Wings of Freedom - The Pegasus from Canon


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Hi fellow paper warriors,

I have a very special friend who deserves a gift. Since she likes horses very much I have decided to make the Pegasus from Canon Creative Park for her in order to say "thank you":

This particular piece has been on my build list for quite some time but I had no real reason to make it - until now.

The instructions are pretty straight forward but there are some pretty fancy foldings involved. If you build it with your family I strongly recommend having an adult standing by for assistance. Well then, let the fun begin! :)

I started with the tail:



Pretty easy. Then I tackled the aft legs:



Again a piece of cake.

The ... well, if this was an airplane I would call it the "aft fuselage section" :D :



Some nice diap... - erh, trousers, eh? ;)

The piece between the legs was a bit tricky because the instructions do not reveal the correct shape. This is how mine looked:


And everything installed:


I'm doing things back to front: ;)


As you can see I am using the flaps. I decided to leave them because I have not made this model before and they give a good indication where the parts go. When you cut them off chances are high that the pieces are not attached correctly.

The procedure to assemble the segments is always the same: The part is cut out, glued into a ring and then attached to the previous segment. To make sure that the flaps of the larger body part get out of the way I fold them to the inside and start glueing with the two single tabs on the bottom of the ring which has to be attached. Then I apply some glue to the other tabs of the larger body part and press them up against the ring.


Four rings later it looks like this:



Time for the front legs:



And the joint between them:


Like the piece between the hind legs this piece was a bit tricky, too, because the instructions do not show exactly how this piece looks like when assembled.




Front legs and lower chest complete. :)
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Now we are taking a closer look at the head assembly.

All these strange pieces:


Will they really form a horse head later? Well ...


Apparently we have a Predator here, in his preliminary stages..! ;)


Wow, it turned into a pale Ninja turtle! :)


Nah, definitely no bleached Raphael... Looks like it is already sniffing for a carrot! ;)


HOLY! Another ALIEN..! :yesyes:


Thank goodness, it's coming together!





Head complete! :)
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Thank you! :)

Here come the wings.

Assembly is very straight-forward and easy as the step-by-step pictures show:







I used non-water-based glue on every part of the wings to make sure that the pieces kept their shape and did not get wavy.
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The top cover of the wings:




It is wrapped around the arm to conceal the textureless top area. Markings on the arm show exactly where to attach the cover.


It fits like a glove! :)


The right wing is assembled the same way:


Then it was time to combine the body parts. First I joined the head and the chest as shown in the instructions. The I was a bit unsure when to attach the wing mount recess. I chose to glue it to the back of the body before attaching the front half - which was a bit "un-clever".


In order to increase the space for my fingers to reach into the body I carefully resolved the connection to the sides of the body and folded up the recess cover part. Then I attached the front body.


This has to be done with special care in order not to create any wrinkles. Start from the bottom and work your way up slowly. Let the glue dry thoroughly after glueing each portion.


Then close the wing mount recess.


Everything fits without problems. :)
The wings were attached as shown in the instructions. I used A LOT of glue for that in order to make sure that the wings will stay where they belong in the next ten years (they are pretty heavy AND strong). ;) I used non-water-based glue so that the structure did not get weakened while the glue was curing.

I saved the ears for last to prevent them from being ripped off by accident. One thing I noticed: It is easier to attach them without flaps. However, there are some markings on the head which will show through the ears unless you don't cover them up first. I used some acrylic colour to make them invisible (Revell Aqua Colour Flesh; it matches fairly closely to the outline colour of the kit). Do not paint the areas grey or black because that does not look good.


Weather was fine again and I couldn't resist taking some pics of the model on my balcony. The Pegasus stands fairly well on its own as you can see. Ususally, this artificial "tripod pose" (two legs and tail) is regarded as a big NO-NO in the modelling world, however, it fits to this model. :)


And of course, some 3Ds: ;)




Next will be the custom stand. Stay tuned! :)
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Back inside again I prepared the new stand. I couldn't use the stand provided by Canon because it was too small for what I had in mind. You'll understand when you see the pictures. ;)

Well, what would be a present without some sweets? So I went to the shops and got a box of fine chocolates.


