The Building of the Galactic Fleet

I just open them in paint and resize to 10% instead of 100% .then they load a lot faster.

You're doing great! I like the Star Destroyer. The Galactica you've got hanging on the ceiling is the Gearz version. I've got mine assembled in the library.

Sky Seeker
@Chadepotts1273 Nice collection so far!!:)

May I suggest setting the resolution of the camera MUCH lower that you have it at now, as the hi-resolution is too much for the web, and the pics take ages to load on the page. ;)
Apologies! I was wondering why it was taking so long to load. Thanks for letting me know about that. :)

You're doing great! I like the Star Destroyer. The Galactica you've got hanging on the ceiling is the Gearz version. I've got mine assembled in the library.

Sky Seeker
Thanks Skyseeker, I had a lot of mistakes I made on the Gearz Galactica, so I've been reluctant to post any close up pics of her. :(
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To all who read my posts, I started this thread primarily to post pics of my Galactica builds. But, I do get busy with other models from Sailing ships, Civil War Ironclads, real space , airplanes, Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 & several other categories. I have anywhere from 10 to 20 models always in progress. Some I'll be working on for a few years (like the Monster Enterprise) . Anyway, my pics & posts so far have been pretty random, with some models having nothing to do with The Galactica fleet. From here on, I am endeavoring to focus more on the Galactica ships in this particular thread , with more focus on build/progress pics ( especially if I can get my camera issues sorted out ). That's not to say I won't post a pic here & there of a Trek ship, or Star Wars, or B5 . But, as I progress on builds on other genres, I will most likely start another thread or 2. I really appreciate other members build threads, especially for difficult & highly detailed models with little or no instructions ( still, Thank you to the designers, for your works!)I realized I hadn't really posted any detailed build pics. So, I am really working on that, just wanted everyone to know. :)
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Still in my queue to build or finish in the weeks ahead : the 3 ft. Galactica, the Celestra, the Geminon Traveler, & the Mining ship.
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It takes too long too load? "What you be talking about Willis?" You can set the resolution in the camera down to teeny tiny pics. Sometimes, it's worth reading the manuals (I rarely do, they all seem to say the same thing). Besides, we give you the option of loading a thumbnail that can be clicked to the full size and that happens pretty quick once the post has loaded. If it still takes too long too load, you need to see a urologist......HaHaHA........Just joking.:pompus:
It takes too long too load? "What you be talking about Willis?" You can set the resolution in the camera down to teeny tiny pics. Sometimes, it's worth reading the manuals (I rarely do, they all seem to say the same thing). Besides, we give you the option of loading a thumbnail that can be clicked to the full size and that happens pretty quick once the post has loaded. If it still takes too long too load, you need to see a urologist......HaHaHA........Just joking.:pompus:
Thanks, that brought a good laugh to my morning! :)
I was hoping I didn't go to far. Remember, if you have a very big pic, the computer program takes out information to make the picture smaller, detail is lost, we are dealing with a finite amount of pixels. That is why it is best to set your camera to a smaller size. Honestly, on this forum, 1024 x 768 is a great size. It loads quickly, unless you have dial up. Then it could take 6 months to load. That happened to me one. I had to cut a bra in to carry those parts, half till it passed. I was trying to be a good boy. My mom straightened me out. She said it's your thing and it's nobody's business how fast you wash it! My Mom is really cool. :)
I was hoping I didn't go to far. Remember, if you have a very big pic, the computer program takes out information to make the picture smaller, detail is lost, we are dealing with a finite amount of pixels. That is why it is best to set your camera to a smaller size. Honestly, on this forum, 1024 x 768 is a great size. It loads quickly, unless you have dial up. Then it could take 6 months to load. That happened to me one. I had to cut a bra in to carry those parts, half till it passed. I was trying to be a good boy. My mom straightened me out. She said it's your thing and it's nobody's business how fast you wash it! My Mom is really cool. :)
Really!!? What cup size? A whole 6 months?? Lol! Glad you had an understanding Mom! :) .......Anyhooooo, I don't see that resolution setting on this particular camera, but now that I'm aware of it, I'll figure something out. Still planning on getting a newer model camera soon. But I may have to make do with what I have for a few months, got a major house remodel going on right now. :(
@Chadepotts1273 When I worked for IBM years ago, a bit like the military, EVERYTHING had an acronym........:)
A lot of the time, if you asked someone how to do something, it was more likely than not that the person will say: "RTFM!!"



What is the make and model of your camera? I'll find the steps you need to take for you.
Good advice. I usually do, after I figure it out! :Smartass:
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@Chadepotts1273 When I worked for IBM years ago, a bit like the military, EVERYTHING had an acronym........:)
A lot of the time, if you asked someone how to do something, it was more likely than not that the person will say: "RTFM!!"



What is the make and model of your camera? I'll find the steps you need to take for you.
It's a Nikon Coolpix L26. The manual that came with it is has apparently gone missing. I downloaded a PDF of the manual from the Nikon website this morning, & reading has commenced. :) this is a pic of the page for the image settings. Is the 640x480 a good setting, or is that too low?


  • image.jpg
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Use PhotoFiltre. It is small, free and has a very comfortable and reliable batch processing mode which enables you to make the pics of an entire folder smaller with just a few clicks. My standard values are "picture width 800 pix" / "picture heigth 600 pix" and check "Keep image resolution". You may get it here:

The settings can be saved. It is advisable to choose a different folder for saving unless you want the original files being overwritten (don't worry, the program tells you if the same folder was chosen). There is even a portable version available. :)
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That's too low, go to 1024 x 768. You want it big enough so it can be seen! It's a perfect size!! So say we all !!!AdamaIcon.jpg
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Use PhotoFiltre. It is small, free and has a very comfortable and reliable batch processing mode which enables you to make the pics of an entire folder smaller with just a few clicks. My standard values are "picture width 800 pix" / "picture heigth 600 pix" and check "Keep image resolution". You may get it here:

The settings can be saved. It is advisable to choose a different folder for saving unless you want the original files being overwritten (don't worry, the program tells you if the same folder was chosen). There is even a portable version available. :)
I'll definitely check it out! Thanks! :)