Gauge Module Sign-up

Re skyboard, as Robin has noted it should be removable and we will be painting it here in Toronto - paint will be supplied, as well as cloud stencils if anyone wants to try their hand at that technique.

If you plan to add a printed backdrop the idea would be to bring it along in a carboard tube and add at the get-together after the backdrop is painted, cutting along the edges of the scenery.

Spitfire Oil - Bulk Facility

This is a little scrapbox project I'm tinkering with...I've just started this...(there's a thread in the Scratchin' & Bashin' forum called Kitbasher's Diary, that descibes the supply shed structure)
If anyone is interested in putting it on one of the modules, I'll finish it up, & ship it to Toronto...I laid the scale ruler there to give an idea of the has an overall 'footprint' of 17"x6 1/4". I'm using a piece of 1/8" masonite as a base.
Here's the 'front' or 'streetside'...


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Spitfire Oil

...and here's the 'trackside'...


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I still have to build a truck rack, tank car loading/unloading, pumphouse, steps, ladders, & pipes...
Anybody got room on a module for it?
Hi all, First of all I think this si such a great idea second of all i would like to build a module to be in it. but, there is a small problem i might not be able to come most likely but mabye not. second of all I think you should have the BQQ at the National collctors/runners annual convention. Just south of DC. Then i would for shure be able to come also. But I think it would be very cool to be in the NATIONAL show :eek:.

Anyways Sign me up for a NTRAK 24" x 48" please i would build it and send it if needed. i will also send a car with my face on it :D.

I lost the internet so i wont be talking much mabye on weekends.
o and my club they might all be able to build one and prolly come if all the people in our club builds a module and can go. that would be very col ill tlak to them but for now just me.

Wow Charlie that is fantastic!! I can't think of a better name for it either - Spitfire Oil, has a nice ring to it I must say!

My apologies to everyone for my sporadic presence here lately. It's a very heavy workload time of year for me, and I have had very little free time. However, the end is in sight and I plan to start my module over the Christmas holidays.

Trainmasta, I will pencil you in for a module, that way, if you're unable to make it there won't be any problems, and if you are, all the better.

As requested by Arl, here is a progress photo of my first corner module. There are still 5 buildings to come.
Track is partially ballasted.


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Wonderful Module, Robin!

5 more buildings? I see where two will go... that's fairly obvious, where will the other 3 go? Will you put something on that skinny section between the station and the courthouse? Or maybe some stuff on the "other side of the tracks"?

Whatever you have in mind, I'm sure it will be really cool! Do you already have a theme for the other corner module?
Progress report overdue...

I've neglected to post progress of my module, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about it! I am working on several projects at once, this one included. :)

I've got all three parts connected here for the photo-shoot. I've got about half of the cork roadbed glued down, the track on top of it is just for "looks". Since the connection of my three pieces doesn't have to be to NTRAK standards (only the outer two edges) I've come up with a neat idea for making them look seemless.

One of the things I never liked about modular RR is how the track over the joints lacks ballast. (Painting the roadbed helps, but not much.) I didn't want the same thing to happen between my pieces. What I did was glued some cork roadbed to a piece of cardstock. Then, a short piece of track will go on this (much like the short piece of track between modules) and eventually this "joiner" will get ballast. I've recessed the module where these parts will go so that only the "line" where it meets the rest of the track will be noticeable, if at all. I'll let you know how it turns out.


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Pete, tentatively it's set for mid to late August. Though don't think anything is set in stone.

UPDATE: Here's the connector piece of track I was talking about in my previous post. Basically it's track on roadbed glued to cardstock and weathered and ballasted. These pieces will go between my module pieces so as to "blend" better with the surrounding track and make it all look like one module. The ends (outer edges) will be to NTRAK standards as normal.

That impression of the cardstock will be cut into the foam so that it sinks to the level of the roadbed (hiding the card) and become level with the rest of the roadbed and track around it. Since it's got ballast, only the join lines will be visible.

So... what do you think? :)


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