
Herc Driver

Active Member
Apr 18, 2005
North Carolina
I've tried several times today to post a picture to the weekly photofun thread to no avail. Each time, I get an error message, even though the pic is 800x600 and 168k for a jpg. Then when I try to go back to the original posts on that thread...the whole thread is gone! I have to log out, then back in again after a while to view that particular thread again. Strange how it just disappears like that.

Oh well...sorry there's no photo's from me...can't seem to get them to post reliably as I could before, and I really don't know the reason.
You should get a message in the "manage attachment" window as to why it did not accept the upload. Try it again and let us know what it says there. We have it set for 800 x 600 and your 168K is fine, so there's got to be another reason why it won't upload.
Same problem...different day. Each time I try to post a picture, I get the generic error asking me to refresh or retry or open the website again. I haven't been able to post pictures for well over a week now. I've logged out, waited a while and logged in...cleared my history, temp folders, cookies...still no luck. The pictures are all the right size and below the file size limit for .jpg images.
We want to get our own photo loading feature up and running as soon as possible. Meanwhile I decided to try photobucket for photo hosting and it works very nicely.

Peter says that there is an elusive glitch in the coding and he is doing his best to find it. He has a lot on his plate right now, but he promises to do his best to find it quickly. I'm as frustrated as the rest of you, but just keep in mind that Peter is running this whole show out of his own pocket and he is not independently wealthy so he needs to do other things as well to support his family. He is well aware of the situation and is trying to find the cause. He thought it would be easy, it turns out that it is not that simple, so again I ask, bear (or bare :mrgreen:) with him on this.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hey thanks for the update! Being able to manipulate code is waaaay above my pay grade and knowledge level so my hat's off to Peter for attempting a fix.