Landmaster; Damnation Alley

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Here is a small unfolded 4 mm dome, if printed on A-4 paper. It's small, but should give you a nice dome, or a mold to put some two part epoxy into. They are incredibly small, good luck!! :)


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Another thing that you cando, is cut out a circle that is about 5mm in diameter, then take a roundeddowel (like the end of a small paint brush), and form the circle into the domethat you need by GENTLY pressing it (in a circular motion) in a thin foam pad(like a mouse-pad) to form the dome.


Either way you go, I wish you the best of luck with it.
Thanks for the help guys. I love this site for this.
I'll give them a go, but may be a slight delay as I'm off the Seville for a week

By the way nice changes to the site :thumb:
Another thing that you cando, is cut out a circle that is about 5mm in diameter, then take a roundeddowel (like the end of a small paint brush), and form the circle into the domethat you need by GENTLY pressing it (in a circular motion) in a thin foam pad(like a mouse-pad) to form the dome.

View attachment 119628

Either way you go, I wish you the best of luck with it.

Yep, that technique works very well. I used it to make the bumpers (or whatever they are called) on my E92 Elekrtolokomotief model.
If you dampen the paper slightly, this helps to stretch it. But, GENTLY does it...:mrgreen:
Much delay, as usual, I've done a bit more and another step nearer completion.

Hi John, thanks for the domes, but I couldn't cut them out accurately never mind doing any justice to making them, so went back to petal folding. I did use the cut out circle and domed slightly (thanks guys) underneath the petals to glue them in place. Still needs a bit of work, but in theory seems to do the trick.


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This model is the Apple of many people's eyes! :)
I am glad to see that you are back and working on this project again.
I am very curious as to how this project will turn out.

Thanks guy, as always, for your kind comments.
I have said it before, but it's what makes this forum special.

Sorry for the delay. Other projects and life get in the way and I need to be in the right frame of mind. Also been building a train, but more on that later.

anyway we are on the home stretch now with this. I need to do a test build of all the components to make sure I've kept the right ones as a master and then it's over to you. :thumb:
Yay! Great to see you back at it, and I understand not being able to work on it all the time. Can't wait to see the final result!
Morning all. Sorry no posts for a (long) while. Life gets in the way and having more than one hobby doesn't help.

Hi Jackfrost. I always try to use the srtongest alcohol with least amount water. I works for me :p Does it effect the print?

the times i have used it , nope, seems to just loosen the fiber enough for give and not let leach out after
Curved the 'petals', recoloured and made the barrel tighter.
Just about there.


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I is lovin' this model!! :)
Wow it looks great :thumb: I can not wait to see you finished this one.
I always loved the look of the landmaster the movie was ah ok. The book is great one of Roger Zelazny better books.

Thanks for sharing your progress.
The film was dreadful. Doubt if they even read the story. The landmaster was the star. And yes it was a good book which would have made a great film. I always thought that Kurt Russell based Snake plisken on Hell Tanner.( the anti hero of the book)
Amazing work!


I can't get over the work on this forum! I'm impressed that you are willing to take the time to do this in the best possible way. That will guarantee that it's a kit worth building.

Bravo and keep of the EXCELLENT work! Can't wait to see this finished!


Ian :thumb:
I could help you make some kick A$$ wheels. :)
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