Why are RR and model RR books wrapped in plastic by retailers?


New Member
Jan 18, 2006
Twin Cities, MN
I've never understood the logic at train shows or hobby stores. At bookstores they hardly do that. I mean they actually want you to browse the book. I mean you're forcing us to judge a book by its cover.

Plus, it sort of feels creepy. I mean the only other type of bookstore that wraps its books in plastic are adult bookstores.
Unfortunatly, a lot of it is...... that some people "stand there" and "Read" every page. Or they read the "One Article" they need to gain what information they need for a particular problem or question and never buy the book. :( :(

This is of course, not liked by the store owner nor the publisher. It not only sometimes messes the book up, but for the most part - it is a "lost sale" :(

I have seen signs in stores: "This IS NOT a Library"!

or: "We made an agreement with the Library - they don't sell books, and we ask our customers not to read ours".

The latter is a blasphemy of the very common sign: We have an agreement with our bank, we don't extend credit & they don't work on cars.

And yes, it's sometimes not fair... but as the saying goes... Life's not fair either :( :( It's always a "few" that mess stuff up for the most of us :(
N Gauger said:
Unfortunatly, a lot of it is...... that some people "stand there" and "Read" every page. Or they read the "One Article" they need to gain what information they need for a particular problem or question and never buy the book. :( :(

And yes, it's sometimes not fair... but as the saying goes... Life's not fair either :( :( It's always a "few" that mess stuff up for the most of us :(

Yes, I see your point, but I don't think allowing people to browse books hurts Barnes and Noble. Now comic book stores often will board, bag and tape back issue since they have added value based on its condition. New comic books and new trades at comic book stores are free for browsing.

I see some books at shows or a store that I am very interested in, but I'm not going to spend 20-35 on a book without being to browse it, unless I'm really sure. Like I said Barnes and Noble aren't hurt by people browsing--they actually encourage it with tables and chairs and coffee.
I have seen where stores sometimes have one copy unwrapped , and have several more copies wrapped. I think this is ideal.

You're right :) but... the hobby stores I visit only get 20 copies at the most, maybe less of each issue... Barnes & Nobels (Where I "read every page") :D gets a case of each, because they have the money and the clientel... theres a bit of a difference there :)

I thought your question was geared to "Only hobby shops" :D

Also, I know about Comic Book stores --- I was an assistant manager of one - - years ago :)

You're exactly right about (wanting to see the inside of the books) that are bagged & Carded... If they arent "heat sealed" most dealers will let you page through the books... If they don't - I recommend not buying from them :(

I've bought Baldwin Locomotive Works employee books (Newsletters) and I page through every book before I buy them - just to see what's in there... Some I buy - most I just say "I'll be back" or "Nope - not interested - thanks" :D :D
I've tended to avoid buying hobby mgazines that are sealed and will check them out at places like Barnes and Noble or the library just for that reason. Then, sometimes I'll buy it from my hobby shop once I've decided I like it.
b28_82 said:
What about the hobby shops that tear off the top of the old MR and Trains magazines? I think there is a reason behind this but it irks me when i see that. :curse: :mad:

The reason the Top of the old magazine is torn off is the hobby shop has sent the title part of the magazine with the month published to report that that copy did not sell. They then get a refund for all magazines not sold. It is much less expensive to send an envelope stuffed with a half dozen magazine titles than to send back six complete magazine. The publishers do this to encourage the retailer to stock more magazines. If the retailer was going to be forced to pay for every magazine on the shelf without any way to recover the cost of unsold copies, they would not stock as many copies. The publisher would much rather have all of the stores carry as many copies as possible because they can't sell what is not in stock.
By the way my lhs wraps all hard cover books in plastic, but if anyone wants to look through one of the books, they will remove the plastic cover for browsing. Then the person can decide if the book is something they want to buy or not. That way, the books can be examined before purchase without damage to the books before they are sold.
Russ Bellinis said:
The reason the Top of the old magazine is torn off is the hobby shop has sent the title part of the magazine with the month published to report that that copy did not sell. They then get a refund for all magazines not sold. It is much less expensive to send an envelope stuffed with a half dozen magazine titles than to send back six complete magazine. The publishers do this to encourage the retailer to stock more magazines. If the retailer was going to be forced to pay for every magazine on the shelf without any way to recover the cost of unsold copies, they would not stock as many copies. The publisher would much rather have all of the stores carry as many copies as possible because they can't sell what is not in stock.
These "torn Cover books, should be sold at a huge discount. This is also a way for stores to "rip off" publishers. If the store pays $2.00 for a $4.95 mag, then tears the cover off, they get their $2.00 back.

You should only pay about 1/4 the cover price, because it's now 100% profit.

This used to be called "unsold/destroyed" meaning that the store destroyed the books, so no one made any money - since it was such an outdated issue, the store couldn't sell it.
N Gauger said:
These "torn Cover books, should be sold at a huge discount. This is also a way for stores to "rip off" publishers. If the store pays $2.00 for a $4.95 mag, then tears the cover off, they get their $2.00 back.

You should only pay about 1/4 the cover price, because it's now 100% profit.

This used to be called "unsold/destroyed" meaning that the store destroyed the books, so no one made any money - since it was such an outdated issue, the store couldn't sell it.
This practice dates way-y-y back. I worked in a store that sold magazines and comics when I was in my early teens. (yeah, that long ago).:rolleyes::rolleyes: Sending back the top of the cover signifies the magazine or comic was unsold and distroyed by the shopkeeper. Yet when we went around trading comics with other kids there were many that didn't have the top halves of their covers. No, as unscrupulous as the store owner was, he didn't sell them, he just threw them in the trash and the kids would go dumpster diving. It never made sense to me. Unsold newspapers went back to the newspaper, but unsold magazines went in the trash.

Unless they've changed policies since then, and it doesn't sound like they did, magazines with missing cover tops should be treated as stolen property if they are being sold. Like you said, 100% profit for somebody.:curse::curse:
The magazines with the top of the cover torn off should not be sold, as the LHS owner has sent back the top to the publisher signifying that it is destroyed. He receives a refund, and the publisher writes it off.

What my local hobby shop does is include these magazines in the occasional purchase, especially if the purchaser is a "newbie". Helps to get them hooked - I should know, it worked on me! ;) :D

Obviously you've never seen the episode of Steinfeld where at a book store, George takes a coffee table book into the "reading room" then is forced to buy it.
My local newstand puts most of the magazines in plastic, this really bothered me as I like to skim the magazine to see if there is anything I am interested in to justify the 5-6 dollar cover price. When I asked the manager about this, he told me he had many readers who would read the magazines and never buy. Can't pay the rent that way. Fortunate my local library carries an assortment of train and car magazines so I don't buy all that many anymore.