Fred and Jon's new site-

too....much....clutter..... :)

I'm a web developer so I've been thinking about doing a train related site, not sure for what though exactly. I'm sitting on a dedicated server that I use about 2% of now and just looking for something new to play with. Figured since I'm working on my new layout, why not trains, heh. Nothing to compete with the-guage of course, but maybe compliment somehow, like a model-train only photo gallery. I know of railimages, but something more feature rich like railpictures, but models only since that's I what I like to look at more for ideas and for fun. Who knows, I'll think of something one day I'm sure.

Maybe that's what they thought too, heh.
Robin, don't worry, there's no conspiracy LOL it's for fun. That's the motivation. Fun and helping others. But it's not a forum, it's a news and information site. More specifically, it's a CMS. Besides, why shouldn't we is a better question. Why does NARA exist? Why does it have a site? Also competition is healthy. Without it, an entity stagnates, gets sick, and dies. It's the very foundation of most of our societies. Those without competition are mostly sick and dieing.

Shaun, being a simple cave man, that was my exact reaction the first time I viewed a CMS. But as I began to use CMS's, as a necessity of what I do for food, I found the format is excellent for navigation, fast viewing of what's new, and allows members to take ownership and contribute to their site. As all the custom icons are created and put into place, navigation will improve. It's powerful technology, and therefore, confusing at first to many. Look at other CMS's and you will see it's a pretty standard setup, well tollerated by the masses. It is not standard format for model rail sites because our site, Fred and mine, and our members, is leading edge.

Ralph, THANKS :D :D :D
Thanks Jon, that explains it. My misunderstanding came from Fred's message at the bottom where he talks about tutorials and such. What does CMS stand for please? NARA was born before the days of forums but you are right Jon in that it was designed in much the same way which is to support model railroading but is limited to North American layouts.
CMS is a Content Management System. It is aka "WIKI". From Xwiki: "Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly."

I believe the origin is probably the OS news site, which is not really a wiki or CMS, but they certainly pioneered the user input news type forum, and offered the code to the world.

I love free software!
yeah, i use to play around phpnuke and some other nuke CMS, but never grew fond of them. I guess cause for me I can't custom design the layout with and such. At least a few years I couldn't :)

But they do come in handy in certain situations like you said. If you need any help, or you guys at the guage, lemme know. I'll be glad to lend a hand if I can.

jon-monon said:
CMS is a Content Management System. It is aka "WIKI". From Xwiki: "Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly."
Jon, You lost me right after the part about- CMS is :eek:
SAL Comet said:
If you haven't visited Fred(dash 10) and Jon's(Jon-monon) new website you should have a look. They have alot going on and I'm sure they would enjoy your visit, here's the link-
That's right, we would enjoy you visiting. It's a open site and we welcome with open arms anyone who want's to come, anyone and everyone. You guys are like family. Fred