A dream fulfilled...


Active Member
May 2, 2003
Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to ride in my trains. Thanks to the folks at www.wirelessmicrocolorcam.com and some funding raised thru the B&MC's management selling off excess inventory, I've now been able to do just that....sort of.

With camera in hand and some helpful tips from Model Railroad New's product review, I modified an old Mantua F7 dummy unit to carry the camera on the front truck. This is so that the camera will follow the track on curves, rather than aim out beyond curves with the loco's overhang. After filing it down to a 5 degree downward tilt, I mounted it with double sided foam tape. While the picture shows the wire tied to the rear of the truck, in practice this proved a derailment hazard and was removed.


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Ala "Monster Garage", I wanted it to look as stock as possible. I carefully cut a portal thru the nose with a razor saw and filed it clean. Again, in practice, this proved a derailment problem and was modified to look more like a "grin" as will be seen in the final picture.


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A hole was provided in the roof for the antenna and this shot shows the "smile" it now sports to clear the cable and screws on the sides of the camera.

Hiram and Billy Joe Ray Bob are now squarin' off to see who gets to ride first.

The future will bring a super bright headlight to help in low light conditions and a touchup on the paint. Even though I'm a Beano fan, I just can't bring myself to paint over that "Warbonnet" paint scheme.

By dumping off some old track and some old NASCAR stuff on Ebay, I was able to do this for less than $30. Even if I laid out the coin up front, it would still have only set me back less than the price of one of the newer locos. The effect, while not broadcast quality, is very striking, especially when someone "whistles off" as they pass you.


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You gotta get it in, Chris, it's just too cool:thumb: :thumb: The review that I read recommended a 15 degree cant. I found a 5 was more to my liking. Mounting it so that it swivels with the truck rather than the loco or car was also recommended and, I found, very effective.
Hi Shaygetz,, I have to decide how I want it mounted I like what you did , I would have to scratch build a Powered box motor or mount it on a flat freight car.

btw I have two of them, I returned the first as it was not picking up the signal. Then it got lost in transit .. the guy sent me one anyway, then the lost one it came back to me:rolleyes: Emailed him and sent it off again! three weeks later I get another.Now normaly I would send that one back,,, but by now I am loseing out on postage!!!
So there you have it one to place around the lay out, and one to ride the rails.:rolleyes:
Chris, go to www.ghz-link.com where they have a download of their camera. In it, the guy put one inside of a passenger coach looking outside and over the interior. Pretty interesting effect and something to consider for that second camera.
Originally posted by interurben
Thanks for the site, I will be useing 9v battaries for power, are you doing the same??

Thanks, Val and Tyson. Yes, Chris, I use the 9v battery. Because the one at GHz-Link runs off of the track and has a recharge life of less than 20 minutes, I chose the Wireless Micro Cam model. It can go up to 8 hours on one battery. The track powered GHz version is easily affected by dirt on the rails as seen in the video. The color retention and the onboard mike of the WMCC model were also deciding factors for me.
Originally posted by Matthyro
I am sure this is intriguing and all. I guess I will have to wait for miniturizing progress before one will be available for N gauge

Actually, Robin, the review also showed it mounted to an N scale flatcar with the battery in a trailing gondola.;)
Those Are Sooooooooo Cool!

I remember seeing a version of this at a atrain show. The one that the group had was powered from the tracks, and was very glitchy. The receiver was also subject to interference from other electronics somewhere in the building.

The overall effect was, "Cool. However, I think I'll wait for a while." Well, perhaps that time is now upon us. I really, really like the idea of a separate power supply.

I do have a few questions, though. For the cost advertised ($79.99 and/or $99.99), does one get the camera, receiver, and battery clip? I seem to recall an ad that had a camera for $79.99 and the receiver was an additional $99.99 - or am I hallucinating?

Also, you mentioned a Model Railroader write-up. I seem to have missed it. Which issue was that in? Perhaps that could answer some questions I haven't even thought up yet.

And, the last question...when will you post pictures? Or even better, VIDEO?? (Rubs hands in anticipation...) :)
Re: Those Are Sooooooooo Cool!


I do have a few questions, though.

Funny, that's what the guy at the IRS said.

For the cost advertised ($79.99 and/or $99.99), does one get the camera, receiver, and battery clip? I seem to recall an ad that had a camera for $79.99 and the receiver was an additional $99.99 - or am I hallucinating?

The WirelessMicroColorCam comes complete with all necessary accessaries to make it run. The GHz-Link camera sells it's parts separately. I highly recommend getting the AC adapter for the receiver. It's $10 well spent.

Also, you mentioned a Model Railroader write-up. I seem to have missed it. Which issue was that in? Perhaps that could answer some questions I haven't even thought up yet.

That was this month's Model Railroad News, a trade magazine that I get in the mail for those in the model retail business athough anyone can get it.

And, the last question...when will you post pictures? Or even better, VIDEO?? (Rubs hands in anticipation...) :)

Even now I am looking into getting a new computer so having a video card/recorder is on the shopping list. Without the video, I can't even begin to describe the difference in perspective on the layout---how great it looks as well as how wrong it looks in certain spots. What looks great from the "crow's nest" can look perty funky trackside:eek: :eek:ops: :p

I'd be carefull of one purchased on Ebay. Most of the ones are only sold thru China or Hong Kong and don't have the same specs. Plus, you can't buy one with a mike in it on Ebay, it's against their policy. The Wireless guys are out of Pennsylvania so there's a better chance of having a warm, soft body to rip into for any warranty work :eek:
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I had the same idea, but hadn't thought about mounting it on the trucks. What I had in mind was just a gondola or flat car with the camera in front and the battery behind.

The cameras I got both came with RX, TX, and battery clip. Just plug in a 9v battery and you're ready to go. Like shaygetz says, not broadcast quality, but still a very good picture. The only thing I worried about was the antenna going through tunnels. Another feature mine has is the ability to adjust the lens for a tight forward shot or a wide angle view.

Mounting it in a passenger car is a great idea. Some others I plan to do is to mount one in a shell to get the "from the cab" view, on top of the car directly behind the engine and also to mount one in a box car with the door open to get the feel of "riding the rails." :D :D :D
Originally posted by Pitchwife
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I had the same idea, but hadn't thought about mounting it on the trucks. What I had in mind was just a gondola or flat car with the camera in front and the battery behind.

Mounting it in a passenger car is a great idea. Some others I plan to do is to mount one in a shell to get the "from the cab" view, on top of the car directly behind the engine and also to mount one in a box car with the door open to get the feel of "riding the rails." :D :D :D

Mounting it to swivel with the truck is the best way, I feel, for a forward view. It really feels like you're standing on the front of a hood unit. I'd love to perfect it so that you'd be viewing the scenery over the cab nose or thru the handrails. When mounted on a carbody directly, the line of sight will follow the swing of the car, so you will be looking out beyond the track---then jerked back into line when it comes out of the curve. Now that view from an open boxcar door ought to be quite striking...gotta consider that for when I get a second camera.