Project Dropship 1:24 / Aliens

little break from the APC project.:hungry:


Dropship external holders :smug:


bay construction::rolleyes::bookworm:

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few new pics from Sulaco bay..:)

front holders


the holding mechanism (eye & hook solution)


rear dropship holder


Fuel hoses holders...there is no clear image of how look the end of it...the Fuel gun is missing.
In the stage 1:1 model is nothing in the end of the hoses(?).
there is exist one sketch of fuel guns and operational arms in never realised movie scene

fueling the dropship...


I ´ve merged the stage dropship instalation model and sketch above and become this..


for better is the video capture:rolleyes:

and few renders.....:eek:

next step is to thing where the hell are the fuel intakes at the Dropship;)
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this reply is slightly off topic, but I must..share this (it costs me lot´s of time :))
out there is another discussion about specific things around the dropship and I think that papermodel SCIFI fans here want to know everything from this project;)
its a pity that the fueling of the dropship has not been completed.

Abou the Sulaco bay and it´s equipment. I think that this bay was specificly done for Dropships only (Cheyenne utility UD-4*** production row).
...most of the hardware has not moveable (optional) parts..I mean that this whole place was build bespoke. USS SULACO has different types of hangars,
but not that sofisticated as the dropship bay with its pressure chamber mechanism)

.... in this case (and othe cases)I´m filling the unknown with my fan fiction

(for what is this hardware made? the typical question ;) )

Ilike to think about the hardware in the set (sulaco bay, colony ect...)and make some good explanation for what is this for?
all that rocket holders, cranes, chains....
If this is satisfactorily explained for me , then my deviation is satiated :angelic:
The same process I´ve applied to fueling and Pods of the dropship :D

look at this hi res pic: :)


ad A) this is decals layout from the movie...grabbed from dropship models and movie 1:1 instalation....there is JP12 mark few times.

-and here comes my fan fiction -

which i suppose is Military Jet Fuel.
JP12 is folower of known row of jet fuels today..which ends with is nice coincidence..or FX crew or James Cameron knew something? o_O

Jet fuel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ad B) This is my addon to decals family with my own brand decals for Fuel input hatches and for mechanism
which is holding the rocket pod attached to the moveable arm.

ad C) Here is explained everything about pods ::D

ad D) Here is a pic of the fuel tanks layout trough the dropship ...on right side is FUEL VENT schematics of the tube
which filling the fuel from tank to tak trough lockable rings...on the left side is view with "new"opened inputs.

I think that THIS is something useful from what we can bounce. :D and build functional world...ALIENS world :rolleyes:
(and i can build my Dropship :):D:p
Thank yo for the explanation. It is very informative (then again, this whole thread is FULL of FANTASTIC information).
All of your fan made items make perfect sense and it works for what you need.

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Too bad we don't have one of the model builders who have built the original miniature as a member of this forum; we could have asked him for any info on the ship and the bay... :rolleyes: But hey, we don't need to ask one of the artists - we have Jan! He knows what to do! :)

Jan, this is going to be spectacular. I guess you are going way beyond the official specs and delivering a model which is physically correct AND logical. WOW! :):):)
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I can clearly see them on the plans you've posted, so I get why you've modelled them, but why on earth would there be a fuel point and control system on the unfoldable rocket pod thingies? If that's fuel for the engines, surely it massively over complicates design to have moving pipe work going through the superstructure from the fuel filler point to fuel tanks. It might have been done that way in the film from an aesthetics point of view, but surely no aircraft designer in their own right would design it that way - it would be like having the fuel tank of your car inside the bonnet/hood so that it could move when you access the engine - madness.