will look like..! :) :King:
A good model of Emilia Erhart electric L10 at 1/33 would be great. I have purchased one from E-card models but it is pretty basic
We have a very nice model of her in the Resource section:
It was created by Gary Pilsworth and is in 1/48 scale. However, I guess the level of detail is comparable to the one you have built. There is no cockpit interior, too, but the texture surely is different and makes the model pop. :)
A few more individual model pics.
The first is a dam buster Lancaster from E-card models. Upscale to a wingspan of 1.2m with no internal formers. The 2nd is a life-size Rpg7 .
The others are of Duglas Borders spifireIMAG0513.jpg


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Most of my models I will seal with a coat of enamel gloss varnish. Humbrol.
It normally takes 2 coats as the 1st one is very quickly absorbed.

The side effects is that the varnish works like a resin and stiffens the card with out spoiling the ink jet finish
That Lancaster is superb!!!!!!!! :King: :biggrin:

I'm looking for a Lanc model, post war, in Maritime Reconnaissance (UK) colours.... (Grey & White)
Have you seen a paper model version of this on your travels in the paper modelling world?
That beauty that you have built, would certainly stir some memories, in whichever version .... ;)

My father was based at RAF St Mawgan in Cornwall, England, in the early 50's. http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafstmawgan/aboutus/history.cfm

Thanks to the earlier USAF build of the Control Tower, my father worked within it, as aircraft controller.

Wartime Lancaster and Shackleton aircraft were converted for reconnaissance duties, post war, and a lot were based at RAF St. Mawgan. But, as from the Lancasters' point of view, it was the last RAF base to use them in service.

My father, (the lucky $h|t,) would occasionally get a ride home to the nearest RAF base on one or the other birds........ :)

I would love to build him one...... ;)


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What a brilliant story.
I'll have a look round. I have only seen war service eara aircraft but I will do a trawl later on to day and let you know what I find.

Here is another pic of the lanc


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Rev Ian, your HMS Starling is very nice indeed. This ship had quite a history, being able to hunt down and kill U-Boats, on a "Seek and Destroy" basis. I like ships with a history behind them.
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Rev Ian, your HMS Starling is very nice indeed. This ship had quite a history, being able to hunt down and kill U-Boats, on a "Seek and Destroy" basis. I like ships with a history behind them.
Thanks Zathros. Here are a few more pics of it during later stage bulid.
The chain for the anchor is plated cotton cord. I made 3 lengths of 2x twisted thick cotton which I then high tacked under tension. When these were dry I then plated them. I think the chain works well and the technique is scalable.


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@Rev Ian
Just out of curiosity, are you a "Reverend", or is that a nickname? You don't have to answer than, just curious. I think everyone here knows I am Christian, but I do respect all seekers of the truth, no matter (well, to a point!) :) ) what shape or form that may take, what's in your heart is between you and your maker. :)
I'm the Pastor of a small indipendant evangelical Church called the Rock.
I've been serving as pastor for 10 years here but was in North Wales before that.
I graduated from Morlands Christian training college in 99. B. A Applied Theology.
Formally I was a bus driver☺