what is A DODX


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
N W Indiana
The other day I was out and had my camera lucky me ,Then there was a caboose never saw a DODX road name . any one with info on this jem .
normal speed is about 20 mph threw this zone . this was creaping i was able to double back to get this shot .


  • DODX 900.jpg
    DODX 900.jpg
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Never heard of DODX either, but considering the windows not being covered up, I'd say it's one of those fancy cabooses that sales people ride in when escorting some kinda large shipment on rails. Cabooses nowadays are either that or old, neglected ones that are used for switching and are boarded up.
Never heard of DODX either, but considering the windows not being covered up, I'd say it's one of those fancy cabooses that sales people ride in when escorting some kinda large shipment on rails. Cabooses nowadays are either that or old, neglected ones that are used for switching and are boarded up.

Actually not all cabooses are boarded up..Some are still in service as fully operation cabooses.

This video was taken by a friend that lives in Marion.

YouTube - CSX local at Marion Diamonds

Another fully operational caboose
YouTube - CSX light engine movement
Actually not all cabooses are boarded up..Some are still in service as fully operation cabooses.

This video was taken by a friend that lives in Marion.

YouTube - CSX local at Marion Diamonds

Another fully operational caboose
YouTube - CSX light engine movement

Ah OK, thanks for showing me that. I should have known cabooses were still in service somewhere!wall1 Most of my source for this is from many articles talking about the disapearing caboose (one of them Model Railroader Magazine!)
I was really happy the way it came out .only a bit of fudging on the contrast , it was really sunny that day . I did not want to enter onto rr property and those side ports kinda put me at a distance too.
no one was waving as it went by .let it go .
DODX, for sure Dept. of Defense...DODX flats hauling any kind of military material & vehicles up to M1A1s, with one of those cabs as rider/guard/? accompanying the move. Have you noticed any all-black Suburbans with real DARK windows around since taking this shot ??? Just pullin' yer leg...HONEST ! Bob C
Like others have already said That's a Department of Defense caboose and usually accompanys military and high priority shipments. Sometimes they'll also have cabooses lettered for the railroad's police department and use railroad police as security for military shipments too. Many times though these cars won't be spotted on the end but rather in the middle of the train to allow the police quicker access to all the cars.
That is exactly what I have been told around here . The train was not that long really about 17 cars so if they had a few guys in the engine and a few in the rear .Bingo ..also there were two engines pulling it .
Tommy .