need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

Hi Friend
It is a pleasure to help You, I will be sending the translation part by part on a forum so maybe someone else can use it in case he or she wants to build the same model.
Well here it goes:

Description of the construction

Uagi ogoine:
General obseravations
-czesci oznaczone litera L(P) - stronga lewa(prawa)
-parts marked with a letter L(P) – side left/(right)
-czesci oznaczone gwiazedka(*) – podkleic tektura gr. 1mm
-parts marked with an asterisc (star)(*) – laminate (glue over) a 1 mm cardboard
-czesci oznaczone symbolem nozycek – wyciac
-parts marked with a symbol of a scissors - cut
-miejsca zagiec oznaczono kreskami.
- Places to be folded are marked with lines
Do klejenia modelu najlepiej uzyc kleju typu “Butapren†I “Cyjanopanâ€.
To glue the model it is best to use the glue like Butapren and Cyjanopan sic
(from what I know butabren is a glue once used in Poland to repair shoes as to cyjanopan sounds like some kind of superglue do not know what could it be.

Next part in 8 hs


Sapere Aude
Hi Friend
It is a pleasure to help You, I will be sending the translation part by part on a forum so maybe someone else can use it in case he or she wants to build the same model.
Well here it goes:

Description of the construction

Uagi ogoine:
General obseravations
-czesci oznaczone litera L(P) - stronga lewa(prawa)
-parts marked with a letter L(P) – side left/(right)
-czesci oznaczone gwiazedka(*) – podkleic tektura gr. 1mm
-parts marked with an asterisc (star)(*) – laminate (glue over) a 1 mm cardboard
-czesci oznaczone symbolem nozycek – wyciac
-parts marked with a symbol of a scissors - cut
-miejsca zagiec oznaczono kreskami.
- Places to be folded are marked with lines
Do klejenia modelu najlepiej uzyc kleju typu “Butapren†I “Cyjanopanâ€.
To glue the model it is best to use the glue like Butapren and Cyjanopan sic
(from what I know butabren is a glue once used in Poland to repair shoes as to cyjanopan sounds like some kind of superglue do not know what could it be.

Next part in 8 hs


Sapere Aude
Butapren is still used in Poland for cardmodeling but can't get this thing here in US.
Cyjanopan is the same as superglue.
Butapren is still used in Poland for cardmodeling but can't get this thing here in US.
Cyjanopan is the same as superglue.
Hi Bernhard

Here comes the next part:

Budowe modelu rozpoczynamy od naklejenia wszystkich elementow szkieletu na tekture 1mm.
The construction of the model we start by glueing all the formers (elements of model´s squeleton) on a 1mm cardboard.
Po wyschnieciu elementy dokladnie wycinamy I sklejamy szkielet do linii pokladu hungarowego zadbac o to, by podluznice szkieletu byly idealnie proste, poniewaz ma to wplyw na pozniejsze dokladne spasowanie el. Poszycia I burt.
After the parts are dry we carefully cut them and we form and glue the model´s sdqueleton up to the line of the hangar deck, taking special care to keep the longitudinal parts perfectly straight because that is fundamental for the later conforming of the side walls that will constitute the ship´s boards.
Na tym etapie budowy nie nalezy klasc szkieletu do gory dnem, poniewaz spowoduje to jego wygiecie (dziob jest lekko wygiety do gory).
At this moment of our work we should not put the model up side down because that could cause it´s warping (the frontal part of the ship slightly rises up).

Next part in about 8 hs
Sorry but my patients are waiting

Best regards


We are poor by what we have and rich by what we give
Hi Bernhard

Here comes the next part:

Budowe modelu rozpoczynamy od naklejenia wszystkich elementow szkieletu na tekture 1mm.
The construction of the model we start by glueing all the formers (elements of model´s squeleton) on a 1mm cardboard.
Po wyschnieciu elementy dokladnie wycinamy I sklejamy szkielet do linii pokladu hungarowego zadbac o to, by podluznice szkieletu byly idealnie proste, poniewaz ma to wplyw na pozniejsze dokladne spasowanie el. Poszycia I burt.
After the parts are dry we carefully cut them and we form and glue the model´s sdqueleton up to the line of the hangar deck, taking special care to keep the longitudinal parts perfectly straight because that is fundamental for the later conforming of the side walls that will constitute the ship´s boards.
Na tym etapie budowy nie nalezy klasc szkieletu do gory dnem, poniewaz spowoduje to jego wygiecie (dziob jest lekko wygiety do gory).
At this moment of our work we should not put the model up side down because that could cause it´s warping (the frontal part of the ship slightly rises up).

