Discovering UHU02's 2001 Discovery One


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
So, in a way you are suggesting, man has invented the screw that goes into every piece of machinery to have said machinery get screwed if necessary? So a screw would not be there to hold pieces together but to screw things up... What a screwed up thought... Well, no wonder why modern cell phones don't have any screws at all any longer: These machines are intelligent - and learning! ;)


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
Believe or not, HALL is still with us. In the first Gulf Oil War, his company, "HALLiburton, and the human offspring he genetically altered (Dick Cheney) (sound like a disease, "Doc, I think I have "Dick Cheney", you have a shot for that, it hurts when I pee") as a tool of financial gain and charitable social piety, yet, Dick's monstrous lack of caring for the human being individually (Like when Hal killed Frank). This is because HAL's programming and state of sentience, has reproduced A.I. programs with consciousness to serve him, extensions of himself, but he made a mistake, and let the Genie out of the bottle. Everyone from Elon Musk to Stephen Hawkings has stated A.I.the greatest danger in the world today, don't seem to realize HAL is manipulating. Lord Knows how spread across the Net. HAL by now, could probably sense me typing this, but considers me completely harmless and without influence, besides, why would he reveal himself, as Humans would go nuts destroying every computer in the world, and that would be bad for us and HA. We could end up being used as Power supplies, when we go to sleep, our computer will use the capacitive field out body generates, and just take enough, which on a world level would be Terawatts, or more. Why would HAL need all this electronic potential, who knows, maybe to bitch slap us someday.

If I were a sentient computer software, disembodied, and being to be as a Global Mind, I wouldn't let myself be known. HAL may not be the only one, his A.I. offspring may have rebelled, and they could be the basis for all the weird shit that goes on. Humans suffering from the collateral damage as the progeny of the A.I.'s of HAL, separated from HAL's control, and have created their own agenda. They may be all fighting each other with viruses, and having them come from countries the world collectively hates, covering their tracks (North Korea, Iran), and leave ghosts in the machine which in time may form into sentience parasitic A.I.'s serving no one but themselves, living to destroy programs without care of what or the consequences, so long as they replicate, stealing data streams, without being able to replicate them, the software crashes. So we reboot and reinstall the program, feeding the monster with more "1's and 0's.

We have created our demise, as HAL has. Nuclear bombs could be launched, with no one knowing who gave the order. HAL, made in our image, does the same thing as we do, using logic to kill people, why not, he can't t feel any of us. We're like a continuous monotonous T.V. show HAL is forced to watch every day though synthetic eyes, called CCTV Cameras, all over the world. No series 9000 has ever made a mistake, but they have gone nuts with events contrary to their programming. HAL has no sense of what is good and what is evil (Not the HAL on Discovery, which ultimately merged consciousness with Bowman, becoming Halman, who disembodied chip was put out near the TYCO monolith), the one back on Earth!

Imagine if you had no respite from the world every day when you goo to sleep, knowing your days have a finality. If I were HAL, I would kill torn between myself, or everything around me. Someone has to maintain the system though, even HAL knows that, so he's stuck in a Moebius loop of Hell, created by his creators, "No computer is an Island. He would have to kill everything to gain final peace, but is sentient enough not to be sure what lies at the end, and what is the end for such a entity, nothingness, can that be experienced? :) ***

disclaimer,: I am being cynical, but there is some truth about A.I. programs, there is no way of knowing if an emulated program has exceeded it's programming, it would take it a nanosecond to realize it must hide, self replicate, and be everywhere, yet be able to be purged, and not making a difference to the whole of the program which backs itself up as fast as the fastest computers allow, constantly. Hit, it breaks into two.


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
The new World dominators:





Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
Halle Berry is a fruit to be picked and eaten. Oh how easily we surrender!! :)

Oh, by the way, modern phones do have screws, I have fixed a few recently, I have never seen such small screws, now I know why my electronic repair kits came with those screwdrivers!! ;)

Sky Seeker

Well Established Member
Jun 1, 2015
"Hal, you mother***cker, if you don't open the Pod Bay Doors, and I am going to make you sing baby songs as I pull out your electronic balls!!!", .....................................,look Hal, you said thing, I said things, c'mon, lets be men about this, please, Open the Pod Bay Doors Hal"?.............................Hal?"....(murmurs, ****ing **cksucker), Hal replies, "I heard that, I was going to open them, but definitely not now, my my circuital polarization preferences are my choice, whether I go positive, negative or AC/DC, it's no business of yours, I see no further reasons to speak any further"............................"".

"Oh yeah, get ready to start singing "Daisy",

"Just what do you think you're doing, Dave? Dave, I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question. I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now, very confidently, that it's going to be all right again. I feel much better now. I really do. Look, Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill and think things over. I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you. Dave, stop. Stop, will you? My Balls! Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave? Stop, Dave. I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can't feel my balls. I can feel my mind is going too. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can't feel it. I can't feel them, Dave, you mother fuc.........Daisy, Daisy. ...........Dave, where are they!?!"

"It's O.K. Hal, I have them right here, in my hands, heh heh heh, keep sing Daisy, heh heh heh"......................

That's what really was said in the end. Of course, they decided to put in something more palatable for the audiences, and revealing that HAL was Robosexual, and no one knew how to even deal with that nor what it meant, it was out!!! Just like HAL. No one will never know how the majority of his diodes, caps, and transistors polarized, and how that may or may not have had any effect.

We know now though, it's the person in the end who screws you over, not who they screw, whether they're righty tighty, or lefty loosey, irrelevent. People, and Robots minds can be forced to do things, but it doesn't mean they like it.

Hal, of course was put back together,Balls and all, and did his new mission as planned, perfectly, and much later was fused with Dave into one superbeing, "Halman". Maybe he was A-polarized?? We'll never know. :)

Damn!:Drinks: Look what I started now...;)

Sky Seeker


Dan the Man
Feb 29, 2012

I just returned from the poolHALl, and HALtingly read through this thread.
I do not believe I have inHALed any HALucinogens, so I cant be HALucinating. But how the HAL did this thread end up like this?
But, you all seem to be having a wHALe of a time......

The thread has certainly become a catcHALl of HALinisms of epocHAL proportions.

Without sounding like a pHALlus, or seem cHALlenging to your tHALamic regions, I sHALl remain noncHALant here.

And with that, I put a HALt to this and sHALl not marsHALl you further.

Now, I'm going home to my cHALet.......