Warhammer Thunderbolt


No TC, your Gunstar IS, a definite Wow. You do fantastic work on the CAD programs.

Myself, I do it the old fashion way, Drafting pencil, pen, ruler Paint and brush. On occasion I will use Paint-Shop for coloring and Graphics or Fonts. I got Poser, Daz 3D, and Bryce. by the time I get done with a figure in these programs, I could have been finished freehand. mind you I still use them as well as pepakura but I like the hands on approach better.:wave::wave::wave::wave:

Some pics of the T-Bolt Basic outline. Started on the weapons stores. Making of the Pylons for the bombs.

There are no plans, I just made them up as I built.


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Under wing Weapons Stores. Scratch built the pylons.

Rolled paper strip around a paper stick, the rounded the nose part with my dremel.

With a strip of poster board, I made the tails for the bombs.

Using the sticky label method, Cut strips of adhesive labels painted chrome yellow and wrapped them around the bombs.

Glued the stores to the underwing of the T-Bolt.


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THe Bombs are THE BOMB!

I read that and actually said, "What a cool idea!"

So how did you get the front ends to taper?

What did you do with the back end? Is it hollow?

How did you get the paper to stick like that without unrolling?

GADS I'm learning a lot from this thread!!!

I read that and actually said, "What a cool idea!"

So how did you get the front ends to taper?

What did you do with the back end? Is it hollow?

How did you get the paper to stick like that without unrolling?

GADS I'm learning a lot from this thread!!!

1. Tapering; I used my dremel but you can also do it with fine sandpaper, Heavy at the beginning and gently as you start to get the shape.

2. No, the bombs are solid rolled paper on a paper ear swab stick. with a little section sticking out to simulate the impact point.

3. I first shape the strip of paper by rolling it first on a nail or round device. I use white glue and swab the whole length sparingly and wrapping it as tight as possible on the paper stick to avoid gaps in the roll. I hold it in my fingers until I feel that the glue has set a bit and set it aside to fully cure.

Once it has cured, I then paint it.:wave::wave::wave::wave:
The Bombs

The T-Bolt is done, Add-ons may be fuel pods or las cannons for the wing tips. Just finished the stand, will post later after I paint it. Still planning as to what emblems to put on it.:wave::wave::wave::wave:


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I have but then I may get a letter from Games Workshop to cease and desist. This is an expensive resin model.

True, the official ForgeWorld model is expensive (as are all their models). However, I have seen in the past that they seem to enjoy good scratchbuilds. They only get a bug in their tail if someone tries to sell them, for example, if you were to start producing the Thunderbolt and marketing it. Personally, I've got an ork airship I want to send pictures of. Not paper, although it's covered in it.
I still got a few more items to add to this thread, before I consider it. The base is done but I am in the process of spiffying it up. Will post it soon.
The end is near.

In conclusion;

The last pic should have been #3 testing the balance of the pylon

1. Check on the tabs, I used foam board for the base and pylon. The I used posterboard to cover the foam board.

2. I used two sheets of foam board staggered to get the angle look. I beveled the bottom board to get that angle look for the Logo.

3. I scanned the front page of my Aeronautica Imperialis and lifted the Logo. I use glue sparingly on the back side and placed it on the stand.

4. I sprayed the base with grey Primer before attaching the Logo

Now where do I put the name of the Flyer????


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The end

The stand. Here stands the Thunderbolt ready for the Hordes of Orks, Eldars and Chaos.

Add ons as mentioned earlier might be fuel pods for the tips or las cannons like on the lightning on the wing tips. This beast is done.:wave::wave::wave::wave:

Strength and Honor


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You really ought to submit this to Starship Modeler's Reader's Gallery. It deserves the publicity. And it would be nice to see something besides another Federation Starship or Gundam Robot.
I am taking a little break now but there are a few items that I am working on. Warhammer is taking a a lot of my time now but eventually I will gravitate to other sections of Sci-Fi.

Planning on a hunter killer option for my Super Chimera as well as a turret laser.

Working on the types of missiles or Las cannons for the Thunderbolt.

Gathering info and background for my version of the Valkerie

A possible Basilik Cannon and platform. (Aready have the plans drawn out.)

Eventually I will expand out of Zealot and contribute to other forums but Zealot is home for now.

Wing tip Las-Cannons. You can find the build in the Games and Gaming section, "Warhammer Lightning".:wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:


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The Bird is Done

Here are the last build sequence to the las cannons and the T-Bolt in general.

I hope that you enjoyed viewing this build as much as I did in building it. Sorry for the download since the original concept is not mine but Leigh's, and I hope that he looks at this build thread an re-post his plans again. They are very basic but if you should attempt to build this Flyer, check with Games workshop and Forge World for the details. I looked up the reference details after I started to build the Thunderbolt. Pay particular attention to the nose section. It is totally different in the Forge world design. Also to note that the rear stabilizers are larger than Leigh's plans and the fuselage is a little longer. There should be a larger space between the side engines and the rear stabilizers.

This Thunderbolt has more teeth and claws than the forge world version. If you plan to use it in game play, you will have to allow for more points for the wing tip cannons and the full bomb load complement.

Now on to other subject matter. I am presently in the process of another Warhammer item for the Imperial Guard, will start to post soon. After that I will probably start on A War Between the States (Civil War for you Yankees), :wave::wave:12 pounder cannon. It might be posted in the everything else or the armor section.

Till next posting

Strength and Honor


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