I also brought a sheet of blue card board with me and pulled some corrugated card out of my spare card box.

First I roughly traced the outlines of the chocolate box onto the corrugated card and cut out the shape. It needn't to be exact, it just had to be big enough to cover it.


Then I took the exact dimensions of the box, added about 2 mm to each side and cut the shape out of the blue card.


Rim pieces were also cut (4 cm high).


These were glued together


before the top cover was attached:


Since I was unable to use an internal skeleton I had to make sure that the cover would carry the weight of the horse without problems and would not sag over time. That's why I needed the corrugated card. It was glued directly to the blue cover from the inside.


Test fit:




Horse is happy, too. :)

BTW, during the construction I was wondering if she likes sweets, because I don't know that for sure. However, if she doesn't I would take the chocolates myself and put some sandwiches inside. :D ;)

Now up to some decoration. :)
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Thank you all! :)

@blake7 : GREAT smiley! ;)

Alright, update time! :)

As I mentioned before it am now preparing some decoration. The early Canon papercraft feature some very interesting infos on the model in the instructions. Usually I would cut this section out and glue it to the bottom or the back of the model so that anyone looking at it might learn something from it. In this case I went a different route. The text was in English but I wanted to prepare an equivalent in German. But simply placing a text somewhere would not have felt "right" here. My friend deserved something special.

So I plundered the internet and gathered the most interesting facts on the Pegasus. My main sources were wikipedia but I also found several science and mythology pages which served me well. I too ran several google picture searches to find the most awesome Pegasus images. Then I imported everything in CorelDRAW and put together some panels which were supposed to be turned into a little book.

The panels were printed ...


... cut out ...


... and folded in the middle.


The pages were glued back-to-back.



The pages were printed on regular 80 gsm paper, the cover on my favourite 160 gsm paper:




Front and back side were glued to the first and last page.



Book complete! :)
It's always a pleasure to see a real artist at work!
You make the difference between glueing some paper together and creating something very special as this object is.
I think it has to be a great privilege to have a friend like Revell-Fan!!! :)
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I did not know that model was so big. I'd be tempted to cover that with the right cloth velour, if I could find it, it looks fantastic. I use to ride horses a lot. The oddest place was City Island, New York, where on one stretch, you are next to I-95, an artery of a road in America!! My sister had a Barrel Racer that could jump any wall he saw. Ol' Red seemed to have wings.

Might be good to use as a "Trojan Horse". For that special friend!! :eek::)
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Fill it with some beetles which will eat their way through..! ;)

Another little piece of the puzzle is made:


This simple rectangle is folded in the middle and glued together. A lip is folded up.


Another fancy shape:


First piece glued to the top:


Do you guess what it is?


Correct - a desk for the book! :)

The desk is glued to the display box. Since the top piece falls off in a 45° angle there was no need to add a stabilizer preventing the desk from collapsing. It is quite stable and keeps its shape. :)


As you can see I have added some self-adhesive golden strips for decoration.


The image I chose for the constellation page in the book was a bit small so you were not able to see the Pegasus constellation clearly. So I added it to the stand:


First I made a sketch of the constellation in CorelDRAW. Then I printed two versions in different scales to see how big it had to be. The larger version looked right. I traced the star positions onto the base and connected the points with thin self-adhesive golden strips.


Then I attachd some glittering stones which now resemble the stars.


You may ask why I have put it that way since it is upside down when you look at it from the front. Well, I'll tell you in a flash. :)
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The Pegasus is glued to the base and when you look at the constellation from its POV it is orientated correctly. ;)



And when seen from the front you can actually make out the horse shape. The dark blue of the base gives the impression that Pegasus is standing on top of the heavens. In addition, it looks as if it is going to jump right over the booklet. Nice effect. :)

The finished piece:





The Pegasus itself is 31 cm tall, 44 cm wide and 29 cm long. The kit is cleverly engineerd and - what is absolutely remarkable - I had ABSOLUTELY NO FITTING ISSUES. Everything fell into place, so-to-speak. I used my regular 160 gsm paper for assembly. Major kudos to Canon and their designers. Thank you for this gift! :)
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