Next part in about 8 hs
Sorry but my patients are waiting

Best regards


We are poor by what we have and rich by what we give
Hi Bernhard
Here comes another drop of text:

Obecnie naklejamy poklad hangarowy (cz.PH1,PH2,PH3 oraz spody) I poklad rufowy (cz.PR) – po uprzednim naklejeniu tych elem. Na tekture 1mm lub karton.
Now we glue the hangar deck (parts PH¡, PH2, PH3 and the bottoms) and the stern deck
(part PR) – after the prior laminating (glueing over) this parts on a 1 mm cardboard.
Nastepnie montujemy szkielet powyzej linii pokladu hangarowego (cz. Od P5 do P16 oraz wregi – wg rys.1).
Next we assemble the structure (squeleton) over the line of the hangar deck (parts from P5 to P16 and formers – according to the drawing Num. 1).

In a couple of hours I wiil continue
Sorry for delay
My Work keeps me busy and away from the net

Hi Bernhard
Here comes another drop of text:

Obecnie naklejamy poklad hangarowy (cz.PH1,PH2,PH3 oraz spody) I poklad rufowy (cz.PR) – po uprzednim naklejeniu tych elem. Na tekture 1mm lub karton.
Now we glue the hangar deck (parts PH¡, PH2, PH3 and the bottoms) and the stern deck
(part PR) – after the prior laminating (glueing over) this parts on a 1 mm cardboard.
Nastepnie montujemy szkielet powyzej linii pokladu hangarowego (cz. Od P5 do P16 oraz wregi – wg rys.1).
Next we assemble the structure (squeleton) over the line of the hangar deck (parts from P5 to P16 and formers – according to the drawing Num. 1).

In a couple of hours I wiil continue
Sorry for delay
My Work keeps me busy and away from the net

Wow, by the time this thread is done we will have a Polish-American carmodeler's dictionary. Well done all.

Wow, by the time this thread is done we will have a Polish-American carmodeler's dictionary. Well done all.

hi janusz

Thanks, is starting to come together nicely, and there is no need to be sorry for delays.

See ya later
I need to go and do some work myself now
hi janusz

Thanks, is starting to come together nicely, and there is no need to be sorry for delays.

See ya later
I need to go and do some work myself now
hi brad

well if you think that about the instructions then wait till i satrt this monster its 127cm long
hi brad

well if you think that about the instructions then wait till i satrt this monster its 127cm long
Here comes the next part:

Model mozna wykonac w wersji z opuszczanymi windami.
The model can be built in a version with a movable elevators.
W tym przypadku nalezy wyciac oznaczone miejsca w cz. P2A,P3A,P5,P6,P7 oraz W9a, W14c, W20c,W21c.
In such a case we must cut out the marked places in parts P2A,P3A,P5,P6P7 and W9a, W14c, W20c W21c.
Wzdluz krawedzi cz.P14’,P15’ I P16’ nalezy nakleic scianki imitujace wnetrza hangarow – znajduja sie one na str.17.
Along the ridge of the parts P14, P15 and P16 we must glue the walls that imitate the interior of the hangars, they are on page 17.
Mozna tez wkleic tuleje dla wind cz.WN1c,WN1b-WN3c,WN3b.
We also can glue the wells (pipes) for the elevators parts WN1c, WN1b, WN3c, WN3b
Here comes the next part:

