Galleon San Salvador 1:33

By building the upper part of the ship, you have maintained the number one rules of shipbuilding. All of this will hold the framing firmly in place when you start to plank her. Just remember to do everything symmetrical. It keeps the hull straight and fair. :)
Sure will
Remember, it takes seconds to adjust those planks, so don't be shy if they need adjusting, please! :)
my sugar problem just got bad last night and now my right hand don.t work so i will not be building for a few days until they can figure how to get it to work again.
Please, take care of yourself. I understand all too well. Like an Idiot I poured 160 lbs. of concrete today, and I have been useless all afternoon, and boy is my wife pissed of at me! :)
I had a stroke i can'nt used my right hand at all'and i can'nt talk right and my girlfriend here to help me out 'i love her'i hope it come back and i dont lose my right hand' thanks for the kind words We will keep in touch'
So sorry to hear that, you hang in there and follow the sawbones instructions. They can do amazing things nowadays, you just have to keep fighting as hard as you are able. And bless your girl friend for hanging in there with you. We're here if you want to talk about any thing at all.
This his girlfriend writting this for him ' he want to say thankyou for all your kind words and he trying really hard to fight this'We will know more tomorrow what happen to him'i'm stay by him all the way ' thanks'i'm not a girl that walk way 'i stay need my man'
I can say with all confidence that we are pulling for you. I was crushed to hear this today. You are a Pillar in this forum. You don't have to build to be part of it. We love you here. Please, whatever you do, keep visiting us and posting. Our collective hearts go out to you. I am praying for you, and encourage all people her to pray for you. Give yourself time to heal, don't push it. You friends are here, let us know if you need help..

This his paul girlfriend again just to let you know he went in the hospital tonite he had a stroke ' please pray ' i'm worry' thanks for your kind words '
I am sorry to hear that you had to suffer such.
I hope and pray that you are able to make a fast and positive recovery.
Get well soon.
this is the up dates of paul 'Has of right now the doctor told me he had 4 strokes and he comimg home tomorrow or this afternoon'he has to have Surgery of his throat he has a blocking''he has to go throught Therapy Treatment,for his hand and to talk right and no more smoking for him'Have a great afternoon' everyone thanks for all of your kind words bless you all'