2ND Gauge Layout party

N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
Well - we decided to go the way of the Poll results - therefore:

The 2nd Gauge Layout Party will begin April 1, 2004 & end on June 1st 2004. :D :D :D

As has been said - hopefully participants will have the chance to post more & all help each other out with questions.

It's a spring Party, so the rules are the same as the
First Gauge Layout Party But this time there are no limits to what you can do.

If you wnat to build & complete something, go ahead & do it! If you want to putter around, that's ok too. If you just want answers to one single problem (Track, Switches, Electrical, Scenery, Buildings Vehicles, Cars, Engines or LPP's) Ask!!!!

And of, course, we all like Pics :D :D :D

So Good Luck, Sign in here to "join" when you can, but try to get a "Subject" so we all know what each other is trying to do :) and who is actually participating before March 31, 2004!!!

So far we have the following participants:

YakkoWarner --- Building an Arch Bridge

Matthyro --- Adding Upper Level Track

Skunk Valley --- Foamrail Module Project

Catt --- Electric Probem & general Construction

Ralph --- Scratchbuilding some Buildings

N Gauger --- Trestle from Hell & General Construction (Scenery)

Lighthorseman --- Fishing Shack & Jetty, with pond & Passenger Waystop

Tom PM --- Passenger Station & Diorama

60103 --- Paint Figures & Assemble Tramcars

Spitfire --- General Construction

Dash10 --- Computer Control

TrainClown --- Small Switchyard

Carlfidy --- General Construction

jon monon --- General Construction & Models

~~ Thanks & Have Fun :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
bridge completion

I have had continuous running on the little layout for over a year and still have not built and installed a bridge for this. My goal is to build, install and scenic an arch bridge to fill this space.


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I think I will just keep puttering with the layout.I now know what the electrical problem is,I just need to find which track componet it is.
I'm in! I want to re-do a few things starting with this scratchbuilt set of sand and gravel hoppers. Its too big to be in the front of the layout and I often catch my sleeve on it almost sending the whole thing to the floor! I'm picturing a simpler, lower profile structure that is pretty much just a conveyor system from the barge to the rails. I'd like to repaint the orange cilos that don't look too bad in person but photograph way too hot and find a different use for the structure.


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Well, count me in, too. While I have no hard and fast goals to acheive, I'd like to see how much I can accomplish on this small section of the layout.

I'm shooting for a little fishing shack with a jetty, a pond, and a smallish passenger waystop. Here's an overview.


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I have 2 projects slightly started.
1) learn to paint figures using Brian Fayle's "paint it black first" method.
2) assemble some tramcars. I bought 2 London trams at the last train show, found I had a duplicate of one of them from way back, and found my Edinburgh tram kit. (all in plastic)
I'm also going to be invoved in the train show -- only as an operator, I hope.
I have the month of April off between semesters and plan to do a layout building blitz. Currently I have 1/3 of the benchwork and track done. A second section of benchwork is going to be moved and replaced for the downtown area. More backdrop is also needed.

I'd like to get the backdrop installed and painted, the benchwork complete, and the track-laying at least started this month.

Just stopped in to see what was going on :) Wecome everyone! :) There are 4 days left to sign up :) :)

So Far we have the following participants:

YakkoWarner --- Building an Arch Bridge

Matthyro --- Adding Upper Level Track

Skunk Valley --- Foamrail Module Project

Catt --- Electric Probem & General Construction

Ralph --- Scratchbuilding some Buildings

N Gauger --- Trestle from Hell & General Construction (Scenery)

Lighthorseman --- Fishing Shack & Jetty, with pond & Passenger Waystop

Tom PM --- Passenger Station & Diorama

60103 --- Paint Figures & Assemble Tramcars

Spitfire --- General Construction

Dash10 --- Computer Control

TrainClown --- Small Switchyard

Carlfidy --- General Construction

jon monon --- General Construction & Models

See ya April Fool's Day :) :)
I'll play too

I've been thinking about, and putting off, doing a "on the cheap" homemade computer control for the layout. Nothing fancy, just a way to automatically turn on and off lights and equipment so I can program in a "fast clock" and some building light animations like people are turning lights on and off. It could also be used to turn the lights on and off in the room along with heat; almost anything electrical. I'm going to try and use junk (obsolete) computer junk and not to spend over $25 on new supplies. I'll also try and post a step by step so anyone else can build it. What category would this go under? FRED
Re: I'll play too

Originally posted by dash10
I've been thinking about, and putting off, doing a "on the cheap" homemade computer control for the layout. Nothing fancy, just a way to automatically turn on and off lights and equipment so I can program in a "fast clock" and some building light animations like people are turning lights on and off. It could also be used to turn the lights on and off in the room along with heat; almost anything electrical. I'm going to try and use junk (obsolete) computer junk and not to spend over $25 on new supplies. I'll also try and post a step by step so anyone else can build it. What category would this go under? FRED

Too Cool!!!!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

YeeeeeUUUU Dooonnnn Neeeeed no SSTeeeeeeeeKin Catagory for dat!! LOL :) :) :)

Glad you are joining us!!! Best of Luck & PLEASE post the instructions!!! :D :D
Originally posted by Matthyro
Fred, I am very interested in your project and will be looking forward to seeing how you interface the computer to the various tasks.
So am I:D :D :D :D . Actually, I think you'll find it's rather easy and isn't more in use because the geeks guarded the secrets so they could sell home automation hardware/software packs. Just use an old computer so if you or I make a mistake we won't loose a gauge member.:D I'll post the set bys in bashin so I can keep them somewhat together and do updates here. FRED
The Clown Limps In

Well....................I been doin' lots o' stuff 'round here an' ain't had the time to post much. But here I is at last.

I am going to build a small switching yard of 7 turnouts from scratch. I got lots of old brass sectional track. Made my own track gauges. Last night I cut my own ties. I'm even thinking about making my own spikes.

Nice thing about using sectional track to build turnouts is the curved sections are already a uniform 18" radious.

I'm hoping this gives me good practice doing the track laying thing, and if I like it, I may just hand lay all the track on my soon to be built layout.

So there ya are. I'm partyin' now! :rolleyes: :thumb: :wave:

TrainClown :sleeping:

P.S. Here is the plan for my mini yard.


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