Gauge Module Sign-up


Just saw this. What a great Idea. I am interested - if it is later in the year. I am working on a National Family Reunion that our Engle Family Association will be hosting in Lancaster, PA the last week of June. I am pretty well tied up till then.

A module is in the works and/or structures if I cannot attend.

:) :) :)
I know I should have gone back to read your initial post Val then I would have known this is to be N gauge duh!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Yes I will commit to a corner module but still want to make an HO structure for you Val.
Originally posted by Matthyro
....Yes I will commit to a corner module but still want to make an HO structure for you Val.
Hey Val,
As Brando would say, "Let's make her an offer she can't refuse!"
:D ;) :cool: :D
Robin, that is too cool! I guess since I don't have to travel I should volunteer for a corner module too. Anyone else?

Thanks also for the building offer - I would be honoured to have one of your excellent structures on my layout! Do you want me to think one up, or do you have something up your sleeve?

Ok, I believe I will be making a 3' wide x 2' deep straight section. (I'd love to do a coveted corner module, but I gotta think about transporting this! 3' x 3' might be a bit much for me.) :( :(

I'm working on my design right now in Photoshop... I'll post it as soon as I got a rough draft ready! :cool: ;) :p

EDIT: Ok, scratch that... not NTRAK regulation size... I guess I'll also be doing a 2-footer. :eek: :eek:
Val right now due to Medical and $$$$$$$$ reasons I don't think I can make it in person but could donate some rolling stock and maybe a loco (Kato or Atlas) if that would be of any help??? Also everything I have has KD couplers so if you are going to run rapidos someone would have to convert em' as I no longer have any. BTW before anyone starts building don't you need to decide on what brand of track, what code, min. size of switch, min. curve radius, etc.??????????
Gauge Modules website

Hi all! I have set up a Gauge Modules website to keep track of things, including who's contributing what, so that we can all "see at a glance" where we are at.

Here is the link to the site.

Module builders are encouraged to weigh in with their preferences on brand of track, turnouts, couplers, DC or DCC etc. Of course certain standards are already specified for NTRAK, but others are not, and it is these we need to decide. My feeling is that whatever is most available and least expensive will be a more inclusive choice.

The first thing you will see is that all but 2 modules are going to be NTRAK, so that is clearly our first choice.

I understand that oNeTRAK and even TTRAK can hook up with NTRAK modules through the use of transition modules. So far we have no one building these - any takers?

Hey guys...
I was going through some scrap box stuff last night, working on a kitbash, & I noticed I had a piece of foamdore board, & I was wondering if you would be interested in me building a bulk oil facility...roughly 12"x6" footprint...?
Per Charlie's request (and a darn good idea :D ) I tried to make this thread a sticky.It must be monday cause I failed,but then I did the smart fella thing and have asked Dave to do it.
Everyone: As you see in Val's website, I'm slated for a 2-footer straight section.

I'd like to add, however, that I've volunteered to add some cross over's on my module. In the interest of running trains at the event (and the ability to switch them from one track to another) I will be using Peco Code 80 #8 Left hand turnouts. (NTRAK Calls for #8's on the main... don't know if Val updated that yet.)

I'm letting you guys know, in case some other module builder would like to do the complement: Right hand turnouts - so we could gaurantee the ability to switch trains from any track and back again, without having to back a train through a turnout. I know I'll need 4 turnouts to do this (to connect all three parallel tracks) but I'm fine with that. ;) :D

What do you guys think? Any takers?
I stand corrected! :p

I can't find the source where I saw the #8 turnout thing. Maybe it was just a particular club requirement or something.

As for couplers: I think we should go with Micro-Trains knuckle couplers, with Atlas Accumate knuckle couplers being acceptable.

As for ballast: I vote for Gray Blend - Fine grain (only because I got two big containers of the stuff already ;)

Fascia Color: I don't think this would matter if it varied a little. I will likely use chocolate brown, since I got a gallon of the stuff from the OOPS! dept. at the local hardware store.
I don't know if anyone has come up with standards for the facia and backdrop yet. I suggest 6inches for facia painted flat black. Just because I have the paint on hand :rolleyes: but could go to the suggested brown.
The Ntrak standard for back drop is 8 inches to 14 inches. I suggest 12 inches as it will be easy to transport .
Ballast could be any colour because in the real world ballast colour changes from location to location.
Has anyone found a source for the TRW-Cinch#P-302-CCT connectors?
One other standard is the height the module stands. It must be 40inches from ground to top of rail.
The three track positions are measured from the back of the 24inch deep module. They are 17", 18 1/2"and 20"
Oopsie - I don't know why I never saw this here before.

I model N, and live in the same city as Val - guess if anyone's gonna join in, it should be me!

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea - it'll get me back into the MR thing sooner - the train room in the new house is at least a year off.

Val - lemme know what your priority is terms of needs and I'll try to accommodate. I could probably take on a corner module as the travel distance is short for me. I have a fair bit of rolling stock lying around not doing anything right now too...
Thanks Alex, I will order from them.

Val, you are being kind and generous to be hosting this event so I would like to suggest that you set the standards for the modules.
Facia: and colour
Backdrop height:
couplers: although I have a transitional car with rapido coupler at one end and micro trains at the other'
Anyting else you can think of.
Originally posted by cpr_paul

I model N, and live in the same city as Val - guess if anyone's gonna join in, it should be me!

Excellent Paul - I couldn't agree more. How about a corner module? That will save Robin from having to build 3 of them!! Could you get back to me on that and I'll post it on the dedicated website.

By all means bring along some rolling stock.
