Weathering Locomotives- Windows & Sealers


Another Fried Egg Fan
Oct 15, 2002
Drexel Hill, PA
As I am preparing to weather my first locomotive for real, I have a question. My question is should I remove the window glass (clear plastic) from the locomotive prior to weathering or prior to sealing. I read somewhere that sealers can make the glass (clear plastic) frosty or cloudy.

So far the only locomotives I have weathered have been for practice and they are old Tycos with no “glass”.

I did my first attempt at re-painting and weathering an engine and I did take out to plastic window insert. It wasn't easy since they had not intended for it to be removed, but with a bit of coaxing it came out intact. I have to say that in the case of a re-paint I would do it again this way, but just to weather an engine, I'm not sure it is worth the trouble.

I'd try one of the other suggestions first.

It is true that I used rubber cement for masking but that was a case of my being too impatient to get the proper stuff, which I now have. Rubber cement is risky as some plastics react badly to it. You can pick up Liquid Frisket or masking liquid at any art supply store - just make sure it's latex.

Of course if you're brushing instead of spraying or airbrushing you can probably get away without masking as Jon says.

I saw a photo on the cover of Model Railroader a few years ago of either an "E" or "F" unit in Northern Pacific colors I think. If I remember correctly, the picture was taken on the home layout of the owner of Micro Engineering. Anyway, he cut fan shaped masks for the windshield and masked off the area the windshield wipers would sweep, then he sprayed the locomotive with dullcoat. When the mask was removed, it looked like the locomotive had run through a rain storm and the windshields were filthy except where the wipers kept them clean.