NWSL Shay Re-gears
In response to the comment/question of upgrading the MDC shay with all of the NWSL brass gears, etc., DON"T SPEND THE MONEY!!!!! There are several way to improve the running of the MDC shay without all the expense. Other than the timing of the gears, the next issue is the electical contacts, way to stiff for the engine to operate smoothly. I have several tweeks that I have perfected over the years which works great (never read the MDC Shay improvement book). In fact, one of the tweeks I have used for years, is now incorporated into the Ready-to-Run MDC shays (darn, I should have copywritten my stuff, oh well).
Email me if you would like some of these tweeks. The only NWSL item I use is the small gear box (not the bull gear). With the, I believe its the 215 gear box, the shafts diameter are reduced to 1.5 mm (barely noticable) and a firebox can be added to cover the gear box. Hope this sparks some interest in tweeks for everyone. The MDC shay is not a bad investment, just needs some help.