Mantua 2-6-6-2 Articualted Logger

Mantua Logger

I love the Mantua 2-6-6-2 tank logger. This engine runs well, nicely detailed from the factory with plenty of options for more detail. I've had several of these lokies. Nice job on the detailing. I believe most of these were narrow gauge engines, however, the may have been a few standard gaugers out there. I am in the process of detailing 2 'Little River" 2-4-4-2 loggers. One GEM and one Oriental Powerhouse version. These were standard gauge engines (due to contrary beliefs). Love em.!






Those locos are beauties - all of them! Congratulations, camelot, Pete and Dragon.

Three questions:

1. Has there ever been a narrow gauge version of the Mantua 2-6-6-2 (which is essentially a model of the Uintah 2-6-6-2T, I believe) - and is it still available?

2. Are there any 'plastic' narrow gauge mallets available (with this I mean anything but brass engines)?

3. Pete, did you chop up a MDC H0n3 Consolidation for your 2-4-4-2T, and is the Sumpter Valley #250 a brass engine?

2-6-6-2 Mantua

In response to your three questions:
#1. Not in narrow gauge -yes, this is based upon the Uintah 2-6-6-2 which actually did not haul alot of lumber.
#2. Not in narrow gauge
#3. Not sure what he used. However, the only narrow gauge items made by MDC are the shay and consolidations. Tough to make a 2-4-4-2 narrow gauge out of these. One can bash 2 of the older Mantua 0-4-0 with the compound valve gear or 2 Sukuru 0-4-2s into a nice "Little River" 2-4-4-2. The "Little River" was a standard gauge articulated and seems to be one of most famous of the little loggers. These are sometimes available in brass by GEM and also brass.die cast by Oriental Powerhouse.
Try a bash as these will cost well around $300.00 each.
Mantua 0-4-0 to -2-4-4-2 Bash

Logger heads!

Here is a photo of the bashing of two older Mantua 0-4-0s with the compound valve gearing into a 2-4-4-2. Two Sukuru 0-4-0s would work realy well also as they have extensive valve gear detail.




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As Lighthorseman noted, the rerelease of the Mantua 2-6-6-2 supposedly better detailing and drive and much cheaper. Has anyone seen or know what these new loco's are like.

I have been lusting after one of these beauties after getting gazumped at my LHS just before the Mantua company died. Having seen what some of you guys have done the lust is reaching dangerous proportions and is likely to get requited regardless of opinion.
Mantua - Not Dead


Mantua is not dead. I believe I read Model Power has taken over the manufacturing. With some of the new releases Model Power has come up with, I see no reason for the reliable Mantua lines to become extinct. I hope to see the prices actually drop also on these as Model Power does have more flow.

I have always liked the Manuta line, very reliable, heavy, nicely detailed, but, not too much to where more can't be added. I just believe they became way over priced compared to the new releaeses of other steam lines. However, all of the new stuff is way over priced. Give me a break, $700.00 for the new Lionel HO Big Boy, not even close to the Trix/Marlkin realeased last year. Well, once can say, with the price of plastics, brass is now becoming affordable.


Mantua 2-6-6-2...

I recall wanting one of these for YEARS, and before I did anything about it, Mantua drops off the map. :( Prices on Ebay went ballistic. Mantua 2-6-6-2s were going for over $200.00 USD for a while. Sadly, there was no way I was going to pay that. Here is a link to something similar to what I'd like to do - convert one to an On30 logger.

This seems almost like a second chance, and I think I'll jump at it. I'll be ordering one in the next day or two, and will keep everyone posted.:)
George, I have ordered the "too good to be true" deals from them several times, and have never had a problem. Shipping minimum is $7 I think, but they don't go up much from that when you order 2 or 3 locos. They used to have Bachmann Spectrum doodlebugs for $15, and the still have P2K Alco S-1 (diesel) for $30. They have very good prices on smaller stuff (track, WS, etc.) in their catalog, which comes with an order.
1. Has there ever been a narrow gauge version of the Mantua 2-6-6-2 (which is essentially a model of the Uintah 2-6-6-2T, I believe) - and is it still available?

2. Are there any 'plastic' narrow gauge mallets available (with this I mean anything but brass engines)?

3. Pete, did you chop up a MDC H0n3 Consolidation for your 2-4-4-2T, and is the Sumpter Valley #250 a brass engine?

1. The Uintah 2-6-6-2T, and the SVRY 2-6-6-2 w/tender, were both released in brass in HOn3. and are currently being re-released.

2. To the best if my knowledge, no.

3. Yup, but it isn't a 'T', it has a tender, and, yup. I have the 250, and the 251 in HOn3 brass.
I just saw a Mantua logger on ebay lettered for the Sumpter Valley, it was at $51 but has a few days to go.

I tried to order a new one online from Trainworld as they offer one at $79 but I ended up slapping the plastic flexible friend at Tony's Trains and paying the extra $20 cost but his shipping is $15 cheaper. I have heard good things about his prompt internet service and hope to post a favourable report. I selected the Canadian Forest Products version which Trainworld didn't advertise and I do like Tony's name!

Whilst I was looking at some gorgeous brass on ebay I noticed locomotives lettered both 'Unitah' and 'Uintah' which one of these is misspelt?
Correct Spelling 2-6-6-2

The proper spelling of the 2-6-6-2 is "Uintah". It is any Indian name. The Uintah ran through the northwest Colordo and northeaster Utah area. The Uintah haulded a type of mineral, I have forgotten the name of it.

Hope this help clarifies things for you.:)
