Building Uhu02's Enterprise

I had this coming...

As the title says, I had this one coming, and I knew it, but I didn't do anything about it. Of course, things gone bad, but lucky me I had my haispray can at hand.
I assembled the "bones" for Enterprise's rear body part, and when I tried to do a fitting test, almost all of the pieces folded. AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!:curse::curse: After the shock and almost cardiac arrest, I sprayed hairspray on it, deglued everything, and laminated it onto the paper scrap from the very same Enterprise, to make it stiffer, except for pieces #S6 and #S10. I'll re-cut it and re-assemble soon.
On the other hand, I was very happy with the job on the hangar bay doors and rear body part. UHU02 just made the model almost assemble itself in these "closure situations" (same thing when closing the saucer). If you cut it right, then it will fit perfectly, and you won't have much work. Absolutely fantastic, how could one not get impressed with his work?
Here's the pic of the laminated pieces.


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It was really just a matter of laminating the "S" pieces. Although I'm assembling it without the tabs, it came in so tightly that I didn't even bother to glue. Perfect fit, maybe a little tight, but it formed the rear part of the body with beautiful, smooth curves. Sometimes it's hard to believe this is made of paper.
Here's the pic. GREAt victory for the newbie!sign1


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Rogerio those parts look so cool...

You're way ahead of me in papercrafting, that deflector and shuttlebay look absolutely stunning.
The devotion and effort you are putting into this model is certainly giving it credit and it shows.

Keep it up the way you do and you'll have a fantastic Starship in the end :)

I'll get back to my USS Wanderer now. Maybe I'll post some pics later if I have the time.

Cheers and all the best,
USS Wanderer

Rogerio those parts look so cool...

You're way ahead of me in papercrafting, that deflector and shuttlebay look absolutely stunning.
The devotion and effort you are putting into this model is certainly giving it credit and it shows.

Keep it up the way you do and you'll have a fantastic Starship in the end :)

I'll get back to my USS Wanderer now. Maybe I'll post some pics later if I have the time.

Cheers and all the best,

Looking forward to seeing it, Elko! And please tell us the link to the model...:twisted:
It's always a pleasure to hear from you.:wave:
What you have so far, is really looking good. Everything is nice, clean and crisp. I do not see any kind of problems (if there are any, you are hiding them very well).
After you finish this model. You will no longer be considered a FNG (Frakking New Guy) (At least be me) any more.

Great victory, but still a long battle to go...

What you have so far, is really looking good. Everything is nice, clean and crisp. I do not see any kind of problems (if there are any, you are hiding them very well).
After you finish this model. You will no longer be considered a FNG (Frakking New Guy) (At least be me) any more.


Rhaven, whenever you and some of the other big guys make compliments to my work, I feel that I'm on the right path, but still can do better. Unfortunately, no progresses today, since I am gladly helping a cousin with the misteries of Math!
I promise we'll see something until Saturday!
About no longer being the Frakking New Guy, SO SAY WE ALL!!:wave:
I couldn't resist...


I know I wrote to Rhaven that I wouldn't post any progresses today, but I just couldn't resist. I finished up studying with my cousin earlier, and then I decided to work even a little bit on the model. Why not? I wasn't sleepy...:rolleyes:
It's now 11:25 pm here, it's late, and i'll get up early tomorrow...:cry: But I've got time to work at least on a small, tricky part, IMHO. It's the one formed by pieces #28, #29 and #30. Well, I have to admit: the "tricky" came because of my own stupidity, when I misread the lines for glueing pieces #28 and #29 to piece #30. But everything is all right now.
The thing is, once you've assembled #28 and #29 together, when you glue them to #30, they DO NOT touch the vertical straight sides, ONLY the round one. After all, they follow the dark patterns of #30. I didn't see it quite well on the instructions.
Here's the pic. You'll see the #29, #29 and #30 set, and #43 in a already cut, pre-shape status. Please pay attention to how the curvature of #28 has to be made.


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Coming along nicely. your work is inspiring to those of us with little or no talent... :p
Rhaven, whenever you and some of the other big guys make compliments to my work, I feel that I'm on the right path, but still can do better. Unfortunately, no progresses today, since I am gladly helping a cousin with the misteries of Math!
I promise we'll see something until Saturday!
About no longer being the Frakking New Guy, SO SAY WE ALL!!:wave:

Thank you for the compliment. To tell you the truth, there are people here FAR better then I. I too have quite a bit to learn.

Coming along nicely. your work is inspiring to those of us with little or no talent... :p
Thanks a lot, micah, but I have to include myself in the "no talent" bunch...:cry: Although I can say in my favor that I do apply a lot of effort in trying to get better. For instance, I don't think I would ever be capable of doing a work as beautiful as the one that shows in your avatar...:thumb: I've seen the thread!:cool:

Thank you for the compliment. To tell you the truth, there are people here FAR better then I. I too have quite a bit to learn.

Mentor, I'll be more than happy when I get to the point of making add-ons and tunings on the models! Your faithful disciple!:mrgreen::mrgreen:

I think we all have a bit to learn. No one is ever truly done with accumulating knowledge or skill :)
Rick, I couldn't agree more!:thumb: You're absolutely right, but I do have to recognize that a lot of people here is light-years away from me when it comes to skill and experience (and speaking English!:cry:).
We all have something (or a lot) to learn, for no human holds the full knowledge in all fields. But we can always choose what we want to get better at, and if it's something we like to do, then it's all good!

