Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part IV

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46 degrees but the rain is here high wind and snow to follow,temp suppose to drop to 19 by daylite tomorrow. I did not do any train things today, did play PS2 golf, tired played 2 rounds. I've been watching the bay for marx to collect and I got to say some of those people are crazy. If not crazy they live hundreds of miles from a train store and have no clue about prices. Have a safe nite and with luck we will still have edison on in the morning. Or the forecasters could be wrong again,,,,,,Sir James
Brutus I just read your message, Right now I wish I was there, it sounds like you've missed a nasty day at home, enjoy your time there. Chewy sends her love....S.J.
Ozzy- it's nice of you to offer, but I actually have my wants and since I just display them I don't have to play that overbid game. It is the tin items I look for and once in a while I grab something. Thanks again and I hope you are feeling better....S.J.
Ozzy- it's nice of you to offer, but I actually have my wants and since I just display them I don't have to play that overbid game. It is the tin items I look for and once in a while I grab something. Thanks again and I hope you are feeling better....S.J.

its not "overbid" if someone is willing to pay like when i was into baseball cards,,, people would ask why i want more then what the price guide says it was worth, or why did i pay more then what the guide says its worth,,,,,

the price guide dont set the prices, the buyers and sellers do, the guides just give others an idea what its selling for in the rest of the market.
do you have an marx M10005? im trying to get out of the marx and pre and post war lionel,,, trying to get down to collecting one type of

but i really like the m10005, id still go buy one of them if i could get my hands on one, but it seems there is always someone that wants it more then or more then i can afford at the time.
Evening all. The Chamber Banquet was good. Thought I would share what Spokane WA airport looked like at 8 AM Monday at 10 degrees. Krawler, you missed out on all the fun.






Good night all.
Incredibly windy day here today. Temps last night were around 68 with southerly breezes and then the blast hit today with 40 mph sustained winds - 50 mph gusts from the nawth. Will get to 30 tonight.

Wife is sick with the virus I finally shed yesterday after a 3 week stint.

Son is up late slogging through homework he was supposed to start yesterday and it is due tomorrow wall1:curse:.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

Good morning folks

It was 45 F as I headed out the door this morning. Our high today according to one forecaster is supposed to be 40 F!?(Huh!) And another says it will reach 49 F and then we are going to get high winds (gusts over 40 MPH) and the temperature will drop. It looks like they are playing Wheel of Weather today.

I have been loosing my mind at work the last week or so. We have four projects totaling about $50 million that have to go to our Contract Management Unit by Friday so they can have bid openings by the end of the 1st Quarter. Needless to say they are in various states of chaos and we are trying to fix them. Some of the projects have been around for years and according to their project managers they are ready to go. Go where? The trashcan? It is just amazing how many people do things wrong because some reviewer told them to do so even though the PM knows it is wrong. Now we are trying to rectify the messes.

No modeling last night. I spent some time getting stuff together for our Cub Scout Pack Meeting tonight. My son also had a make-up guitar lesson last night.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Good Morning...........
It is cold and windy. Going up to only 24 today.
Buckeye...... Come on home..... Chief snuck back to NC in a cargo plane. He has frostbite. Wrecked the rental car. Found 2 little kids hiding in his luggage. They want to play with his trains. What a day.
I'm off to grocery shop. Fun job.
See ya later,
Thanks for the cold you GIZ... I'm comming down with something...or maybe it was my youngest that gave it to me...Tired, achy, and sniffley.
Good morning,
Geez, you sick guys should stay away till you get better,you just keep spreading it around.
Ozzy-I do not have the marx m10000,most I've seen are not in very good condition.I always wanted the Lionel yellow/brown one but big$$ there. Settled on a Railking but they did not match the old Lionel brown trim.disappointed.
No snow but 11 degrees and very windy,woke up many times last nite. It seems the furnace is going on about every five minutes. the house is comfortable but I think the wind draws the heat out from where ever.
Thats it, Sir James
It was 36 degrees when I went to bed last night - woke up to 7 degrees, high winds and below zero wind chill. Power went out at 3:30 this morning - not expected to be restored until late afternoon.
My wife is on the phone trying to get all the elderly neighbors to come over and get warmed up. Luckily, I had an automatic generator installed a few years ago - it runs off natural gas, so we hardly know there is a power outage. Going to be a lot of cold people in northern Michigan today.
Good Morning ! Probably shouldn't say much about the weather here after reading Jess' post. Having a cool spell supposedly only go to get to low 60's today, and possible showers this weekend.

