The Box

Cpl. Stearnly Hardcase III, satisfied that no contraband has been found and still bewildered that such a fuss has been raised over an empty box, orders it resealed and sent on its way. B&MC R.R. management, only too happy to oblige, loads it on an outbound empty with orders marked simply, "To shippers otherwise known as Atlas Refugees", shuddering at the creative mischief that lies untapped on other railroads.


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In case anyone hasn't noticed, we have a "The-gauge" box contest planned for next months photo contest. It's a simple contest so anyone can do it. Just make a box that says "The Gauge" on it and take a picture on your layout, diaramma, rollin' stock or however you see fit. Details in the photo contest forum!
jon-monon said:
In case anyone hasn't noticed, we have a "The-gauge" box contest planned for next months photo contest. It's a simple contest so anyone can do it. Just make a box that says "The Gauge" on it and take a picture on your layout, diaramma, rollin' stock or however you see fit. Details in the photo contest forum!

I saw it, Jon, and have one currently in mind. Figgered I'd lasso a couple Atlas folks into the loop with this pic... ;)
Unimpressed at the response from the recent influx of Atlas Refugees to his invitation to join in the fun, Shaygetz ordered surplus farm, rail and military hardware from the Acme Co. of "Roadrunner" fame. Upon arrival, he challenged his LPBs to see what could be done with the parts. The Box was delivered by The Gauge's own parcel delivery company. The shop rats, Bubba and Billy Joe Ray Bob, stepped up to the plate. One shop foreman, Al Queahall, seeing potential in their finished work, made the necessary modifications, and commenced to fabricating his well known corn based "lubricant" for the express use of all contributers to "The Box" thread, past and present.


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