help getting Transformers.War.For.Cybertron models

Anyone know why 3d ripper can not capture model from games that run on steam?
After some tweaking and leet hax, I managed to make the ripper work. Ok then, lets do this. Who's got 3d studio max with 3dr plugin?
Topic views have almost doubled since I last posted, but nobody seems to actually want to try. Well, I no longer need help with the 3drs. As you can see, the models are too complex for papercraft, unless you make them 1:1. I'll probably use the models for mods for Fallout and Unreal Tournament 3.


I can't play the game online, so I can only rip the single player bots. If you want to see Arcee, Slipstream, and the dlc characters, you'll have to send me 3drs.
That looks like it's in sketchup, if it is I can help clean them up after this Monday 6th.
That looks like it's in sketchup, if it is I can help clean them up after this Monday 6th.

Yes, it's google sketchup. The best 3d modeling program I've used. It's an arse kicking modeling program fit for an aspiring 3d modeler. Shameless self promotion: Never ending Optimus Primal WIP


3ds studio max is meh, and blender is...If I describe my feelings for blender, I'll be instantly permabanned. Suffice to say it has caused me pain, and I'd like to beat the designers within an inch of their lives, hospitalize them, and then beat them up again. Anyway, the models have been easy to clean up and rescale so far, thank Jesus. I plan to release the models in packs. Vehicle pack, weapon pack, etc.

If you can convert to .obj I'll also be willing to make it papermodel friendly.
Do you by chance have the textures that goes with the model?

For some reason, 3dripper stops capturing shaders and textures after some minutes, but I don't know if it's a result of my own tweaking. Anyway. Do you know about textures?


My guess is that it's a UV map or a glow map, but I don't know how to apply it to the model. And it's big too. About 3mb or so.
You can do it in pepakura but don't load the .obj file it screws with the textures use 3ds or something else also .lwo is not a 'friendly' file type

and mondo coolio dude
Nah, I import into Maya and it's usually faster to just make a new model using the original as reference. That way I know every polygon of the model... :p
I can import obj, 3ds and a few others.

I'll see what I can do with that texture file. Shouldn't be a problem in Photoshop.
Here's Ironhide and Warpath in their vehicle modes, and a neutron assault blaster. I'm not quite sure if I got the dimensions right, but eh, everything that should be round is round.






mondo coolio dude


You can do it in pepakura

I don't know how, lol. I remeber it I did it once, though.

Nah, I import into Maya and it's usually faster to just make a new model using the original as reference.

Not in my case. I tend to spend hours tweaking and adding more and more details, when I create a new model. And in some cases, I spend hours adding details to models that I ripped. I rarely use 3d ripper. But I agree, most of the time 3d ripper distorts the models so bad, it's a lost cause. I only use it when I run out of options.
I just remembered I have a friend on f3underground that might be able to help with the texture thing. He managed to port hellgate london meshes and textures to fallout 3. I'll see if he's still around.
I don't think you need to edit the texture file just clean up the model first and then apply the textures in pepakura it shouldn't be affected.
hey guys good news! I'm going to see if a friend of mine can rip trypticon when he has some spare time cause he's a bit swamped with school and other models right now. No gurantees but we'll see what happens. Although my ideal trypticon model is having him HUGE (18 inches) with simple joints: one at each arm and one at each thigh here the legs connect. You know, so he will be in-scale with the deluxe Transformers figures. Anybody up for making him if I can get it lol? It would be awesome to have him like that!
I have metroplex and trypticon but they're really detailed an not suitable for paper models.
Topic views have almost doubled since I last posted, but nobody seems to actually want to try. Well, I no longer need help with the 3drs. As you can see, the models are too complex for papercraft, unless you make them 1:1. I'll probably use the models for mods for Fallout and Unreal Tournament 3.


I can't play the game online, so I can only rip the single player bots. If you want to see Arcee, Slipstream, and the dlc characters, you'll have to send me 3drs.

Hey there, I've been looking for these models for a while too. from what I've read and seen you've been able to successfully rip them but I don't see anything if you've posted a link for others to download them.

As for the requests to convert them, I have maya 2008 and 3DS Max 2010 so maybe if you can get me the files I may be of help to everyone.
I'm actually interested in doing a 1:1 scale Optimus in vehicle mode, so I'd greatly appreciate an unfold of that beast.
Bumblebee would also be swell.
Hey guys. I have good news and bad news. A lot of things happened since I last posted, that have kept me from spending much time on the models. I'll be leaving for the next 8 months, to serve in the army as a conscript. Thanks to our out-of-touch-with-reality officers, it'll be a walk in a park in hell. They are like the managers in the Dilbert animated series. Before I leave, I'll leave two 3d models I tried hard to fix (and I believe they are perfect). Prime's alt mode and Ratchet's robot mode.


If you use these models or parts of them, then I want you to give credit to the company for making the game, and to me for ripping them. People have used my work in the past (original work, non anything ripped) without giving me credit, and it suckes, so if I don't get credit, I won't release anything else.
Btw, I'm more commonly known as "Michalanthropos" around the intrnet.

Also, yperihikos, would it be possible for you to export the model of Starscream in vehicle mode? I want to attempt to make a custom toy but I need a stepping off point for it in vehicle mode.

I'll see what I can do.
What did you use to rip them from the game they look great can't wait to get started on them

I'm using a 3dripper I tweaked to heck. Normaly, 3dripper can't work on DirectX 10 games. This one can:p. It still distorts the models. I fix them with google sketchup.
Ok yperihitikos i can help with cleaning up now so if you want i can help a bit