MMRy Progress


Dec 26, 2006
Chicago Burbs
My official guide to changing my mind over and over again

Some of you may already know that I am building a temporary layout. It is not going to much more than a "plywood central". I will work on some structures for it, but most will be cardboard boxes.
After surgery and recovery I will shift into a more permanent layout.
Here are some progress photos:


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That's it! Keep up the good work. What do you have planned for the bridge in the second photo? I see you've cut away a space for a ravine or river.
Thanks everyone.

Ralph, That cut out is going to be a river. I have to shape the edges a bit yet though. The bridge will eventually be replaced with a scratchbuilt truss bridge. For now that $3 atlas kit gets the job done.

SgtCarl, the benchwork is supported along the concrete wall with blocks of 4x4 attached with a ramset. The rest of it is supported by 2x2's. You are more than welcome to use the design.

Whenever I can get my freind to come back around I am going to be adding another 4x11' peninsula. I will try to add daily progress pics as long as I make progress that is.
No real progress to report. Over the past few days I have not been able to do any work to the layout at all. On Monday I will have new pics as I will get a few things accomplished.
Doctors are too slow

Since this whole injury/doctor/surgery thing is moving so slowly I tore up all of the track and started laying down the extruded poly subroadbed. I am not using the pink or blue though. The stuff I have is white, and is almost like styrofoam. It is FAR cheaper and easier to transport as it is not in 4'x8' sheets. If it doesn't work out all that well I will not lose any sleep over tearing it up.
I need some ideas. I am thinking of having a city scene and would like some ideas as to how to elevate the mainline through it. Or, maybe I will place it below grade.

Injuries aside, rebuilding aside, the construction has shifted in a new direction. There is a strong possibility that my family and I will be relocating to the eastern seaboard. I don't want to get too invested in the construction of something that will likely get damaged in the move. I am going to change things around a bit and work on a 4'x13' waterfront switching layout that will eventually be tied into the permanent layout. I hope the basements in the Delaware / Maryland area are large.
You don't have to tear everything up to move. Build the layout in modules or sections that are easy to take apart and transport. Buy some packages of the 2 inch Atlas track sections to use as joiner tracks between sections. Make any structures easily removable and plan for packing them away for the move. If you build your sections to a "modular standard" the individual sections can be set up later in whatever configuration fits the new space the best. Get some 1x2 and cut them in 12 inch lengths. Then use them to stack the modules face to face and bolt them together to protect the track work in the move. In effect 2 modules bolted together become a "box" with all of the tracks protected on the inside! This is the way modules are protected, stored, and transported by modular clubs. Some of the modules in my club are 20 years old or more and have been transported, set up, taken down, packed up, and stored countless times. Some of the scenery needs to be refreshed from time to time, but it is amazing how well they hold up with all of the set up, tear down, and transport.
You don't have to tear everything up to move. Build the layout in modules or sections that are easy to take apart and transport. Buy some packages of the 2 inch Atlas track sections to use as joiner tracks between sections. Make any structures easily removable and plan for packing them away for the move. If you build your sections to a "modular standard" the individual sections can be set up later in whatever configuration fits the new space the best. Get some 1x2 and cut them in 12 inch lengths. Then use them to stack the modules face to face and bolt them together to protect the track work in the move. In effect 2 modules bolted together become a "box" with all of the tracks protected on the inside! This is the way modules are protected, stored, and transported by modular clubs. Some of the modules in my club are 20 years old or more and have been transported, set up, taken down, packed up, and stored countless times. Some of the scenery needs to be refreshed from time to time, but it is amazing how well they hold up with all of the set up, tear down, and transport.

