Digital Navy Fuso

Fuso armour belt


Just could not stand the wavy armour belt anymore so I resorted to more crude formers to sort out the lousy cardboard I used. Looks reasonable from above.

Fuso Casement deck

Hi All

Finally got all the turrets in place I found that glue one turret fit in the next and glue it (not the turret just the housing around it) worked allright, a couple of them do not really like turning but basically I was a little slap happy at the rear of the turret because it would not show, it's a fairly tight margin of error. The turret should rotate but not fall out of the back.


Thanks for the encouragement.


Roman's designs are accurate and if you take your time they are no more difficult than any of the others but this one you have to think a bit before applying the glue, like lots of dry runs.


Thank you for the kind words again. Yes all the turrets rotate one of the casement guns is a little reluctant to turn but it is more or less in the right place anyway.

On to the rest of the hull plates. If the sun shines or even if it stops raining for a while I will try to take a decent photograph.


Hi Barry

Thats a good dream you have come up with, stop raining I think not :lol:
Here you could have got a sun tan today if you don't mind getting soaked :lol:

First hard part over and it looks great!!
Look forward to the rest


Fuso casements

Hi All


Well dreams some times come true the sun came out


This set is your fault (well they are better than the others)


Thanks for the encouragement

Hi Barry

Looks even better in the sun.
Shows off the work done realy well:D

Keep up the great work and we look forward to a lot more :roll:


Wow, Barry, this is one complex looking hull!
Lots of little details, indents and other things that would make me mutter and scratch my head for a month. :lol:
And it's really, REALLY looking great! :D

Just one matter what the urge, DON"T DROP HER! :lol:

Great photos!!
Yes, I'll say it...more please?? :wink:

Hi All


Thank you


Tried to read the thread but kept getting an error message.


I have been scratching my head and swearing under my breath I must have dropped the turrets about 200 times.

will try a couple of photos in a while


Fuso hull sides

Hi All


Thread was fine my computer was set wrongly unfortunately the fit is tight I do not think the extra layer will fit now. Thanks for the thought though.

Started plating the hull have to see how it turns out

Hi Barry

Starting to look the part now, its realy coming together well.
Nice and clean and the extra card did the trick with the decks Iam glad to see :D

Can't wait to see the superstructure go on this :roll:

Great modeling mate


Wow! The hull looks terrific, Barry! Everything seems to have fit together very nicely.

Hi All

I think I should have said that of course there is a backing tab behind the sharp break between the bow and the gun deck I fitted this together first to get a good fit and left it too dry for a while, then the forward hull sides can be pulled tugged steamed whatever to fit. Not too difficult but there will be some tasteful patches of rust to cover a few odds and sods that are not quite right.

I shall also cheat like crazy and where my cardboard was not the right thickness :eek:ops: will be covered by the waterline and I shall put packing under the waterline plate to fix this I hope :lol: only to stop the thin sides getting bent under.

Ah, a sunny day, I see. :lol:

Great photos, Barry!

Rob's right, it's not cheating, it's just part of the build process, and sometimes you just have to improvise to make it right. :wink:

And, my friend, it is certainly looking very right. :D

stern sides

Hi All

Just a quick photo more from relief that the sides fitted because the white block in the casement deck lines up with the new bit and the stern meets in the right place. I know it should, but I'm chuffed that it did.
