your fav movie OF ALL TIME

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New Member
Jun 24, 2010
I know it's hard to pick one but mine's probably star wars. it's still awesome 30 years later.
I'm such a geek ._.
When I was kid I mostly enjoyed “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” movie. It was my favourite movie of all time.
It will be either My Neighbor Totoro or Kiki's Delivery Service. I can't decide.
Models must be in it!

Thunderbirds (TV-series and movies, except the last one....) and Team America Worldpolice.

As with music and books, I don't have an "all time favourite". It depends a lot on my mood, or my growing/learning process.

However, I still enjoy "Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa" (Ghibli) and Blade Runer (Ridley Scott).

"Legend" (also by R. Scott), "Casablanca", "Labyrinth", and "Lost in Translation" are among the movies I never get tired of watching.

Same happens with Scareface, Armageddon, Alien, Aliens, Alien III, some movies by Tim Burton, many movies starring Humprey Bogart, movies by Orson Welles and Michael Bay....
and a long etc.
The Matrix.

Not so much the special effects as the story line. There is MUCH truth in this movie, we are all in the matrix, in culture and religion. How many people question WHY they believe what they believe, WHY they observe the traditions they observe, it's the question that drives us. Allways seek the truth, in all things. Question with boldness, take nothing at face value.
Having been around a good long time, I've found my list changes over time, but my all time favorite film remains from childhood: the original 1933 King Kong. It was the Avatar of it's day (and then some) and I think it holds up well. I was all ready to despise Peter Jackson's 2005 remake, but I found it one the rare times (or the only time) a remake of an old favorite turned out respectably. It gave us modern-style movie thrills without insulting the original.
Star Wars
This film is a legend of all time. From light saber, amazing characters (especially Darth Vader), and the whole story of all series. :wave:
If I had to pick a single favorite it would be 2001: A Space Odyssey, but there are a few dozen other films that are right up there with it.
I can't pick an all time favourite either but there are films that I can always watch,you know ones that come on TV and you go Not that again! then sit and watch it. Among these are A Matter of Life and Death, Zulu,Battle of Britain and The Fifth Element but there are loads more and some films I can't find to watch like The Night that panicked America.
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