girder arch trestle

Bill Pontin

Oct 14, 2001
Milford, CT
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Building another four foot N Trak module and wanted something with a deep gorge in front. Alas, where do I find a two and a half foot bridge to span the gorge without piers. Looking around on the internet decided on structure similar to the picture.


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Found the raw material I needed at a train show, plastic bridge girders manufactured by Central Valley of Oceano, CA. I under estimated the quantity needed and was frantically searching all the LHS for more. A call to the manufacture and a very understanding owner solved my dilemma. Here is the fixture I used to form the arches.


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Thanks to Central Valley I was able to complete the structure this evening. All I need now is to get my airbrush and compressor back to paint the structure. Still haven't figured out what colors to use. Any suggestions?


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Still need approaching girder bridges on both sides and trackwork. Cannot get ahead of the landscapping and rockwork. The blue line (not using a mountain division) can be seen ducking into seveal tunnels beyond the bridge


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Sent the attached picture to Central Valley as a thank you for getting me out of a fix. Still looking for a LHS that carries this material.


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Originally posted by Bill Pontin
Thanks to Central Valley I was able to complete the structure this evening. All I need now is to get my airbrush and compressor back to paint the structure. Still haven't figured out what colors to use. Any suggestions?

I'm not sure, but I think most steel bridges are painted with iron oxide primer.
Great looking bridge Bill. There are good suggestions already for colour but steel bridges come in all sorts so my suggestion is burnt umber. It is dark brown but looks like steel that has been painted then some rust and after time takes on the dark tone.
That is an awesome bridge. What did you use for handrails?

As for a LHS, try the Hobby Gallery, on Meriden Rd., in Wolcott. It might not be local for Milford, but they do carry the Central Valley line of Girders. I think that Shelton Railroad Systems carries the central valley line too. I'm not sure if their retail store is still open, but you can find them online. (

It's too bad that Central Valley doesn't make N-scale products. I love the detail. Jack makes some nice bridge kits. I'm up in Litchfield County, but it's nice to see another N-scaler from CT.

Take care.

Thats one hell of a nice bridge you have scratchbuilt, and even more fantastic is the fact that its an arch bridge which are quite difficult to construct.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments, going to go with Robin's recommendation of burnt umber, that sounds the most prototypical. Most do black and it just seems to blend into the background.

Eric, drove up to the Hobby Gallery, they had some Central Valley items but no girder material. Shelton RR, gave up going over there, never could figure out their hours. Have several hobby shops here in Milford but they are more interested in stocking military items.

Pat, sorry, did not get your e-mail. You are entirely welcome, hope the mold and letters work out and fit the bill.
Bill, just saw this thread. WOW! Beautiful bridge! Very nice work! The banner was a nice touch too. Can't wait to see a pic of trains rolling overhead!
Started back in on my NTrak module, been away for the last two weeks. Went with the burnt umber color and finished painting the bridge. Here it is just set in place on the module for now, remove it while I do the rock work and scenery. Adjusting the footings was harder than I thought, yup I remembered to take the finished height from the cork roadbed.


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Was really stumped on the footing or supports. Found exactly what I need in my copy of MR's "Bridges and Trestles" book. Still have some more detail to add to them, but I pegged up the center of the girder and with everything loose it will allow me to make some minute height adjustments.


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