The Box

I think the real fun part of this for me has been the chance to get to know some of my fellow modelers better. It is fun to learn what our various likes and dislikes are, and really to learn that we are all mostly into likes.

Every picture I see posted on The Gauge is something special to me. To actually be able to see how each of you experts accomplish the various parts of model railroading is always a positive learning experience for me.

Some day, hopefully sooner rather than later I will be able to share some of my fun with you as I get back to doing something more than just looking at my layout as I walk by. If I'd stay home that would help. New grandbabies to visit... since I started work on my layout my wife and I have been to South Africa, Turkey, Mexico a couple of times and just recently to New Zealand and Australia. No pesos left for the railroad:D :D

Anyway, this is a fun thread, just like all the rest, just loooooonger :cool: :cool:

Just a few words to say : "WOW!" I read the whole thing and it's a blast! You guys have a great sense of humour and good imagination.


It forced me to think "outside the box" for a change....
Uhhh, look what came rolling onto the Canyon State RR today. Just caught a glimps of it as it passed through.

I was told not to say any more right now.....



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Originally posted by Tyson Rayles
Now you know where my snake went! :D :D :D :D

:eek: :eek: :eek: Good Lord!!! The Box is on the move again!!!:eek: :eek: Does that mean that we are going to have an infestation of those slithering critters all over layouts now. We are going to have to mobilize the LPB defense force or call out the National Guard - or something!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Tyson Rayles
Now you know where my snake went! :D :D :D :D
Uh, how did you know? Yesterday we had several visitors among them was a full-size diamondback rattler on the back patio. No, we didn't let it onto my layout, and we were too intent on getting rid of it and didn't take any pictures. But I do have other pictures that you might be interested in, that I'll post in another thread.

Originally posted by Tyson Rayles
Don I just read the name on the side of your tender, is that the same one that used to belong to Pete?
No Tyson, it still belongs to Pete. He told me to post the picture of "the box" and not say anything......

I'll open another thread and let you know... the rest of the story....

snake ??

As Don mentioned, there was a fair sized diamondback just outside the patio door. It was kind of a grumpy one too, got real defensive if you came close, could sense your heat right through the glass!
It was "dispatched" to the wash out behind the house.

The "box"?, that's another story....
Hmmmmm!!! Verrrrrrry Interesting!!!....Just last night in the chat room we were discussing what had become of THE BOX and what kind of mischief had it been into:eek: :D