Cheers and thank you all for your kind words!
Rogerio ther will always be things we still have to learn a lot about.
The other day I was looking thrue my grandfathers's (he passed away a couple years ago) pictures. He use to make casings for antique clocks, now THAT was skill from the top level. The ornaments he made were just out of this world and all from old very old wood that turned as hard as stone thrue time.

He's always been a great inspiration to me as a kid and still. When I told him I was never going to be able to make something as he did his answer was, "If you wanna make something then make it, if it fails, make it again, each time you fail you learn." He meant to say that if you don't try or if you give up you don't learn anything.
I agree with him and have always kept that as one of my rules to live by, and I sure had times were it meant more to me then my grandpa ever realised.

Wow gettin' all phylisophic here, you're learning fast Rogerio and it shows. You gonna have yourself a very dandy Enterprise. (Just watch out for that Klingon on the starboardbow :) ).

Thanks for visiting!

Looking really good, one of UHU's perfect designs!


Thanks for visiting both this thread and the other one. Well, what is to say about UHU02's model? The man is a genius, an artist (Here I go again, this should be in the UHU02 appreciation thread)...
But as I told other members, the pics are quite deceptive, and they do not show all the model's imperfections (FROM MY BUILDING, OF COURSE, AND DEFINITELY NOT UHU02), although it's still within my tolereance limits.:thumb:
To tell you the truth, I am happy with my work, because I know my limitations, which I try to overcome all the time (a very important attitude in this hobby, as well as in life, IMHO).
Maybe we'll see something else tonight (pelase remember there's a plus five-hour difference from the time shown in here and my local one).
Memories and shields

Rogerio ther will always be things we still have to learn a lot about.
The other day I was looking thrue my grandfathers's (he passed away a couple years ago) pictures. He use to make casings for antique clocks, now THAT was skill from the top level. The ornaments he made were just out of this world and all from old very old wood that turned as hard as stone thrue time.

He's always been a great inspiration to me as a kid and still. When I told him I was never going to be able to make something as he did his answer was, "If you wanna make something then make it, if it fails, make it again, each time you fail you learn." He meant to say that if you don't try or if you give up you don't learn anything.
I agree with him and have always kept that as one of my rules to live by, and I sure had times were it meant more to me then my grandpa ever realised.

Wow gettin' all phylisophic here, you're learning fast Rogerio and it shows. You gonna have yourself a very dandy Enterprise. (Just watch out for that Klingon on the starboardbow :) ).


Thanks for sharing your life experience, those were great words from a very beautiful memory of yours, which I could visualize because of your fine description. We all have people in our lives that make a difference, teach us things, and pass on to us the values that make us who we are. My late dad once taught me, when I was a little boy trying to tie my sandals, and not making a good job, that a spider builds its web and the wind tears it apart, and it'll just rebuild it for about 50 times, before changing places... I'm no biologist, so I never checked that info, but he was a veterinarian (NOT an enthomologist)...
I remember it like it was today, and it has been 41 years... I persevered a little longer, and did tie the sandals, and boy, that was an accomplishing feeling!

But enough philosophy, we're here to build models! Klingon bird of prey coming out of cloak, shields up! And "I don't believe in no-win scenarios"!:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Back in business


I'm back in business, and have glued the last set of pieces #28-#30 to #43. Not so hard, butt-joining them was just a matter of patience.
Here a the pics, the glowing parts are tape reinforcements.


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Getting closer...

I decided to assemble pieces #42, #41 and #40 together, before glueing them to #43. Here are the pics.
The first pic shows pieces #42 and #41 already glued together, with #40 fully cut.
The second pic shows piece #40 assembled, while the third shows the whole assembled set. And the fourth pic shows the back of the whole set, with lots of tape, to hold for paper tension.
Butt-join presents the best results, but maybe I'm too insecure and what to double-join it with tape, just to make sure. Works for me!
Oh! and the long "antenna-like" structures of piece #40 can be tricky. They are very delicate, so it helps cutting them with minimum pressure and using a metal ruler to guide the knife.


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Everything so far, look really good.
As for using tape to reinforce your joints, there is nothing wrong with that at all.
Just remember, if you are using clear tape, you have to take into consideration all of the other parts that have to be attached and will the tape interfere with the other parts.
I mostly use either masking tape or sticky labels to reinforce my edge joints. That way, I do not have to worry about such.

Like I said, you are doing a GREAT job on this.
Wow guys, I am learning a lot from this thread!
Rogerio, I love the fact that you encourage and advise, even as you are learning. (and the build is coming along great!)
I'm no whiskey...

Everything so far, look really good.
As for using tape to reinforce your joints, there is nothing wrong with that at all.
Just remember, if you are using clear tape, you have to take into consideration all of the other parts that have to be attached and will the tape interfere with the other parts.
I mostly use either masking tape or sticky labels to reinforce my edge joints. That way, I do not have to worry about such.

Like I said, you are doing a GREAT job on this.
Thanks, Mentor, but I didn't get it quite right. I'm using tape only on the back part of the piece to conceive it, so I did not understand the interference it could make. Could you be so kind to furnish an example?
Wow guys, I am learning a lot from this thread!
Rogerio, I love the fact that you encourage and advise, even as you are learning. (and the build is coming along great!)
Thanks for you very kind message. There's one thing I believe: knowledge, if not strategic, should be wide-spread. If you glance at the threads in the "Tips, Tutorials, and Tools" section, you'll be amazed of what you can learn. Man, even I, a(n almost not so) newbie, have posted there.

Now, about this post's title: I'm no whiskey, but... I KEEP WALKING!sign1
P.S. When you cut the laminated pieces, it helps a lot to cut the fitting openings (for the other pieces) using a ruler.