Galleon San Salvador 1:33

Sorry to hear that you had to endure 4 strokes but the good news is that there is a light at the end of that tunnel and you will be coming back home to recover after a bit of surgury to get you going back in the right direction. Thanks to the gal friend for keeping us all updated.
We're all rooting for you here. Rest and know we miss you and you are on our collective minds! :)
just to lets you all know paul is home restting 'he say thankyou all for your kinds words and pray and he say he was glad to get out of the hospital but he has to go back soon again it not over yets'thanks
Hospitals suck, but they can b a respite from the world. You just have to relax. I have spent much time in hospitals, and sometimes, I have really taken refuge in them. Please, tell him we all thinking about him. :)
Good morning everyone just to lets you know my boyfriend start to move his figers a little bit not much it will take time i told him'to recovery'
Good morning everyone just to lets you know my boyfriend start to move his figers a little bit not much it will take time i told him'to recovery'
Great! Thank you for keeping the rest of us up to date on this. I know it is a private matter, for you, but we all feel like we are friends. And we want to know and we want to send out our hopes and prayers.
Good morning everyone just to lets you know my boyfriend start to move his figers a little bit not much it will take time i told him'to recovery'

I am glad to hear that he is doing better and that he is starting to improve.
Thank you for keep us updated on his progress.
He is a very lucky man to have you in his life to help and support him.
Being able to move his fingers is an excellent sign. That means signals are getting all the way down to the tips of the nerves. That's definitely a good milestone. :)
Hi PA and his Gal Pal,

We are all glad to hear that he is starting to get the use of his talented digits back which means he is starting down that road to getting back to battery once again. And thank you for keeping us updated. While the internet is a vast place, making connections with like minded folks brings people together despite distance, borders and languages. So even if we are separated by such things know that we would all be sitting in the living room with Paul ready to help out if we could. Barring that, we will keep posting to the thread and watching it to keep updated on his progress.
Oh I was so ready to watch him get that planking done that I made for him!! I can wait though. I'm very patient, lethargic actually! :)
Paul is going to the doctor this afternoon ' he will have more up dates later ' He start to move his hand more better this afternoon yahoo'happy
Our continuing prayers for a full and swift recovery are with you all.
Paul is going to his frist Therapy this morning for his hand and speech 'I work on paper models too but Im not that good yet ' I wish i would help him finish his boats'
:thumb::thumb::thumb:THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:
I am glad to hear that he is now in pysical and speach therapy.bounce7:wave7::row1:
I wish for him the best of luck with it. I am certain that he will do well.

You are into paper modeling as well!?!?
By all means, please start your own account here and show off your work.
We would all love to see such.