Galleon San Salvador 1:33

'They say he will get back his right hand slow with threapy'he went today 'he still will need some surgy on his neck to remove some plack in his artery'We do'nt know about his speech yet'
:thumb::thumb::thumb:THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:
I am glad to hear that he is now in pysical and speach therapy.bounce7:wave7::row1:
I wish for him the best of luck with it. I am certain that he will do well.

You are into paper modeling as well!?!?
By all means, please start your own account here and show off your work.
We would all love to see such.

thankyou for your kinds words
:thumb::thumb::thumb:THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:
I am glad to hear that he is now in physical and speech therapy.bounce7:wave7::row1:
I wish for him the best of luck with it. I am certain that he will do well.

You are into paper modeling as well!?!?
By all means, please start your own account here and show off your work.
We would all love to see such.

For any and all who did not know, Strawberry1963 posted that Paul (PaperAir) is her boyfriend. I find that extremely cool! Can you imagine having an a companion into paper modeling. No explanations of why you need this or that, just figuring out if you can budget it! Great knowledge, and inspirational! :)
'They say he will get back his right hand slow with threapy'he went today 'he still will need some surgy on his neck to remove some plack in his artery'We do'nt know about his speech yet'

As always, both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope and pray that the surgery goes well and they are able to get everything out that they need to.
thanks ' I been working on my right hand' I just wish it start to move for me 'I know it will take time thanks everyone'
Glad to hear from you. The fact that you can move you fingers is a really good sign. It may take quite some time, but you will get recovered. How much is still hard to know but everything points to a good prognosis. Do what the Docs say and eat healthy! :)
Been told (but didn't always, speaking from experience), Do whatever your doctors tell you to do. It will help in recovery. Sounds like you're doing much better. Glad to hear it. Continued prayers for your complete recovery. ANd give that gal of yours an extra big hug for both standing by you and enjoying the hobby with you.
thanks Eric ' i'm just waitting on the doctor to call me to tell me when i go back in the hospital for surgey on my neck to get the placking out 'no updates yet i'm getting better slowing 'i want my hand back'
Hey man, good to hear from you. Hang in there, healing takes a lot longer than breaking does! Sounds like your on the right track. :)
Hi PA,

Zathros is right, just think about how many years of abuse it took to get you where you had problems. Getting it back is gonna take a little time too, but you will get there following the sawbones advice and taking better care of yourself. Just hang in there and know we are all pulling for you. We wanna see those boats get done buddy! :thumb:
Hi PA,

Zathros is right, just think about how many years of abuse it took to get you where you had problems. Getting it back is gonna take a little time too, but you will get there following the sawbones advice and taking better care of yourself. Just hang in there and know we are all pulling for you. We wanna see those boats get done buddy! :thumb:

Uhhmm, I was more thinking if you snap a leg bone in to seconds it could take months to heal? I have relatives with Diabetes who do everything they are supposed to do, and still have major problems.

Living can be abusive. I worked in jobs that were just plain destructive to anyone's health by their nature. That's life. Keep on keeping on!! We live until we last. :)
thanks you both 'i starting writting my name tonite no feeling in my thumb yet 'i'm taking it slow my girlfriend help me out a lots'i love her very much'
Great talking to you on the phone earlier. My confidence is much higher, you really have your wits about you! :)
The fact that you can write your name now is FANTASTIC news.
That means that your fine motor skill are coming back. OUTSTANDING!!!
I am glad to hear that you are making such GREAT progress.
We are all CHEERING for you.
Hi PaperAir:
Only now I found this thread about this galleon. Then I read about your demise. i've been there also and papermodeling was a good therapy, painful in the begining, but paid off.
I'm enjoying your build, especially when you resize it to 1:33. Boy! how tall shall be the masts?!
This type of galleon was common to Spain and Portugal, using a different dimensions ratio from the English ones.
I downloaded Zathros resizing and rethinking of the planking, wich I find much more realistic. The joints in hull bellow waterline might even be desguised, although I?m still not convinced if in this period they were painted white. In some japanese printings of Portuguese ships of this period they are depicted totally black. A mix of tar and fish oil was used to protecte the wood.
I hope you recover fast and get back to this interesting work.
Get well
I've have two relatives that had strokes so I have an idea of what you're going through. It's hard work but from what I've seen of your work you have the patience and the and determination to pull through this. With a good woman by your side and a good hobby to practice your motor skills with you'll be up to par in no time. I believe that in the caribbean they used to cover the hull below the water line with copper sheets to protect the wood from worms, but my memory isn't the best so I could be wrong. I'm rooting for you.