Why do you build card models

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I've been a plastic kit builder for close to 40 years. Can still recall the mess I made building an Airfix Folland Gnat fighter when I was 6 years old.

Card modelling used to be limited to pre-cut HO scale buildings for wargame/dioramas.

Then in about 2004 I was on a 6 month sabbatical from work doing paid research (followed by 2 months sick leave). During that time, being frequently bored, I was doing a LOT of internet browsing and gaming. Looking up some details on Homeworld, I found the Paperstarships site and Gearz Taiidan frigates. Before long I was hooked and was building as many Homeworld models as I could download



I can't believe that these are 4 years old!!!

From there I was saving every file and pattern I could find (never ever get round to building them all I guess, but I can dream I suppose...)

Anyway, as previously stated, there is a huge range of models most unavailable in any other format, relatively low cost, limited mess (sanding painting etc) although I do use loads of varnish coats on the finished model to protect the finish. Flexibility is an issue as well. To be able to resize most models as you like.
I've always enjoyed working with cardboard. My Dad has always worked in the printing industry, and when I was very young, he would bring home scrap cardboard for me to play with. By the age of ten (in 1962), I was designing and building my own cardboard model airplanes. In 1980, after 17 years of building plastic model cars, I started making my cars from cardboard. I enjoy cardboard much more than plastic. It is a very inexpensive, versatile, and forgiving material.
I'll try to think of all the reasons I LOVE this hobby:

1) I find a lot more sci-fi subjects in card than in paper. Finemolds of Japan has released a truly STELLAR line of Star Wars models in styrene. Their models are almost exactly like the original minis. But their selection is relatively poor. They only have the X-wing, Y-wing, TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Slave I, Jedi Starfighter, and the Millennium Falcon. With paper, I can get *every* Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Macross, Battlestar Galactica, or Mechwarrior subject I can think of, and if it doesn't exist in card yet, someone will eventually model it. Better still, I can spend a few hours at the computer and produce a detailed, accurate model of a subject I desperately want that no kit company would ever produce. For FREE!

2) Speaking of free, there are so many cool subjects available for download on the internet for nothing! Zip, zero, nada! If all the subjects I have on my hard-drive were plastic or resin kits, they'd easily be worth over $300,000. The level of detail on these free kits, as evidenced by the "Free Model" contests that crop up here, are astounding, rivaling many mainstream injection-molded kits.

3) The next reason would have to be the (pretty much) infinite scaling possibilities with card models. Don't like the small size of that 1:700 HMS Dreadnaught kit? Blow it up to 1:144 if you like! Want that 1:48 Saturn V stack to be of a more manageable size? Shrink it to 1:350. Parts too small? Blow up the kit. Need a tiny model to complement a big one? Shrink it to fit! Best of all, you can have a fighter element, squadron, wing, or even a full air corps full of whatever subject you want, and you can fit them all on a dinner plate if you want.

4) Another reason would be that you can help with the design process. When a big company decides to mass-market a new subject, 99% of the time they will never consult the consumers. Even with resin garage kits it's a pretty much closed arena, with only occasional input being accepted. Around here though, I feel like I'm part of a massive design team and I love to give input on the new design. Since usually it's a CG model, the changes can be made quickly and cleanly, so the designer doesn't mind the advice. Also, I love watching new kit developments unfold before my eyes in the forums, such as Flarebaffled's new Star Destroyer kit coming out.

5) Finally, I also like the portability of this hobby. With plastic kits, you have to take the kit, newspaper, hobby knife, hacksaw, razor saw, Dremel, sandpaper, pin vise, decals, decal set, cement, super glue, epoxy, paints, paint thinner, brushes, airbrush, air compressor for the 'brush, Coolwhip container to spray excess paint into, towels, sponge, and a box big enough to contain all that, plus a small box to transport the model if it's finished while you're gone. Paper modeling only requires the model, cutting mat, knife, glue, and a ruler, and perhaps a set of French Curves. I can also do this on car trips when someone else is driving.
I like paper modeling for the altered state of consciousness it induces.

