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    • R
      RMantha replied to the thread AT-AT scratchbuild project.
      Haven't forgotten about this, just have been pretty busy. I have to throw a gloss finish on the wood base then mess around with the...
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    • R
      RMantha reacted to Walter2's post in the thread AT-ST with Like Like.
      Finally finished and also stable. The model was a challenge, but with patience and a few tricks it can be done. Now add the matching...
    • R
      RMantha reacted to Walter2's post in the thread AT-ST with Like Like.
      Head ready. Now it's time to assemble it and I hope it's stable.
    • R
      RMantha reacted to Walter2's post in the thread AT-ST with Like Like.
      Machine gun ready. A few more parts for the right side and then assembly.
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