Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Good Morning Chuck, Tom & Everyone !
Supposed to go help another friend get his snow blower going. Also got to fit cutting the grass in .Looks like everyone will be busy today. Nice picture Tom put there today ! I have another friend that sells Diecast cars at shows & out of his house. Got to try to call him & see what he might have. Hope everyone gets everything done ! Later, John
GOOD MORNING GANG!!!! Hope all are well. Been servicing the Beep and checking the operation of the switcher. Both OK. Added some track to my big diesel storage track so I can get them all on that track [it has power off and on switch]. Now to mow grass for the first time in over a month. Still need more rain as ponds and lakes did NOT go up. Later and God bless. [Morning TOOTS ;) ]
Good morning you all.

The sun is shining and Bubbette went to the DR. this morning and brought home breakfast for me and the dog.

It seems she has bronkitous.

I feel like going out and doing something today but I have such a mess in the house I dont think I can find the time.

I am going to box up my toys and save my modleing for an other rainy day.

This would bea good day toshoot my bow as deer seaon is upon us here this weekend.
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: W Va
Posts: 122

WTB Tinker toy pieces
I need some tinker toy parts...a couple of round pieces and some shafts for a saw mill I am making.

Can anyone help me out?

The idea is to use them for pulleys and heat a hack saw blade and bend it to fit over them like a band saw.

Iwill pay postage and what ever you think is reasonable.
Boy y'all been active on here, seems many pages have been added since I last checked in, I thought it was yesterday.

With all the talk about building structures for layouts not yet built don't make the mistake I did. I built a factory with loading dock and attached office anticipating having space on the then planned layout. When done with benchwork and track down I found there wasn't a space large enough for the factory. It was made from DPM panels and when I was able to saw them appart I ended up with a couple of building fronts and complete buildings.
Oh, hi Roger ! Yes, we were pretty active on here last night !
I learned how to make the words real big !
I know what you mean about space, it goes fast. It's real easy to make things big. That's a great alternative we now have, to cut a building up & just use the fronts. They even sell just the fronts now. I think the fronts combined with a nice backdrop picture is a good way to go too, in a lot of situations. Thanks, John
I had a space problem once with an engine house. It fit ok but there was not enough room for the switches into it.

It was a two bay building and a turn table would not work.
Gil, I had the same problem with an ICS (I think) two bay engine house. When I checked my engines, and knew I probably wouldn't get any much longer. I cut a bay out of the length. Looks great, and gave the room needed. Even if you do have longer engines it was not uncommon for the proto's to leave the tender sticking out when they built longer engines.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 51 and heading to 60 with Clear Blue Sky's

The big lake is keeping us warmer than southern Ohio. :cool:

Been reading some great reports about YORK. I am surprised about K-Line reports after seeing there last catalog or should I say flyer. Hope they make it and can do what they say. :)

Hard day working in the yard yesterday, including stripping the Garden and rotortilling it.

Today we are doing birthday parties for my wife and step-daughter. One at the Big 50 and the other at 24.

Pick of the Day

Got to love that HOT ROD Lincoln

Good Morning Guys !! WOW, nice picture Tom ! Now I'll be singing that Hot Rod Lincoln tune to myself all day !
Of coarse I'll be going back & fourth to the Blueberry Hill tune, too ! Just humm to myself cause I can't carry a tune in a bucket !!
Borrowed that from Gill ! Have a nice birthday party Tom, & tell your wife & daughter Happy Birthday !
Hope everyone is having a nice day ! John
Good Morning from the Hill

( Blueberry, that is )

I see John is up and around. Hi, John.
Spankybird is still up, posting great pics.
I think Chief is working too hard. Take a vacation day.
Well, the sun is out. Cooler. Grass is still growing.
Let's all sing in a bucket to Gil.
Hope everyone has a great day.
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