Got some more power drops done yesterday, sure helps a lot. Getting feeling of real progress being made. Neighbors had tree trimmer out also, they did a good job. Cut some cypress trees that were about 30' down to about 14' and did a decent job shaping them. Now we will have sunlight in yard.

Glad Chief made it home safely, only a few more guys out traveling around.

Got mouth mechanic appointment today, (he hates that reference) dentist. Not looking forward to it at all!!! I'm really disappointed, haven't been able to find an excuse not to go, ugh.

Political BS is ramping up here, lots of phone calls. Using that ###### (rapidly enter into phone, messes up the computer generating the automatic calls).

Received some DVD's yesterday, going to spend a lot of time checking them out.

Have a great day !
Morning. Slept late. Feel better. This forum is always a great place top start the day. There is always some BS from Ohizo, CA or PA with others dropping in on it. Makes you smile and gives you a happy feeling. Now for some GRITS and that will make you even happier. Got to get to work on that spare room. Bought a 42" flat screen HD TV yesterday. Now wife has to sell her BIG entertainment center to have room to install it in the livingroom. Better run and get breakfast and off to Town Hall for a few. Have a good one.
Had thirty mile an hour winds last night with gusts going even higher. It was around 32 degrees when I got up at four this am.

Good morning.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 1/30/2008

Wind Chill: 30°F
Humidity: 54%
Dew Point: 19°F

So Far Today
High: 40°F
Low: 32°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 8mph NNE

Today High: 58 Sunny...cooler. Highs in the upper 50s. East winds around 10 mph.

Tonight Low: 42 Mostly cloudy. Slight chance of rain showers in the evening...then showers and thunderstorms likely after midnight. Lows in the lower 40s. East winds around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation 60 percent.

Morning all!

Sunny and cold here - nice - warming to maybe 50 today????

Chief - you are so right - and you have the added bonus of Buckeye running around on a dogsled looking for you - in the cold of course - but he loves it - right!

Chuck - we are glad you are there to make sure Buckeye comes in out of the weather stooges8

Jeffrey - nice photos and the lighting effects look great.:thumb:

Don - glad to hear the power drops and layout progress are coming along nicely.

I may have said this a few days ago - I got a letter from LCCA saying the special #209 NH passenger train set is now delayed until April. Something about Chinese New Year lasting 2 weeks factors into this. Oh well - It will be a beautiful set when it finally comes in knowing how meticulous the LCCA folks are with these sets and cars.

Have a great day all!
Hopefully a better day on tap here, yesterday was simply dangerous. Most folks do understand that if you have car trouble you don't even think about walking for help, you won't make it. No wind this morning, thank goodness but #@%$ cold.

Chief--tell me how you talked your wife into getting rid of the big entertainment center? Eleven years ago we completely redecorated the living room with everything new, spent a lot of money. Sadly, we have a color matched armoir that holds all of the electronic equipment including the TV, the problem is the only new flat screen it would hold would be 32". Even talking to her about a new TV is like dealing with a Muslim terrorist, there is no negotiation. We've always been able to talk things through (35 years of marriage) but this issue is a brick wall. Even my two adult sons shake their heads and laugh as she normally is a very nice person. I need suggestions.

Hopefully a better day on tap here, yesterday was simply dangerous. Most folks do understand that if you have car trouble you don't even think about walking for help, you won't make it. No wind this morning, thank goodness but #@%$ cold.

Chief--tell me how you talked your wife into getting rid of the big entertainment center? Eleven years ago we completely redecorated the living room with everything new, spent a lot of money. Sadly, we have a color matched armoir that holds all of the electronic equipment including the TV, the problem is the only new flat screen it would hold would be 32". Even talking to her about a new TV is like dealing with a Muslim terrorist, there is no negotiation. We've always been able to talk things through (35 years of marriage) but this issue is a brick wall. Even my two adult sons shake their heads and laugh as she normally is a very nice person. I need suggestions.


two suggestions for you......

1. find a new wife.........!
2. move the old one out and new one and tv in when shes gone. and hope you dont have to look for a new wife when she gets home........sign1
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