I really like that idea. I will have to figure out how to convert what I have into modules though.
Looking at your pictures, I think you should pick up some 1x3 or 1x4 lumber. It looks like you are currently using 1x2 lumber for your framing. I would cut the benchwork sections into 4 foot lengths. I would remove the 1x2 framing and save it for making the short pieces to make the "boxes" for shipping. Make new frame work with 1x3 or 1x4 lumber which will be stronger without adding much weight. 1x2's are perfectly adequate for any cross members, so you don't need to replace cross members with larger lumber. From experience, I can tell you that putting in multiple joiners tracks for a yard is a real pain. If you have any sections where you have a bunch of yard tracks crossing the joint, instead of using joiners, cut a gap in the rails right at the bench work joint. When you pack it up, cut some plywood ends to bolt the 2 sections together and protect the ends of the rails from damage for the move.
Good eye Russ. It is actually 2x2 but without having a picture of the other aspect it would have been hard to tell that.
The pics are outdated as I took all of the track apart so I could put down a poly sub-roadbed. I have not put any of the track back down as of yet.
I had to have a freind come and build the framework for me as my hands are somewhat out of commision. He is supposed to be coming by in the next few weeks so he can help me build the "boxes"
Thanks for the great idea. :thumb:

Oh the mind, it is a maddening thing...
One day I am building a C&NW themed layout based on the Chicago stock yards, then it is CSX in Michigan, then it is C&O, then it is Mid-Michigan Ry, then it is Saginaw, Flint & Eastern. The era has been all over the place too. During all of this mind changing I have moved once, and have been on the verge of having to relocate (due to wife's job) twice. Now my wife's job is going to stay in the same area for at least 2 more years, so relocation is a worry for another day.
My latest, and greatest idea is to stick with prototype fidelity (as much as possible). The prototype: Pere Marquette, the era: early to mid 1940's, the location: Flint, Michigan. I will be focusing on a slice of what is now the Wixom Sub of the CSX Michigan Division. I will be using a 13 mile stretch as my platform.
I am using a C&O engineering department track chart to aid me in sticking (as closely as possible) to prototype accuracy, but I reserve the right to exercise some modeler's license. For instance GERN was not served by the PM, I think the GTW handled all their traffic sign1
There is the bridge over the Flint River, by the prototype, this is a plate girder bridge. I want a wooden trestle, therefore, it will eventually have a wooden trestle. I will also use some license in the area of PM power. They never had an S1, or an FA. I will have both. Troop trains never ran on this line, but they will. Name passenger trains didn't run on this line, but they will. Flint didn't have a huge passenger station, but it might get one.
Here I am spouting off about all the stuff I want to do, but yet I have not made any plans to build this all out of. Perhaps I should do that...

Nothing new from the engineering department.
The purchasing department has been hard at work.
A new Proto 2000 Heritage 0-8-0 has been ordered, as well as a new turntable and roundhouse.
A few sleepers have been brought in by the parent company, C&O.
Several new structures are set to begin construction, as soon as the crew is able that is.
Planning is still going. I would say it is gowing strong, but I am terrible at track planning. I have a copy of John Armstrong's track planning bible, but I can not seem to get much past conceptualization. I am using, as I mentioned before, a 1984 C&O engineering department track chart, and Google earth to form the foundation of the plan. I have ordered some ariel photos of McGrew yard as it appeared in the early 1950's from the COHS, and I will use them for the foundation of the yard design.
For an idea of how it looks now, scroll to the top of this thread, look at the pics. Now imagine them with no rail, some poly and a bunch of junk on top of it.

Flint didn't have a huge passenger station...

I dunno... this isn't exactly tiny. Not Grand Central or Dearborn, but not a hick stop, either.


That is McGrew, make sure when you look at the map you scroll up, the other half is north of Carpenter Rd. An old conductor told me how it was named, but I'd be hard pressed to remember.
The depot pic you posted is small compared to the major stations, ie Saginaw, Bay City, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Traverse City, and a few others.

A good part of that building is a freight depot, not related to REA.
Check this one out, it is an early photo of the Saginaw Depot. In 1920 there was a large expansion.


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