Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Afternoon all,

Another beautiful day here, although temps are headed for high 80's, maybe even 90. We need some rain here pretty seriously. Gas had gone down a bit, but not as much as what I am hearing up north.

Watching the Cowboys and Giants. Should be a good game today.

Have a great day all!
Well, just winding down here after the weekend
. Back to the old grind tomorrow, as they say. I like that little green light that comes on by our name over to the left, when we're on line, I noticed!! A nice little touch ! Well, talk to y'all later, John
Well, everyone is winding down from the weekend.:thumb:

John, I've got a green light too. Oh, I'm on line. :eek:ops:

I wish gas would come down here. Still at $ 2.89 a gal.:curse:

You guys have a good evening.:wave:

Good Morning All from NE Ohio

where the temp is 42 and heading to 62 with partly cloudy skies and a full moon (at least at this time of the morning) :sleeping:

Yesterday was the wife and daughters combined birthday parts, way too much cake, but a great time. :thumb:

Pick of Day


Good Morning from the Hill ( Blueberry, that is )

Spankybird.... Nice pic. Looks like my G gauge Blue Comet
Sounds like you got enough cake. With ice cream?

WELL, Got a lot to do today. Looks like sun. Cold now.

A great day to you all.

Morning gang. Hope all are well. Roy, is today your wife's surgery? Good luck. Cool 47 here and warming rest of the week. Think I'll work on train room after I go to USP and ship a package. Got town meeting at 2:00 and another meeting tonight. Have a good one and God bless.
Big day today. Going to court this afternoon. Finaly may wrap up a charges on a hunting accident 3 years ago.
Friday I go back to UVa for minor out patient surgery. The are removing a stint that wouldn't remove it's self.

I thought I might go back bed sleep in and get a little rest after I got up this morning. Not to be, a street crew is paving the street and repalceing the drain pipes, I was lucky I didnt have to park my car down the road and walk out. I will Tuesday if I want to go anywahere.

This one of those weeks you dont know wether to :D or to :cry: .

God has been goos to me so far.
Just got home from working on the snow blower I didn't work on on Sat. Soaking the carb now to see if it will run tomorrow after work. Sat for years, gummed up, I think. Wonder how things are on the Hill !! Blueberry Hill That Is !!
Did I tell you guys I talked to Gill on the phone the other day? Had a good time talking to him !
Sure hope things go OK for him. TOM shouldn't have eaten all that cake ! He should have saved some for ME !!
Hope y'all like my greeting up there at the top ! Takes me a while ! All have a nice evening !
John, there is plenty of cake left over. Stop by and get some. Your getting pertty good with the colors and size thing.

Gil - good luck in court. Remeber the only good lawer is a dead lawer. (And one of my good freinds, also an O gauge train collector is a lawer).

Chuck, did you notice Spanky in the background running the trains.
spankybird said:
Gil - good luck in court. Remeber the only good lawer is a dead lawer. (And one of my good freinds, also an O gauge train collector is a lawer).


Funny you say that.

That is what I went to court over. I shot a guy hunting and as luck would have it, he WAS a lawyer.

I could have not been sited at all but t shot him 4 times.
I mean it was horrorble, I mean iIfelt realy bad about it...I still go to counciling.

Anyway, today the jugde ask me why I shot him and I replied I thought he was a deer.What else could I say.

Then he ask why I continued to shoot when he kept saying he wasn't a deer.He was yelling and swearing like a sailor. Man it was terrible.

Well I had to think a minute on that one but then I said ,hell, he is a lawyer aint he? Man, my attorney looked like he just went into labor, he about $*&^ himself.

The judge alowed as how he was but said that was no reason to shoot him 4 times and quick as a wink I replied, yes., perhaps ..but you know what liers them lawers are.:D

That judge just sat there and looked at me. I thought for sure he was gonna cite me for contempt or worse. It was the longest minute of my life.:(
Thanks for the invite Tom ! Yeah, I like playing with those colors & letters now ! Chuck showed me how !
He knows how to write on walls now!
Gill, I used to work on Cushman Motor scooters & Whizzer motor bikes when I worked at a bike shop in high school. I'm also a Schwinn factory trained bicycle mechanic ! Had my own bike & hobby shop once too, till 1st wife wanted a split. What kind is it you have ? Wish I still had one ! Later, John
Good Evening Gentlemen:

How are the fellow train enthusiasts tonite?

No, I am not drunk. Gil.. I'm surprised they didn't lock you up.

John... Sniffing carb cleaner can make you do colors good.

Tom.. Spankybird makes a good engineer.

Whazzzzzzzz up????

:wave: Saw Chucks' post on How are we tonight ? :D Busy ! Boy there was a lot of stuff on the other forum tonight. I think I'm getting caught up ! ON fumes, did you guys notice the guy that says, I think, Paul the painter, at the bottom he says " the Fumes Are getting to me"! I like that one ! :D Gill, that's a bran new scooter ! Looks really neat ! Are you riding it yet ? :D You'll save money all winter on gas riding it ! :D Anyway, I'm glad my wife doesn't need surgery. Just therapy. I haven't even gotten the new toilet yet ! Chuck: tell us more about the train & zw you found by the road ! Wow, what a find. I just bought another ZW, back in July & paid almost 200 for it. How much work did it need ? Be back, John
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