Weekly Photo Phun Week of Nov. 9

As I eluded to last week, our Z Car club finally got around to having our first car show at the diner. I sent my dad across the street and up the little embankment to take the picture. That's me in the lounger chair kicking back in front of my carbon silver Z!

Herc:wav: , your KCS SD60 looks GREAT!:thumb: very subtle, i can see it IS weathered:winki: . take it from me, DON'T over do weathering for the sake of pics, been there done that, not worth it. i am having the same problem, but on the other side of the spectrum, instead of chalks, i have been airbrushing ALL my engines(i started this weekend), and i have noticed in pics its hard to tell i have done anything, but they look good enough to me in person.

Rock Valley Sub News
The Rock Valley Sub has acquired 2 NEW engines this past weekend:thumb: . i got a call from "Big Ed"(crew chief) today and was told one of the two engines was an EX-Rio Grande SD40-T2, it was due back to the sub from Proviso yard in Chicago early this morning:winki: . i grabbed my camera and headed out to see it come in:thumb: , sure enough, about 8:30am i seen the newly acquired engine mixed in with ALL of the subs tunnel motors:thumb::mrgreen: , pics below:winki: . (the LAST pic is the NEW engine alone)

the OTHER new engine is an SD7, I'll post pics of it when i get done detailing it sometime this week:thumb: .
:deano: -Deano




Deano - thanks! I can't believe how washed out that SD60 looks posted here...I had weathered it dark enough where I wondered/worried that I gone too dark (although it did match the prototype picture pretty closely). I've got to figure out the room lighting to improve the picture details.

BTW - those patched SP units are killers...I'm convinced you have the only surviving Wonka Reduction Machine and have shrunk down actual engines for your layout. (I've got to do a patch unit (probably Conrail to NS or CSX) and weather it up one of these days.)
Deano: Sweeet lookin tunnel motors, especialy the snoot nose!:thumb::thumb:
THANKS MARK:mrgreen: , that SP SD40-T2SN was the FIRST tunnel motor i had bought:thumb: . i was going to pick up a UP SD40-T2SN this weekend:mrgreen: , i had it in my hands but was looking for a UP Y3, so i figured I'd come back and get it if i couldn't find the Y3...well, i DIDN'T find a UP Y3 and when i went back to get the UP SD40-T2SN...it was gone:frowns: .

THANKS Herc!:mrgreen: i know this might sound silly, but i have found most of my pics come out better/things show up better if i take them after the sun goes down, i think the light from the windows messes the lighting up in here:confused: . try taking pics at different times, it might hold true for you:winki: .
:deano: -Deano
Jeff it on Alco trucks, from a possible trad in?

Deano, love them tunnel motors!! I may patch my SP tunnel in the future, but don't think my D&RGW will ever get patched:cry:
no dynamic brakes?
Actually, this unit never had any.

Those are the wrong trucks.:confused:
Ordinarily that would be correct. For this unit they're the correct trucks.

Jeff it on Alco trucks, from a possible trade in?
You figured it out. It's an old EMD refitted with traded-in Alco trucks.

Is it the giant alien in the mirror on the far wall shining his brain sucking super psytronic zapper light at us?

No, but that sounds like a good piece for a sci-fi film.

Originally Posted by jeffrey-wimberl
Notice anything unusual?

That it was originally a conrail unit, painted thickly with black paint, and an air-mail paper decal with Alco Trucks from an athearn U23B?

Well, it was never a Conrail unit. The blue tinge you see is the reflection of the flash off the white paint. You're correct in that they are Alco trucks but they didn't come from an Athearn U23B, rather an MDC RS2. After a little surgery on the tops of the trucks they fit like a glove. The unit is actually modeled to resemble an old IC cast-off on it's last legs.
I'll add another one...

A road weary SD9 in a KP&W patch job that still reveals its Pennsy origins leads a more pristine and recent aquisition from The Standard Railroad of the World through the grade crossing at Ulster Ave. I had planned to make the other SD9 a KP&W patch job too but didn't have the heart to paint over those gold letters and the red keystone on the trailing unit. So, I imagine that my freelance purchased that unit just before the PC merger and it happened to be very well maintained. I can make myself believe it! :)

Originally Posted by jeffrey-wimberl
Notice anything unusual?

That it was originally a conrail unit, painted thickly with black paint, and an air-mail paper decal with Alco Trucks from an athearn U23B?

that blue looks to deep to be Conrail blue. I'd guess Mopac. besides, all conrail GP38s had dynamic breaks.
I'll add another one...

A road weary SD9 in a KP&W patch job that still reveals its Pennsy origins leads a more pristine and recent aquisition from The Standard Railroad of the World through the grade crossing at Ulster Ave. I had planned to make the other SD9 a KP&W patch job too but didn't have the heart to paint over those gold letters and the red keystone on the trailing unit. So, I imagine that my freelance purchased that unit just before the PC merger and it happened to be very well maintained. I can make myself believe it! :)


Nice. One day i'm going to have to figure out how to make logos that barely standout. i have a photo of an Amtrak GG1 where the PRR keystone is just barely visible.