A simple model

Joseph said:
the plane marking is not accurate (it looks like a '43 marking)...the ship was lost in '41

Nevada was not lost in 1941. That was her sister Oklahoma.

Nevada survived the war (as did all US battleships except the two lost at Pearl Harbor). She was eventually sunk as a target, in the Bikini A-bomb tests.

...or do you mean this model is of a ship lost in 1941?

if so, then it must be either the aformentioned Oklahoma, or Arizona (what does it matter:). It's clearly an early super-dreadnought, of the Nevada or Pennsylvania classes.
Hi Joseph

Don't worry about the web cam, thats all I had when I started Yamato.

It's a very good build you have and I look forward to seeing the rest when you can.

The hull looks great, keep up the good work.



It does not look that easy to me considering the potential for it to warp you've done a great job on it.

Water based glue


If it helps

1 coat both pieces very thinly and let them dry
2 coat 1 piece thinly it should now stick reasonably well
3 Gil's best tip (for me anyway) nip the joint, if possible, with tweesers hold for a few seconds
4 run a filet of glue on the inside of the part for strength
5 do not dilute the glue if it's PVA type

I get in a right mess with UHU or instant glue
