Spaceagent-9 2017 build pic threads

I'm still working on it bro! LOL! Next, a regular sized Ron's 1701 with lights and after that the big Excelsior you have been waiting on. All I have to do is test the thickness of the poster paper with this black paper glued to the back of it. I will be using black poster paper glued to the back, instead of this almost tissue thickness for the light blocking.
The models came out great. To get good photos, put a sheet of paper on the plane you want the camera to focus on, press the shutter lightly, to let it focus, then drop the paper and finish pressing the camera button, and it will stay focused on that plane. This is standard for most digital camera, the ones on phones too. I wish more people would practice this to get sharp pictures. This is why parts laying on a table always come out sharp, the infrared signal is bouncing back and the distance read against the table surface, the part being on that surface comes in clear.

The picture of the boom, pylon and drive, for the Enterprise(?) you posted looks fantastic!! :)
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These Robin Reliants are an abomination. If you took one and stuck a Volkswagen drive set up in the rear, and just left the motor in front out of it, it would handle great. The problem is that the engine turns with the single front wheel it drives, making most of the weight on the single tire end, a "no-no" for any configurated 3 wheel vehicles. When I was in England and saw the Bonnet raised, I was shocked to just how crude the cars drive train was. They look great though!?! :)
The models came out great. To get good photos, put a sheet of paper on the plane you want the camera to focus on, press the shutter lightly, to let it focus, then drop the paper and finish pressing the camera button, and it will stay focused on that plane. This is standard for most digital camera, the ones on phones too. I wish more people would practice this to get sharp pictures. This is why parts laying on a table always come out sharp, the infrared signal is bouncing back and the distance read against the table surface, the part being on that surface comes in clear.

The picture of the boom, pylon and drive, for the Enterprise(?) you posted looks fantastic!! :)

I am definitely going to find out how to use my new phone cam, and how to upload them on to my laptop. The biggest problem is that when I press the button to snap the photo, my hand is very shakey.
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Same thing happens to me. Do the best you can and don't worry about it. You're doing fine. ;)
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If anyone complains about it, just tell him/her to make better pictures when these ships are travelling at high warp! ;)
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What I need to do is get a large tripod and then zoom in and snap the pic, while clamping the light effects buttons.
I see a lot of tripods at 2nd hand or thrift shops. You don't need a large one, just one that works. :)
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I'm still working on it bro! LOL! Next, a regular sized Ron's 1701 with lights and after that the big Excelsior you have been waiting on. All I have to do is test the thickness of the poster paper with this black paper glued to the back of it. I will be using black poster paper glued to the back, instead of this almost tissue thickness for the light blocking.
Since this Excelsior build of yours will be the first, after many have tried and given up, should we call it the "great Experiment?"
I think that I might do a key and lock design to make the nacelle struts lock into the rolled tube for the nacelle length support. The nacelles will be at least 20'' long. Then the same type of affair for the central strut support and down to the stand to make it firm and partially enable the entire ship-the same thing coming down the neck from the saucer. Still working things out in my mind first.
Hi. I am still picking off little projects I had started before I get rolling on a regular sized RON C 1701. I will post pics of my progress on that later. THE DC has been encouraging me to do a large Excelsior blow up of Clever's version. I think I have learned enough now to take a crack at it. It might not be 1/350 size but It will be big. Now that Rawen has made a terrific 1701-D, I might have to create a huge one of those too someday!
Meanwhile, I love this TOS version of the Reliant Wrath of Khan enemy ship, don't you?

I always thought the Reliant class made more sense than some engines on top of some ridiculously long thin tubes. It made more sense, and they have way more shuttle craft space. ;)