whats in 'The Box' (2 of 3)

whats in 'The Box'

Originally posted by Woodie
Is the Wolf Machine remote controlled? Or did the knock off siren go, and WOOOSHHH.... the driver's off to the pub! :p

>>>I remember reading some thing in their wage agreement about "no pictures"!! Then again, there is a handy pub right around the corner! Hmmm...better go check if he did bugger off for a quick one!

I just thought that you were modelling the new skid-free, low-impact working surface that OSHA has mandated. I think their specification calls for at least 50% poodle hair. PETA is marching on their headquarters as we speak ... or, I mean as I type.
Originally posted by billk
I just thought that you were modelling the new skid-free, low-impact working surface that OSHA has mandated. I think their specification calls for at least 50% poodle hair. PETA is marching on their headquarters as we speak ... or, I mean as I type.

OK, OK... I don't feel as bad now! Skid free is good:rolleyes:
