Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part V

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Good morning folks

It was 57 F and raining as I headed to work. Our high today is supposed to be 66 F but with more rain. That seems to be the pattern lately; warm temperatures and rain or cold temperatures and clear.

No modeling last night. We had parent-teacher conference for my daughter last night. Tonight we have one for my son.

I spent some time researching Cub Scout Arrow of Light ceremonies for the upcoming event. The previous administration did nothing special for Cub Scout’s highest award. They basically called the boys up during a Pack Meeting and handed them their award with no meaning or feeling. One year they didn’t even do in front of the pack as they did it at a Boy Scout meeting with no Cub Scouts present. One my Den Leaders described the old administration’s Pack Meetings as going to the dentist or as a cure for insomnia. I have hopefully changed that since we go through skits and presentations and the boys are heavily involved. We are hoping to give our AOL recipients a memorable night similar to what I remember as a Cub Scout.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Good morning.

It's a very nice 70 degrees here this morning under a cloudy sky, but like all things that's subject to change. We're expecting a high of 76 that will probably feel like 82 and there will be showers and a thunderstorm or two.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 4/1/2008

Wind Chill: 70°F
Humidity: 88%
Dew Point: 66°F

So Far Today

High: 72°F
Low: 70°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 17mph S

Today High: 80 Mostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs around 80. Light and variable winds.

Tonight Low: 62 Mostly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening. Lows in the lower 60s. Light and variable winds becoming northeast around 10 mph after midnight.

Is it just me or is Chief and Don Baker twins:shock: some how they have the same avatarsign1:confused:

I remember the arrow of light I was cub then a webalo then a scout then lost interest as I got older:mrgreen: camping in the winter was cool:cool:

only lost .7 pounds this week but a loss is a loss:thumb:

May see some work this month as a commercial customer is close to sending a purchase order for work to be done:mrgreen:
Home from heart echogram,all is well. then the doc says he wants one of those imaging stress test, I say why if nothings wrong, he says because of my age. Don't get old, stay young and work. retirement just means your old.
Cloudy and 56, with lots of wind,better tomorrow, I think.
Stay alert its April 1st and watch out for that politician,you know how they like getting in everyones private affairs. Can't trust em, S.J.
Sir James, one of the things you want to do is have a "baseline" stress test. This way, if you have an episode in the future, they can judge whether you have sustained damage. Another thing would be if over the years, you were to show a decrease in heart function, they could possibly fix things before you sustain damage.

As you mention about retirement, you need something to occupy your time and help you to keep going. That is one reason why I really like this hobby, it causes me to th ink and interact with y'all. I have gained some valuable friends here and look forward to developing in this hobby so that when I do retire, my mind still has something to keep me going.

Speaking of friends, while I was typing this, our dog jumped up and started to have fun playing with the keyboard. Was difficult to figure what he was typing, but he had fun.
God Bless,
Dennis I appreciate your explanation,thank you. Down deep I know it's a good thing,I just get tired of it all. Thanks again,,,S.J.
:wave: Thing to remember on the 1st of April is that a wise man is nothing more than a fool with experience:mrgreen: some of us have more experience than others:p

Went to kroger as manager had promised the church 300 jars of peanutbutter for $300.00 when we went to pick up and pay they were ringing up at over $1.50 ea then cashier called manager(or she went back in office at the service desk and pretended to talk to him)and came back and said we could only get some of them at that price and the total was well beyond the agreed upon pricewall1 with a bit of a fuss they let us get 60 jars being we had two different kroger cards which had a limit of 30 per card per day:curse: so we have to make more trips to store to get the remaining jars that were special ordered for us to begin with:cry:

A simple override would have been the best solution but being the person left in charge of the deal was too young and unwilling to make it right with the customer. The jars were for a mission project to Honduras to feed a bunch of people.

Sorry just had to vent a little bit:eek:
Hang in there, Sir James! Just have a cute nurse hold up a big bowl of Banilla and that will keep you going ;)

TomPM - my son just got AOL this year. They had some boyscouts come in and do a special ceremony dressed as American Indians. They talked about Akela and growing to be a man etc. They had a fake camp fire with a blower and lighted silk sock thing in it. Actually, they did it at the Blue and Gold and included a show from a magician first. Finally, the current leader of the boy's last cubscout den showed a dvd with lots of pics of the boys over the years (I liked this part, since I was in some of the pics from when I was the den leader) and gave a little speech, talking about each of the boys. It was pretty cool, although they went over their time by about 90 minutes!
Good Evening All
I seem to be a couple steps behind Brutus tonite.. Nothing special this afternoon, no company so it was quiet here today, makes for a good nap.
I got banilla and peach ice cream for those headed this way, if you show up late Brutus knows where the key is. you can run the trains but no whistle if I'm sleeping...Goodnite Chewy....S.J.
:patriot1:Getting ready for bed. Wife and kids are already there. Dog is asleep at my feet. All is well. Got an email from a friend in the Marines who just arrived at points East. Shame he is away from wife and 2 month old baby girl, but we are blessed that such fine men hold the line so that we can enjoy the life we have.

Actually did some physical labor today. Helped a friend move into new house and also helped in cutting down a tree. Tired, but I have my meds on board and I should sleep well.

God Bless,
Sir J. I had a lung CT. Showed build up around my heart. Dr. sent me to Cardiologist. Did nuclear stress test. Showed some places around heart not getting the same amount of blood as rest of heart. Now, I had been rebuilding the ponds spillway during 100 degree weather. Lifting large sections of disguarded monument [tombstones]. No problem. So we do catheterization. "We might have to put in a stint or two." Heart is in great shape but. Well, no real blockages but several restrictions. One where he could not put in a stint. Results, 6 by-passes. Best thing ever happened. There was a great guy like Dennis there that kept me asleep and alive while my heart was not working [heart machine]. Why I have a great appreciation for him and what he does. Will do it again if I have too.
Now off to bed. Over ate at Mudcats. Shrimp, catfish, chicken, bar-be-que, ribs and more.
Good morning.

It's extremely cloudy and 60 degrees outside at the moment, expecting a high of 76 under a partly cloudy sky. All this rain we've had lately has really made the grass grow so I guess I'm gonna have to cut it.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 4/2/2008

Wind Chill: 58°F
Humidity: 94%
Dew Point: 57°F

So Far Today
High: 63°F
Low: 59°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 9mph NE

Today High: 78
Mostly cloudy. Slight chance of rain showers in the morning...then slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 70s. Light and variable winds. Chance of precipitation 20 percent.

Tonight Low: 62 Mostly cloudy. Lows in the lower 60s. Light and variable winds.

Good Morning
Chief- I know my Doc. is looking after me and the test is a good one for finding problems(myocardial perfusion imaging) I know I will be radio active and glow in the dark. I wish Dennis was here. I don't know the Dr. taking the test.
We have bright sun this morning going to 50s. Looks like a trip to Wal-Mart today. Isn't that exciting. Have a good day,,,S.J.
Morning all. Sir J, all will be fine. Faith is the answer. Do you all have Wal-Marts way up there????:eek: If so, bet they have snowmobile parking spaces. bounce7

Sun goes in and out here. Great day. Off to Mom's down east. Have a good one and God bless.
[sliced side meat and waffles for breakfast, not good for the heart]
Good morning folks

It was a chilly 41 F as I trudged out to work. Our high today will be 57 F and it will be sunny. Of course more rain is coming for the next two or three days. Last evening was gorgeous once the rain stopped. The temperature got up to 73 F and it felt like spring.

No modeling last night. Tonight is Cub Scout den meetings so I don’t think any modeling will get done.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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