Building my own Y wing(s)

Sister craft! (Just sent you a P.M.). :)
Wow, i'm going to follow this one with interest! I always loved the y-wing the most of the SW ships. What type of paint will you need to use? Will you have to prep the model first?
i really don't know..
i bought a airbrush for this..but i sold it again...i thought it was overkill...(and it looked very difficult)
Now i go to a carpart-store te get a spraycan..with light grey not shiny paint...

The dirt and rust....i really don't know how i can create that..
i have read on other sides that they use make-up...
But that is something i still have to figure out.
And i have time enough...the y-wing will not be ready for a few days more :)
An air brush is an amazing tool, but is hard to perfect. If you decide to take the plunge again I would build a few "basic" models to practice on. You could always just use the grey spray, wash various shades of blacks and light dry brush.

For dirt and rust its easy. Just grind up oranges and brown artist pastels. Then fix them with some hairspray. Just google weathering powders for tanks and what not an you will be inundated with tutorials. The key to powders is putting them on a gloss varnished base....

Well, thats my two cents. Keep up the good work!
i am trying the dry brushing thing on my snowspeeder but the plating of the engines is going very slow..
i hope to complete next week one or 2 that i can finish that speeder..

but today we go to the back of the y wing..
it looks nice....i'm not completly satisfy with the rond and square parts with all those little ribs on it..

For the square parts i have a idea for tomorrow...that will fix the look..
for the round parts..i will have to make a larger rond centre piece..then it will look better..i think :)



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Today finnaly started again with the Y-wings..
I found some different carton for the wings.
so i made them again.
drawn how the pieces have to come on it. (jus the upside of the first y wing)

and now i can start with the greebeling.



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Dnalor, those two ships are some of the best (and CRAZIEST lol) pieces of art Ive seen!!!! You inspired me to start on my own snowspeeder. I only hope that itll be some what up to par with what Ive seen on this site. You guys are VERY TALENTED people!!!! Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!! still amazed at all of this. I never knew paper could be SO COOL!!!!!! lol
Thanks, and welcome to this forum.
When you start with your snowspeeder be sure to make a thread so that we can see how you build your speeder. (Always great to see and follow a build)
I'm also building a snowspeeder...maybe there are some things that can help you.
or else...just ask there are many guys here that have good idea's.
Thanks Dnalor!!!! I'm sure I'll have questions. lol Great Job on your models!!! I'm playing a gig tonight (guitar) and I'll start cutting on it tomorrow. I printed out everything last night. I didn't realize my print settings were set to 130%, so it'll be a little bit bigger. But that's a good thing!!! lol
Today a step further.
I made all those top plates for the wings.
and tried them on ..for 1 wing (upside)

now i can start to build up the other wings..(top and underside)
and i really have to think about a mounting thingy so that i can start with the belly of the beast.



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it was a very am i going to make this...
but now this is it.
Small easy and i hope it won't tip over when carrying the 2 ships.

this is only for the construction of the ywings.



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yesterday i installed the y wings..
but was a little affraid that they would tip over...
but i tried all positions and they stay in flight mode :)
i can flip them over easy
and i am started with the belly of the beasts.

but the wings first..
i made all the details at the same i had to glue them first before i loose them.



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Yes the stand works fine..nice and stable and i can flip the models over and rotate them. it's better than i thought :)

And again...a little update..
i started with the details of the belly..
building order from front to back.



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Yes again a little step for mankind but a huge one for me :)

Up to the next part of the underhull.



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Whaaa... :-D just do it...when you start you can't stop.
And first i wanted to build all 5.
But i'm glad i didn't done that. :)

And this is still a test for me if i can do this.....i never done this scratch building before.