Autoclair Build Thread


Dec 1, 2006
Oxford, UK
After seeing a lot threads on anime models, I am finally tempted to start one myself.:-D This is not my first model from Mizuirogakuen, but it'll definitely be the longest (5 pages, geez...)

I've printed 2 pages to a sheet as always, to save paper and ink and final size. But I soon realized that I've made 2 fatal mistakes from the start, they are going to haunt me all the way through:

1. Not downloading the newest version of Pepakura, which lead to having to print thin but clearly visible black lines on the surface.
2. Printing with a laser printer and not an inkjet, the colours just fall off when I cut them...


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Anyway I'll make a head start, this is a success-or-fail step that determines the look of the entire model. I scrapped the original tabs and replaced the with my own, as always.


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It's still termtime, so tools are severely limited in my college accomondation. I've managed to find a pair of scissors, half a bottle of office glue, a tweezer and that's it. I'll get on with that...


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Now with most of the back hair and ears... She'll look better with forehair.


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There's the forehair!

But then I found out that it was impossible to fit the last part onto the gap at the top... I must have made some inaccuracies somewhere...


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Problem solved!!! Did it by overlapping the last part onto the front bit of the hair, anyway it'll be invisible once I put the helmet on. I also finished the helmet in the meantime.

As you can see clearly, black lines are due to old version of Pepakura, and white lines are due to laser printer. These degrades my expectation value from a full five down to a three...


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Looking good Nezard! I don't think I've seen this particular model before. Is it a free download or a pay to print kit? Too bad about the lines. Where to score is obvious 80% of the time I think, but it's that other 20% that can get us into trouble. I wish Pepakura would place score indicators just outside of the part - that would make things so much easier and better looking. I'm having such a good time with Haruhi that I'm planning on building another anime girl - new thread to come next week. This is another lined jpeg model -no unlined file available that I can find. I'm in the process of removing all the lines using MS paint and Photoshop, and putting dashes outside the parts for those less than obvious scores. It's a laborious process, but I think it will be worth it in the end. Anyway, I can't wait to see the continued progress on your Autoclair.
It's looking good so far - I look forward to seeing how it progresses.
A bit more progress on the body... This android is more mecha-oriented so I could get away using existing tabs :D


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And another body part, and... OMG I'm actually starting to fold the fold lines!! This is the first time I did it, the result seems to be fine.


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Okay... It's not very helpful to leave something in the middle of the construction, so I've made a bit more progress just yesterday. --Inspired by eatcrow's excellent build on Vita, I decided to give her a paint job:


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I was a bit worried about how the head will do under a repaint, but was relieved to see the result -- The lines just disappeared. And she also seemed to have undergone some tanning session :D , I didn't get the proper skin colour~


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I'm a bit stuck on the hair colour for the moment -- Can someone tell me how I can get this pink hair colour from available model paints? (Because model paints normally doesn't have this colour)
lots of white, and add red till you hit the shade of pink you want
Autoclaire nolines

If you go back to Mizuirogakuen's website you can download a copy of Autoclaire with no lines. It's the download JPG (1.2mb) it should come up as thats the file with no lines. ENJOY!
I did use them in previous builds, but they are normally a bit low in resolution and the edges caused similar troubles. Anyway thanks for pointing that out RMCH.
Nezard said:
I'm a bit stuck on the hair colour for the moment -- Can someone tell me how I can get this pink hair colour from available model paints? (Because model paints normally doesn't have this colour)

It looks ever so slightly purplish. You might try a tiny spot of blue in the red/white mix.