what happened????????


Apr 10, 2002
camp douglas Wis.
Visit site
WOW, I was off the computer for a couple of days and when I came back it was like something took over the forum! All new names and posts. Did someone rent out space to another forum? Sure has changed, even the posts don't make much sense. Hey Shamus if your still out there send me a PM and let me know whats going on. Thanks:eek:
Andy I ain't Shamus but I sent you a heads up PM to clue ya in to whats happinin'
Just a bunch of folks who have found The Gauge a good place to be after another forum shut down. I'm not up on all the inside references from the other site but they're pleasant folk and Gaugers now. :)
As one of the recent refugees from the other forum first I would like to say thanks to all the Guagers for the warm welcome and perhaps shed some light on a few of the eccentricities that have followed us here.

The break room that you may have heard about is a good morning post that was regular made by one of the moderators. It was fashioned after a break room where folks would get together to start their day with a virtual cup of coffee and donuts. It is a place to say good morning and tell a little something about yourself. Many of the posts centered around current model railroading projects or events. Sometimes it was a place just to get a laugh or vent a little. It was also a place where new members were welcomed and could introduce themselves. So I encourage you to wander in for a spell.

The Blue Note is a late night version of the break room. A place to kind end the day.

The infamous jug is a virtual jug of Graham County finest. (although I did see a picture of it somewhere). Basically its there to take a hit off when your having a bad day and need a drink.

I hope that helps. If I mucked up anything I am sure one of the other ex-RR-Liners can explain it better or maybe more in depth. Also they maybe able to explain something I missed.

I can’t believe Wolv hasn’t been here yet.

(uhh I am not being formal, just keeping you straight from Fassett if he should wander in here) :D :D :D :D

I have. LOL! Actually, I took an hour or so to go watch a DVD. Hey, it is Friday afterall. LOL!

Besides, tonight was AYCE night at Ponderosa! I could NOT pass that one up.

Anyhow, you pretty much explained it to the "regulars." No need for me to intervene.

Wolv no problem I am used to it. My father's name was also Tom so I grew being called either TomP or Tommy Pat. the Pat and P are for Patrick. And I definitely don't want to be confused with the other guy.
Yep Andy,
One cold rainy night, these guys came knockin', & we let 'em in!
They brought a bunch of their friends with 'em, a lot of fun, friendly chat, & some new, cool ideas for Thr Gauge...
I kinda hope they stick around!
i would like to take this time to bid all newcomers a warm welcome!! I just clicked on the other night and paniced. Catt filled me in as to what happened at RR-LINE, sorry to here about that,basicly I thought thats what was happing here. If I offended anyone I apologize. So everyone sit back, put your feet up, make yourself at home and get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Morning Tom, well crap...its afternoon now. Where did the time go?

Oh well...

Ain't nothing wrong with Fassett, as he is a "righteous dude."

I just wanted to keep y'all straight in here.

TomF maybe be a smartbutt, but he is quite knowledgeable in MRRing and railfanning and he is friendly.

He puts on a facade here in the forums, but outside of here he is a great guy to know and talk to.

Besides, if he gets under my skin, I just boot him. LOL!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Just kidding, Fassett.

Originally posted by Wolv33
Ain't nothing wrong with Fassett, as he is a "righteous dude."

Will you speak with the criminal psychologists? They're always sayin' something different about me... :mad:

TomF maybe be a smartbutt, but he is quite knowledgeable in MRRing and railfanning and he is friendly.

HEY! That's hittin' close to home! Besides, it is totally untrue. I'm not really that knowledgeable in MRRing. I just steal all my ideas from the rest of you...:D

Besides, if he gets under my skin, I just boot him. LOL!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Just kidding, Fassett.

Later. [/B]

Yeah, sure ya' are... BTW, what's this little laughing skull that comes up on my computer everytime I turn it on? Know anything about that, Mr. Hacker?.... (Why you little--I oughta whack you with a rolled up newspapaer...):p

Tom F (he, he):D

Yeah, sure ya' are... BTW, what's this little laughing skull that comes up on my computer everytime I turn it on? Know anything about that, Mr. Hacker?.... (Why you little--I oughta whack you with a rolled up newspapaer...)


Why, I don't have the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. :rolleyes:

:D :D :D

You gotta' be kidding... After what we been through, I don't think we can BE offended...

Amen to that. Ohhh, was that NOT a sermon? :D :D :D :D

Just kidding... Tom is so right on that. I seriously doubt you offended us! You would have to be very malicious and hateful to to outdo what we have seen lately. And, I just do NOT believe there are those kinds of folks here. They "may" be out "there", but I haven't encountered anyone like that yet.

Yeah Tom; the folks here are absolutely wonderful, knowledgeable and very helpful without being demeaning at all... If anybody shows up who is to the contrary, Dave ZAPS 'em....REAL QUICK:eek: :D

Matt--Hershey, Pa.
Hope Y'all Stay!

Originally posted by Charlie
Yep Andy,
One cold rainy night, these guys came knockin', & we let 'em in!
They brought a bunch of their friends with 'em, a lot of fun, friendly chat, & some new, cool ideas for Thr Gauge...
I kinda hope they stick around!

Yeah Andy, They even brought their own food, entertaiment, and strong spirits:D WELCOME TO ALL!!!!:) :D
Originally posted by Matt Probst
Yeah Tom; the folks here are absolutely wonderful, knowledgeable and very helpful without being demeaning at all... If anybody shows up who is to the contrary, Dave ZAPS 'em....REAL QUICK:eek: :D

Matt--Hershey, Pa.

Dave is my hero!
Thank you Dave, for protecting the other 99.99% of us who actually see this as a way to relax and enjoy ourselves...:)

Tom F
Hi There alkcnw,

As the keeper of the Brakeroom I invite you and all of the other Rounders here 'bouts to stop in any ol' time. We open every morning, early, and have doughnuts and/or other goodies along with hot coffee and tea.

Y'all come on over now.

Oh yah, the Harleys get parked in the back room.