Building Bachmann's Ambassador Hotel


Active Member
Jul 28, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I've had this kit for awhile - won it on eBay and finally decided to get around to building it. It's fairly straightforward to put together, but I decided to superdetail parts of the interior, so this will show my progress with that.

Here's a shot of what the finished kit should look like from the package.



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The window snap into position with these little interior posts. I am going to add an inner wall to this part so the first thing I have to do is get rid of the posts.


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Using the same black cardstock as for the marine supply, I cut out these interior walls. The black will block any light leakage through the walls.

I scanned each piece first, then traced it in Illustrator. I printed the tracings and used them as a template for cutting the cardstock.


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Next I printed out interior walls and glued it onto the cardstock, then glued the cardstock into place inside the building, being very careful to make sure the window openings lined up.

I also built a dividing wall between this section, which is a sitting area, and the back section which will be the main lobby. I created the arch myself out of sheet and strip styrene. The 2 niches on either side of the archway are leftover DPM windows with the mullions removed.

Sorry the first pic is so blurry. This is pre-paint. The second is after painting and installation.



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Sure Chris - as long as he doesn't start throwing TV's out the window!!! :D :D

Okay, a lot of time was spent on the computer yesterday creating the back wall which will run the entire length of the lobby. The middle section is where the registration desk will go. Here's a reduced shot of the final that I have printed out.



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Thanks Matthew!!

I've now added the back wall and registration desk. Here is a shot through the front doors. The only thing that's dimensional, beside the doors, is the desk. Everything else is done in Photoshop with drop shadows to create the illusion of depth.

The second photo is a close-up - I really like the way the pigeonholes turned out.



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Awesome Val, the interior looks so real. Where did the carpet come from? I just love the interior details. Now where will this go on your layout? Has to be somewhere where we can get a peep inside.
Val that looks absolutely fantastic. You sure put a lot into your models. Keep us posted on this one, I just gotta see it all.:D As Gomer Pyle would say GOLLY!
Cheers Willis
More, more! We need to see more progress Val. The interior looks INCREDIBLE. Can't wait for some more shots.

PS....those front doors are screaming for some door mats with the hotels logo on them. :)
Thanks folks! Frank, that's a good idea - hadn't though of door mats. I am planning some fancy topiary along the walkway leading to the front door and also on the balcony above it.

Doing the interior is making this project take a lot longer than it would otherwise, and especially since I am making it up as I go along. Today I tackled the repetitive task of of spackling the brick walls and adding windows and shades.

Here's 2 shots, one from the front and the other from the back. The interior will be lit, but in order to prevent people from seeing into this part, I will only light the windows where the shades are drawn. I've tested this paper and when lit from behind has a nice warm glow. I will block off the unlighted windows with more black cardstock.



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That's really a neat model Val and I'm sure you could get carried away with details if you wanted , with such a grand old hotel . I like the clocks at the main desk with various time settings and the elevator markers showing the different floors . I'm looking forward to your updates .

More progress

A bit more progress made today. I reprinted the back wall because I decided to move the bank of elevators to another wall where they will be more easily seen.

I made the ceiling for the lobby today - it will actually be partially visible, which I wasn't counting on, so I had to make some moldings for where the main chandelier will go. The first photo shows the "rosette" I made out of some strip styrene and a button. You can also see the pillars I've made out of styrene tube that will go in the lobby. The 2 holes in the ceiling are to fit the pillars through. It will be easier that way I think to get them straight.

The second shot show my jury-rigged power supply to test one of the lights I'm thinking of using - a little N-scale grain of rice inside a plastic bead. I'm going to test it for 1/2 an hour to make sure there's not too much heat build-up.

The third shot is the light as seen through the front doors.

That's it for now.



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