Score, cut, fold, glue. Repeat one hundred times, or a thousand times.

Feel the flow.

And I also like the stupefied look on faces when they say "That's paper?!?!"
I like modeling Apollo era US spacecraft, because when I was a kid EVERYBODY was intowhat NASA was doing. I used to make card models of X-15's (although I didn't know that's what I was doing). At the time there were plenty of plastic models around, but today you'll be hard pressed to find an affordable Revell 1:24 Gemini, a 1:12 Mercury capsule, or a Saturn V in any scale. I just missed obtaining a 1:96 scale Saturn V plastic model.

No problem. I'll just download the 1:96 card version and build the Saturn V, anyway, or maybe I'll shoot the works and build the 1:48 version.

I have four 1:24 Gemini card models on my shelf, and a 1:24 Revell Gemini will cost you up to $100 on Ebay. I got a disk with every Gemini flight on it for 1/4 of that.

Same with Mercury capsules, and just about every booster you can imagine. They're all available in card.
card modeling calms me down and gives me focus, I can really use my brain power to overcome obstacles while building or make custom modifications, change colors, etc...

This hobby is really flexible and rewarding and it also helps keep my photographic memory sharp as I age..
I had an accident in june 2006, which left me basically un-employable so I retired at 40 not bad. I used to work 60-70hrs a week and to stop it all was a bit too much on the old brain so I had to find something to keep busy. I had neverbeen intrested in any crafts before my accident but I cam accross some work by shin tanaka (spikybaby's,hoodys etc) and I caught the bug. Now I usually do about 2 models a week and I love it!!! :thumb::thumb:
I know paper modeling since 93', traditional method, no computer no printer just paper and paint. got more intense on 2006, first time I use computer to model until now. I always like miniature since I was a kid, paper model is flexible and relatively cheap,a hobby that I can afford and enjoy any time, it's like me without paper model is nothing (lol)

Because it give me peace amidst a crazy world. While I watch my savings disappear in a collapsing economy, I can still download my favorite model to help me drift away into that world that makes me forget my pain.

For me it helps me with my real pain that I need morphine to releave. But when I am modeling something wonderful happens. My pain subsides. When I stop it comes back. So I recommend it over morphine-----
Bunch of long winded comments...........Thanks, it saves me time to work on models.

Ditto to all the above!
After a long time!

I used to make the old micromodels in the forties. After a rest of 63 years, I am now making an original model of Hampton Court Palace. Markle Models in the Uk still have a fair selection of the originals or ink jet reprints. At 78, the eyes are not what they were, the hands are still steady!

I just make models out of anything I can get my hands on.......plastic, paper, wood, resin, plaster, clay, metal, cardboard.....whatever, it's all good. I just love to make stuff! :thumb:
Canbera, I think you may be our oldest member. Glad to see you picked up the passion once again. As you can see models have come quite a ways since your early beginning. I build my first back in 1980. I still have it displayed on my desk. It has been a real pain to keep as it is 4' long. But I keep it for nostalgia. I have had to repair is a few time and I may just post it one of these days.

Glad to have you around. You are an inspiratin to us youngsters of 62 and younger.
It's good fun. It's as addictive as anything and there's enough free stuff out there to last a lifetime. I wish I could spend more time doing it.
As others have said, mostly for the fun. Also paper is cheap, I can print another sheet when I make a mistake or a design attempt fails on the pad. Paper models cover subjects that plastic or resin hardly touch. Leo's Russian/Ukranian rockets are a great example.
I have to laugh when people see a model and say that came from a sheet of paper ?
Paper models also give me an excuse to upgrade computers and get better printers.
I can hide dozens of models from the family, try doing that with 9 plastic model kits, I did that once, didn't go too well
I like paper models for the variety and the scale. I don't see a day when there is a plastic 1/32 B-52, Vulcan or B-1 available. At least not until credit is flowing freely enough to take out a mortgage to be able to buy it.
I like it because you can still put a lot of detail into them, not to mention customize easily, but also because it's cost effective and can be scaled to suit your tastes.
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