Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part II

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Good morning folks

It maybe finally cooling off and acting like autumn for a change. It was 69 F this morning as I left for work. The high today is supposed to be 79 F and we do have a slight chance of showers. Over the next few nights we will have lows in the mid-fifties.

I did work on the layout or the work bench. I did plant trees on the museum diorama.

I didn’t make it here yesterday as I was on the road all day. We had to meet with some township supervisors, a State Representative, property owners, and officials from the Delaware Canal, and National Park Service to discuss a bridge replacement project over the Delaware Canal in upper Bucks County. The meeting was early in the morning and since it is a 130 mile round trip from home I was out early. Since I was up that way on the way home I stopped at several projects to do some field work. Of course I got home just in time to eat diner and take my son to football practice. I was supposed to go to a Cub Scout training session but I never made since I was exhausted.

Tonight and this weekend will be somewhat nuts. Tonight is our 16th anniversary. My daughter also has a dance at her school tonight. Tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday. She has basketball in the morning. My son has an away football game against the Ridley Park Parkers Midget JV. At some point we will be taking someone out for diner.

I would like to paint the area around the small barn that I had to blend in. I also have a bunch of hoppers to finish weathering. I will also be working on the museum diorama.

I hope everybody has a good day.
:D Nothing like having a Real Railroad to use as an alarm clock!!!! We have one too... The Old B&O line ( NS/CSX now ) - They sound their horns at the crossings near us (About 1 mile away)

I'll wake up - and when it's time to sign on the computer - i can hear the horns most days :) :) Really neat!!!

I used to live in Crum Lynne about 500 feet from that old B&O line. We got so used to the horns at night they never bothered us. Funny thing was when there was a derailment near the grade crossing (I remember at least 4) the bang didn't wake us up. It was the sudden silence afterwards.
MadHatter, they had an item on the TV here today about the Cape baboons and all the problems they are causing as people move into the areas where the baboons have lived forever. When I visited the Cape they told us that the baboons could be very agressive so to give them a wide berth. You certainly wouldn't want to have one of them bite you:eek:
Good morning.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 9/28/2007

Heat Index: 84°F
Humidity: 63%
Dew Point: 67°F

So Far Today
High: 81°F
Low: 71°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 9mph ENE

Today High: 90 Sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs around 90. Northeast winds around 10 mph.

Tonight Low: 62 Mostly clear. Patchy fog after midnight. Lows in the lower 60s. Northeast winds around 10 mph.

Afternoon. Busy around the house this AM. Will admit, did not wake up until 9. :rolleyes: Got late lunch with Town Manager and Rec Director. Wife was suppose to go visit Grandson yestrday, today at noon and now tomorrow morning early. Who knows? That lady can not make plans and stick with them. Drives me up the wall. Coming home at noon [think whe wanted to go vehicle hunting] and reminded her of my apt. for lunch. She did not like that. Told her she was suppose to be gone when date and time was set. BURRRRR. Have a good day.
Good morning.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 9/29/2007

Wind Chill: 68°F
Humidity: 75%
Dew Point: 60°F

So Far Today
High: 70°F
Low: 67°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 7mph E

Today High: 88 Mostly sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs in the upper 80s. East winds around 10 mph in the morning becoming light and variable.

Tonight Low: 65 Partly cloudy. Patchy fog. Lows in the mid 60s. Light and variable winds.

Hi guys, It's been a while since I checked this thread. Just got home on Wednesday from a 3 week train trip and been busy around the house. Hope everyone has been well. Will read back posts when I get more time.

Take care,
Jeffrey...That's a nice weathering job on that diesel...Do it yourself..??

John...Three weeks on trains..?? Must'a been like heaven..!!Good to hear you're back...Lots of pics, I hope...
Good morning

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 9/30/2007

Heat Index: 79°F
Humidity: 84%
Dew Point: 70°F

So Far Today
High: 76°F
Low: 75°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 5mph NNE

Sunday High: 92 Mostly sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 90s. Southeast winds around 10 mph.