Model mozna wykonac w wersji z opuszczanymi windami.
The model can be built in a version with a movable elevators.
W tym przypadku nalezy wyciac oznaczone miejsca w cz. P2A,P3A,P5,P6,P7 oraz W9a, W14c, W20c,W21c.
In such a case we must cut out the marked places in parts P2A,P3A,P5,P6P7 and W9a, W14c, W20c W21c.
Wzdluz krawedzi cz.P14’,P15’ I P16’ nalezy nakleic scianki imitujace wnetrza hangarow – znajduja sie one na str.17.
Along the ridge of the parts P14, P15 and P16 we must glue the walls that imitate the interior of the hangars, they are on page 17.
Mozna tez wkleic tuleje dla wind cz.WN1c,WN1b-WN3c,WN3b.
We also can glue the wells (pipes) for the elevators parts WN1c, WN1b, WN3c, WN3b

Nastepnie odwracamy szkielet I naklejamy elem. Poszycia dna (cz.od D1 do D25).
Next we turn over the model and we glue all the elements of the bottom (covering walls).
Paski znajdujace sie w przedniej czesci kazdego elementu odcinamy I przyklejamy od spodu do polowy szerokosci paska.
The strips that are in the front edge of each element we cut them and glue to thew bottom of the element and to the line being the halfline of the strip.
Wszystkie elem. Poszycia laczymy na styk.
All the elements of the sidewalls of the hull must be butt glued (tightly).
Nastepnie naklejamy burty (cz. Od B1 do B5 – str.L I P oraz B6).
Next we glue the hull boards (parts from B1 to B5 – pages L and P and also part B6). Paski znajdujace sie w tylnej krawedzi kazdego elementu rowniez odcinamy I naklejamy od spodu.
Strips that are on the rear edge of each element we also cut and glue to the bottom.
Ten etap budowy konczymy przyklejeniem scianek bocznych (cz.od B7 do B13 – wg rys.1).
This part of construction we finish it by gluing the sidewalls (parts from B7 to B 13 according to drawing 1).
Mozemy tez przykleic wczesniej elem. Na rufie (cz.63 I PR – podklejony tektura + spod, rys.21), uprzednio sklejone szalupy (cz.76 – 80, rys.2) oraz wyposazenie dziobu (cz.10 – 14, rys.26).
We can also glue such elements astern as (part 63 and PR laminated over a cardboard – drawing 21) boats that we build before (parts 76 to 80 drawing 2) and the equipment of the bow (parts 10 to 14 drawing 26).

Nastepnie odwracamy szkielet I naklejamy elem. Poszycia dna (cz.od D1 do D25).
Next we turn over the model and we glue all the elements of the bottom (covering walls).
Paski znajdujace sie w przedniej czesci kazdego elementu odcinamy I przyklejamy od spodu do polowy szerokosci paska.
The strips that are in the front edge of each element we cut them and glue to thew bottom of the element and to the line being the halfline of the strip.
Wszystkie elem. Poszycia laczymy na styk.
All the elements of the sidewalls of the hull must be butt glued (tightly).
Nastepnie naklejamy burty (cz. Od B1 do B5 – str.L I P oraz B6).
Next we glue the hull boards (parts from B1 to B5 – pages L and P and also part B6). Paski znajdujace sie w tylnej krawedzi kazdego elementu rowniez odcinamy I naklejamy od spodu.
Strips that are on the rear edge of each element we also cut and glue to the bottom.
Ten etap budowy konczymy przyklejeniem scianek bocznych (cz.od B7 do B13 – wg rys.1).
This part of construction we finish it by gluing the sidewalls (parts from B7 to B 13 according to drawing 1).
Mozemy tez przykleic wczesniej elem. Na rufie (cz.63 I PR – podklejony tektura + spod, rys.21), uprzednio sklejone szalupy (cz.76 – 80, rys.2) oraz wyposazenie dziobu (cz.10 – 14, rys.26).
We can also glue such elements astern as (part 63 and PR laminated over a cardboard – drawing 21) boats that we build before (parts 76 to 80 drawing 2) and the equipment of the bow (parts 10 to 14 drawing 26).