The Building of the Galactic Fleet

Download "Babylon 5: I've found her!", "Danger and Oportunity", it;s free, it models Newtonian physics, so you had better be ready to use all the engines, forward, side slip, as the dogs fights are incredible, and if yur not careful, and go to fast, you will be out of the fight and never get past the level. You travel through Hyperspace, it feels just like the series. You can fly in a Star Fury all over the place, make up your own battle scenarios. It's quite incredible. Download the WHOLE package, with all the options, and take the training course, or you won't be able to understand what's going on. I played that game, without being "Indestructible', but it took quite some tie. The ending is quite surprising, when you find out who you really are.

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Actual game screenshots:

ea_atmo_shuttle_001.png frt_eye_can02.png ifh_mod_001.jpg
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Download "Babylon 5: I've found her!", "Danger and Oportunity", it;s free, it models Newtonian physics, so you had better be ready to use all the engines, forward, side slip, as the dogs fights are incredible, and if yur not careful, and go to fast, you will be out of the fight and never get past the level. You travel through Hyperspace, it feels just like the series. You can fly in a Star Fury all over the place, make up your own battle scenarios. It's quite incredible. Download the WHOLE package, with all the options, and take the training course, or you won't be able to understand what's going on. I played that game, without being "Indestructible', but it took quite some tie. The ending is quite surprising, when you find out who you really are.

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Gives me an error that host is not available when I try to do the windows download installer :frak:
The last Console I owned and played was the nintendo 64.. I did try the Battlestar Galactica online game at but that left alot to be desired.. Kinda like Star Trek Online game as well.
I still love the N64. My son & I still play it quite a bit. He likes the Mario, Starfox & Zelda games & I like Goldeneye ,Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire & Xwing:Rogue Squadron. They never seem to get old, at least for me. Though we have wore that poor old console out!
Thanks for that link Zathros! I downloaded it & started playing. Everything seems to work, but my screen size is off. I'm not sure what kind of graphics card my computer has, but I may need an upgrade before I can play this game properly. I don't think what I have is enough. Still, pretty cool looking game though, I love all the screenshots. I saw some pretty informative tutorials on YouTube also. That's the kind of game that will get me in trouble with the wife!:nailbiting:
The game is awesome, that it's free, is amazing. You can create your own scenarios, and there are many made by players that are awesome. There is one game strategy, just remember when you get to that level, destroy target and destroy "Green" or you won't get past that level, you'll see why, if you fail, failing is even fun in this game. The modeling of Newtonian physics is the best of any game I've played. The only thing similar is Orbiter, and that is a Space Simulator, extremely dificult to master, just trying to find the I.S.S. and then docking without blowing up the thing took me a month! You will learn more about space flight than you could ever imagine, and landing that Space Shuttle, on the Runway you are supposed to is one of the best feelings. Tons of mods available, like the Enterprise, etc. No scores, no shooting, just your personal best. :)

Orbiter =

Indonesia.jpg Iss_atlantis.jpg Florida_lvl14.jpg Atlantis_hst.jpg gallery68.jpg gallery65.jpg gallery71.jpg

Takes a while to fly here! (unless you compress time, which you can, but the errors in navigation happen extremely fast, and you can end up without fuel, floating in space. Basically, dead. ;)
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Thanks for that link Zathros! I downloaded it & started playing. Everything seems to work, but my screen size is off. I'm not sure what kind of graphics card my computer has, but I may need an upgrade before I can play this game properly. I don't think what I have is enough. Still, pretty cool looking game though, I love all the screenshots. I saw some pretty informative tutorials on YouTube also. That's the kind of game that will get me in trouble with the wife!:nailbiting:

Check the game settings, I believe there are different sizes you can use to fit it to your screen, it's been a while. I think it's under Graphics settings, or something like that under "Options", or whatever they call it. ;)
Check the game settings, I believe there are different sizes you can use to fit it to your screen, it's been a while. I think it's under Graphics settings, or something like that under "Options", or whatever they call it. ;)
That Orbiter game looks like a lot of fun. I downloaded it, & it seems to be working great! I'll check out the settings for the B5 game too. I may have to wait a bit before starting to play either of them though, or I'll never get the house ready to finish our moving in.:( Thanks again for those links! :)
Oh, these will suck the time out of a day really fast. Orbiter is considered a Simulator, out a game. Some people never even find the I.S.S. let alone dock with it, and it's been so long, I think I have forgotten most of the commands. These are ships flown by computer, and very short bursts of the retro rockets, to make quick adjustments, so quick, you would not want to use a Joystick. I practiced taking off in the SSTO Spacecraft Shuttle and would go into Space, and just turn around and try to land on the runway, that took a long time! ;)
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The game is awesome, that it's free, is amazing. You can create your own scenarios, and there are many made by players that are awesome. There is one game strategy, just remember when you get to that level, destroy target and destroy "Green" or you won't get past that level, you'll see why, if you fail, failing is even fun in this game. The modeling of Newtonian physics is the best of any game I've played. The only thing similar is Orbiter, and that is a Space Simulator, extremely dificult to master, just trying to find the I.S.S. and then docking without blowing up the thing took me a month! You will learn more about space flight than you could ever imagine, and landing that Space Shuttle, on the Runway you are supposed to is one of the best feelings. Tons of mods available, like the Enterprise, etc. No scores, no shooting, just your personal best. :)