Sunday Night Low: 68 Partly cloudy. Patchy fog after midnight. Lows in the upper 60s. Light and variable winds.

I now have a DCC equipped Athearn GP50 running on my layout. My neighbors son traded me his GP50 for my RS3 SP Black Widow. I wasted no time sticking a NCE Silent Running decoder in the GP50. Here's some pics taken during the conversion and a video showing the testing being done afterwards.




Good morning folks

The temperature was 58 F this morning as I rolled out of the drive. We are expecting a high of 76 F. we are supposed to have a very mild and pleasant week. However, there is no rain in the forecast. We really need rain as everything is super dry. My son played his football game on Saturday in a dust bowl. Every play ended in a cloud of dust.

This special report just in. On Sunday Hell froze over. The apparent cause of this event was the fact that the Philadelphia Phillies and the Chicago Cubs won their divisions. Rumor has it that the last time this happened was in 1980 when the Phillies won the World Series. Of course everything was thawed by the evening as the Philadelphia Eagles stunk up the Meadowlands. Yes it is tough being a Philly sports fan.

My son’s football team played the best game of season so far. They actually played as a team. Unfortunately for them they could not catch a break and lost 13-0 to the Ridley Park Parkers Midget JV. The defense gave up a touchdown on the first drive and then held the Parkers for the rest of the game including stopping drives three times inside the 10. The Parkers second touchdown came on fumble in the end zone in the waning moments of the game. After the game we took my daughter out for diner on her 12th birthday.

No modeling got done on the layout or workbench. I did, however, pretty much finish the tree planting and foliage on the museum diorama. I also cleaned up a few things on the layout.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Good morning.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 10/1/2007

Heat Index: 76°F
Humidity: 85%
Dew Point: 66°F

So Far Today
High: 76°F
Low: 71°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 6mph SSE

Today High: 90 Mostly sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs around 90. Light and variable winds.

Tonight Low: 62 Partly cloudy. Patchy fog after midnight. Lows in the lower 60s. Light and variable winds.

MadHatter, they had an item on the TV here today about the Cape baboons and all the problems they are causing as people move into the areas where the baboons have lived forever. When I visited the Cape they told us that the baboons could be very agressive so to give them a wide berth. You certainly wouldn't want to have one of them bite you:eek:

Yes, they normally warn people to hold their belongings close by when travelling the road on a topless bus to Simonstown. The once stole one of my dad's collegue's, wife's bag- all her money and belongings got thrown out down the hill needless to say. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Ag, like any wild animal, if you leave them alone, they leave you alone- since I was born in Cape Town and that is where my family stays (not meaning the baboons :p), we usually visit there once a year and take a trip along the road past where the baboons are- nothing's ever happened to us.

BTW, to ride from Cape Town station to Simonstown via train is quite a great trip, because the railway line hugs the ocean the whole way and even rides over the beaches at some points. Metro Rail (South African Railway Commuter Corperation) actually runs a train with a catering coach on one of their trains- something not seen every day on our commuter trains.

The coach can just be seen behind the motor coach in this pic:


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Jeff thanks for those pictures. I dont read much but I like to look.

I feel OK for now and think fall will be enjoyable.

All my trians are in storage so I enjoy yours.:wave:

Evening or is it morning??? Long day. Had to be in Cary NC [other end of the county] for skin surgery [left hand this time] by 7:15 AM. Then test drove 4Runner. Will buy the 4 Runner over the Jeep. Then to County Commissioners meeting. Got home in time to eat two tomato sandwiches. Off to Town Board meeting for public hearing on 831 new homes plus commercial. Got home at 11:30 PM. Hungry for some popcorn. Later
Have you tried that pop corn on TV where they send you a free bag?

Wonder how that is? Comes in chocolate, yuck!

By the way that free bag costs you $3.

I pop it at home and season it with Old Bay.
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