Health update, and What I did in my radiation quarantine

So sorry about your hand. I have to sleep with a CPAP. I felt something was wrong, and my Pulmonologist ordered a sleep test. I actually fell asleep at a stop light, it cycled from stop, through green, and back to stop, a car beeped it's horn when it turned green again. They had me go to sleep in what looked like a Hotel Room in the hospital sleep center. What seemed like seconds later, they work me up and said they had to stop the test. I had stopped breathing 140 times in 45 minutes, jerking (Myocardial Jerk, not the other kind, perverts) myself awake, completely unaware. That's how close I had come to kicking the bucket. I won't sleep without a CPAP machine anymore. Sometimes, the pressure cranks real high, and that wakes you up, it's an indication that you may have stopped breathing.

If you need breathing equipment to help you sleep, use it, as if you don't, it will not be sleep eventually, and you don't wake up from that. :)
Ender what a sad story so sorry to hear you have lost your mother. You will be in my thoughts and I wish you a speedy recovery when your operation is done.
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Ennder, I am sorry to hear that you lost your mother. My deepest and most sincere condolences to both you and your family.
I hope that you make a strong and speedy recovery! Both you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
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I'm really sorry for this. I hope you are getting better soon. Take care and have faith.
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It's been 2 years since my Mom passed. I can't even take the icon off of my phone. I think about her so often. My father died when I was 5. My mother was everything to me. I'll never get over her passing, and I look forward to the day we meet up again. I know this will happen. I miss her, but I'm happy she is not suffering, and I've got someone up there to help show me the way.

My Mom was a fantastic seamstress and electronic technician. She made parts of the Apollo era space suits, where the fittings were sewn in, at Hamilton Standard. She also made Gyroscopes for missiles. A brilliant woman in many languages. :)
Wes, sorry to hear the passing of your mother and the unfortunate accident with you hand.

Life is really hard, and when you dealt a crap deal then writing it down as you say helps.

The support and well wishing on this forum is beyond belief - may you have a speedy recovery and condolences to you & yours
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Thank you everyone, the well wishes mean a lot to me. Sorry for your loss Z. Growing up, my mom did upholstery work, dad was an over the road trucker/mechanic/logger. In my second year of collage I talked my mom into going back to collage, (she had finished 1 semester when she met dad).

She got her Masters in Special Education and taught for 12 years before her breathing issues forced her to retire.
Losing a loved one is never easy, I lost my dad when I was 19, and lost my mom back in 2006, I still think of them both, and still see thier faces.
My son was born in 2016, and he lived for 52 minutes, then died in his mothers arms, I never even held him.

I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
and yes, talking about it helps.
Back in June, I fell and broke the main joint in my left thumb. I also tore several tendons including the ACL and the UCL. I have been to see a hand surgeon several time over the past few months. Today, he finally decided that I need surgery. So as soon as he schedules it I will be having it.
Anyway, this is the reason I have not been posting any builds..... I have lost most of my grip in my left hand.

On top of all that, In August we lost my mom. I had been her main caregiver for the past 12 years. They listed COD as COPD, but It was due to CO2 level being over 80% and they could not get it to come down. She has had a Trilogy machine for 4 years but would not use it. It works like a Cpap but it removes CO2 from your lungs and keeps it from building up in your blood.

Please, people, if the doctor gives you equipment like that, USE IT, It will save your life.

Thank you for reading this, It has helped me process some of the grief I still have, just by writing it down.

My condolences for your loss. I'm sorry that you lost your mother. It will get better in time. Just remember she loves you and that she is in a better place now.

I'm glad you are still with us, and participating in the forum. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. And remember we are all here for you!
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