The Box


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
Marion, IA, USA
This is an extension of the "Good Idea and Expand on it???" thread. Just to stir the pot, the idea that sparked that thread was an object (a model polar bear). Here's something along those lines.

I think its safe to assume that the object will be placed on or around a railroad line. Railroads haul freight. Freight can come in boxes. So how about a box marked simply "The Gauge"?

Make it so that it is a flat car load - or not. Set it on a loading platform - or not. Put it mysteriously in someone's front yard. Stick it anywhere, preferably where it gets noticed. Make up your own story about it if you want. Paint it day-glo pink if you want - its your box!

Or maybe someone can start a cottage industry making "The Box" in various scales? (Sorry, it's getting late.)
Hi billk,
I like your idea, too, but the thought of decaling a packing crate in N scale is , quite frankly, terrifying!:eek:
I am working on a little idea of my own, & I'll see if I can hurry it up & get a pic posted on here.
Shouldn't be too hard to make a pattern to print out, cut out, and fold-up that would get you the whole box, lettering and all. Seems I saw a web site a while back where you could download one.
While I like Charlie's idea of something communications related and working for a newspaper co. that is the way I'm going. However for those whose layouts are already to far along to add another industry I still the the box or crate is the way to go. May even use it also.
Would this be any good?
Grab the image from this post... scale it to any size (within reason), cover a block of wood and stick reinforcing batons around the edges.

(perhaps I should have used quality print on my printer instead of draft print)

Just my $0.02 worth! :)

Would have replied here an hour ago but discovered there was a show on the History Channel about a steam train and I had to watch that first:D It turned out to be a 2-6-0, whatever that's called:confused:

I am putting my thought on the Good Idea and Expand on it here hoping all who reponded there will see my answer here, or whatever.

I like the box idea. I think I like it for the same reason I liked the polar bear article in MR, that is with the box you have a great deal of latitude how you bring it into your layout. It seems just as "at home" on Shamus's Badger Creek as it would near the mainline where the Acela travels. The fun part will be to see how all your twisted minds figure out how you want to use it. I think the other great part is that it is mobile and you can have as many as you wish and move them at your pleasure. It also doesn't preclude those who want to do so to expand on the idea and maybe have a box factory or the like.

The other thing is that it is very simple to do and we don't have to wait a year to see the first ones appear here thanks to the modern technology in the form of a digital camera.

Anyway, I'm on board for the box. Now all I have to do is get fired up and get back to work on my layout. The weather has turned for the worse here after being beautiful, even during the week I was in Mexico, so maybe I can get back to getting something done in the way of progress.

I love it. Just think of the fun we will have with The Box. We can move them from place to place on out respective layouts, we can actually make them differen colors if that makes you happen, there are just all sorts of things to make it fun.

It also gives each of us lots and lots of opportunities to take pictures to share with all. I like that part even better:D

Errol, will your fisrt box soon have little boxes to share space with on the flat car?

Bob I put that box together in a hurry, next 2 (or 3 or more :) ) will be from solid wood, I'm sure they will look a lot better. I'll probably try using "Lettraset" for the stenciling (I'll try anything once).
Yes it's the tail end of a Bachman 0-6-0 switcher you see there, it runs smoother and quieter than a sewing machine (and it can run slowww):) just changed the McHenry tender coupler for Kadee and replaced the pilot dummy coupler with a Kadee.
Bob, if I remember correctly the pilot coupler is part of the frame moulding. I think I used a dental burr (courtesy of my dentist) in a Dremmel to grind it out. I've forgotten the coupler I used but it is a short one with a radiused back end. I drilled through the pilot beam and used a screw to secure the coupler. Then painted over the visible (but flush) screw end.
Hope this helps.

Thanks Errol.

I remember thinking when I bought it that I thought it sort of rediculous to have a switch that didn't have active couplers on both ends. I'll do some "exploring" and see what I can figure out. Your instructions will help a great deal.

If I may ask, where in UK do you hail from?

So that kettlestack isn't feeling like the Lone Ranger. This is N-scale and is made out of Northeast scale lumber. It is 20 ft. long X 8 ft. wide X 6 ft. high. And it must be heavy from the looks of those timbers that hold it in place. The load is removable so I can use it in operations on the railroad.