Orbiter =

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Takes a while to fly here! (unless you compress time, which you can, but the errors in navigation happen extremely fast, and you can end up without fuel, floating in space. Basically, dead. ;)
View attachment 151079

Z -

Actually there's another good space sim out there called Independence War (or I War) & I War 2. The 2nd one is the better of the two allowing you to travel to a lot of different places. The graphics aren't bad for an early 2000's game. There is a bug in one mission, but somehow I was able to overcome it and finish the game. If you can find a copy check it out.

Sky Seeker
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The 2 games I really like are Escape velocity Nova and Endless Sky.


Hmmm... now that we're going down that road. EV Nova is great! It reminds me of a cross between Star Control 2 and Elite.

Never played Endless Sky.

I've also enjoyed playing Freelancer, the X-series, Wing Commander Series, X Wing, Tie Fighter, Elite (the Original - haven't played Elite Dangerous yet), Star Control series (which isn't quite what I would call a space sim), but still is fun especially SC2 (See also the Urquan Masters), Homeworld, Starcraft, and Kerbal Space Program.

I would one of these days like to play Space Engineers, but I don't have the time to get into that these days.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker

Hmmm... now that we're going down that road. EV Nova is great! It reminds me of a cross between Star Control 2 and Elite.

Never played Endless Sky.

I've also enjoyed playing Freelancer, the X-series, Wing Commander Series, X Wing, Tie Fighter, Elite (the Original - haven't played Elite Dangerous yet), Star Control series (which isn't quite what I would call a space sim), but still is fun especially SC2 (See also the Urquan Masters), Homeworld, Starcraft, and Kerbal Space Program.

I would one of these days like to play Space Engineers, but I don't have the time to get into that these days.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker

Endless sky is pretty much an updated version of EV Nova. You can mod pretty much the same as well. And yes EV Nova is a great game which I still play .

I also have Space Engineers but unfortunately I just couldnt get into the game play.
Endless sky is pretty much an updated version of EV Nova. You can mod pretty much the same as well. And yes EV Nova is a great game which I still play .

I also have Space Engineers but unfortunately I just couldnt get into the game play.

Oh I forgot to mention Privateer and Privateer 2. Privateer was one of the first games with voice (sold separately of course). Pretty cheesy by todays standards, but not too shabby for 1993. The cut scenes for Privateer 2 were great. Watch them on you tube if you have the chance.

Sky Seeker
I put together another Mini-Viper this evening. Found a little time to do a little bit of modeling amidst moving. This being my second attempt, I do think this one turned out much better than the last one I assembled. (though this one is still pretty rough, they are so tiny & take a lot of patience.) My hope is that they will look better with each one I build. I would still like to build a few squadrons to display along with the rest of the fleet, & possibly a skirmish diorama between Vipers & Cylon Raiders. The instructions are included with each mini-model (available in Resources) & are self explanatory. Not much, but one tiny addition to the fleet. Enjoy! :)image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpeg
I cannot make models that small! Incredible!!

Another game:

The Babylon Project, it's based on FreeSpace. My son loved that game, not so hard is Babylon 5: IFH. :)
I like the little Viper. I have been wanting to try my hand at this. When I rebuild the (TOS) Galactica, I may make the tiny (TOS) Viper for it.
You are doing a GREAT JOB on all of these models!
I put together another Mini-Viper this evening. Found a little time to do a little bit of modeling amidst moving. This being my second attempt, I do think this one turned out much better than the last one I assembled. (though this one is still pretty rough, they are so tiny & take a lot of patience.) My hope is that they will look better with each one I build. I would still like to build a few squadrons to display along with the rest of the fleet, & possibly a skirmish diorama between Vipers & Cylon Raiders. The instructions are included with each mini-model (available in Resources) & are self explanatory. Not much, but one tiny addition to the fleet. Enjoy! :)View attachment 151179View attachment 151180 View attachment 151181


This is really good and it does look more detailed than the last time (how'd you do that?!?).:surprise: Great work!:Bravo: I'm going to have to try to build one for the Defender & also to see if I can do it just for kicks.:)

Have a great day & good luck with the move!:animated:

Sky Seeker:biggrin:
I like the little Viper. I have been wanting to try my hand at this. When I rebuild the (TOS) Galactica, I may make the tiny (TOS) Viper for it.
You are doing a GREAT JOB on all of these models!
I have been wanting to rebuild the TOS Galactica too. My first build was put together rather quickly. I've really been thinking of doing another build, but taking my time & doing a WHOLE lot of 'greebling', & possibly installing some LED or fiber optic lights throughout the ship. I'm trying to figure out how I can enlarge the Gearz Galactica to 3 foot. Just toying around with some ideas right now though. Any suggestions?
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